
Sunday, March 22, 2020

2020 - Covidcation - Day 2

I still haven't gone 24 hours of staying home yet, but Illinois didn't start it's state directed "shelter in place" measure until 5 p.m. last night, so perhaps I'm still okay.  I thought I was going to go 24 hours, but then Amber and I went to her parents' home and played cards for a couple of hours.  Today is Sunday, so maybe today will be the first 24-hour period.

UPDATE...nope...took a little drive out to deliver a few things to Kenzie and Darren...not all bad, though.  Spending some time with Brooklyn and Brinley is always fun; plus, they have a new puppy, so playing with Zoe was fun too.

Jay's NEW NORMAL WORK DAY SCHEDULE (in development)
In order to attempt to keep a sense of normalcy, I think I'm going to try to establish a 1:30 dismissal schedule to each day.

Prior to 8:10 a.m.
- wake-up, feed animals, make a cup of coffee, watch the morning news (usually around 6 a.m.)
- stretch and exercise (varies) and clean kitty litter
- weigh myself and enter weight in the Google spreadsheet
- check banking account online and make any changes needed to Google Spreadsheet
- shower, shave, and get dressed for the work day.

8:10-8:46 - 1st period English III
8:51-9:23 - 2nd period Advanced English III
9:28-10:00 - 3rd period Advanced English III
10:05-10:37 - 4th period English III
10:42-11:14 - 6th period Study Hall
11:19-11:55 - 7th period English III
12:00-12:55- 5th period PREP
1:00-1:30 - C Lunch

Things for today
  • Possible
    • stretch and get a work out in
  • Scheduled
    • e-learning GMEET session - done 2:30 p.m.
    • after this meeting, I'm not feeling as positive about this e-learning thing...I think it's going to involve a BIG learning curve...I hope people are patient with each other.
  • Watched today's episode of Fledge Fitness - Intermittent Fasting
  • Watched Pastor Paul and viewed his message from RUMC.
  • Watched the 1983-84 Rockets beat Rock Falls 66-56.  I got my fourth foul at the end of the third period, but I reentered with about six minutes left in the fourth period and finished the game!  

Things that I NOW think about with the coronavirus.
  • Will the "worst-case-scenario" projections come true.  
  • I now consider all the people I'm coming in contact with, and I fear that the more people I come in contact with is increasing the likelihood that I could contract the virus and either experience symptoms or be a carrier. 
Things I Could Do or Need to Do In the Future
  • Call Modern Woodmen - Ruth Ahnen
  • Get the lawn tractor ready to go - sharpen the blades.
  • Organize my past pics (photo albums)
    • I did organize my storage totes...probably could throw a lot of it away in a dumpster, but I'm not ready to do that yet. 
    • I think I need to look at the top shelf and make sure there isn't anything that's mine up there...maybe I can tackle that tomorrow.  I thought there was a box of pics someplace - pics that Sue had forwarded to me. 
  • pick up my umpiring/officiating pants at Monster Sewing - was scheduled for this coming Tuesday.
Things At/For School
  • Pick up the trash around the grounds.
  • Finish course syllabus
  • Contact learning lab students
Things For E-Learning
  • Read a new book to the students.
  • Use Google Meet
  • Still could do (encore sessions) training path presenter series from videotaped sessions from past years.
  • Still could do short stories unit
  • Would need to get novels out to students to complete those units.
  • Videotape a lesson and post to classroom.
  • Still do journal write (not sure about share) using Blogger
  • Still have Free Read Wednesdays (e ticket/slip?)
  • Still can update EnvisonMe sites

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