
Thursday, February 23, 2023

Friday, February 24

 6:27 a.m. - Yesterday's school day was busy.  Today shouldn't be as busy, as part of yesterday was getting started on our next activity, which should be our last SAT style essay assignment.  Last night was good...getting to ride to Fulton with Shawn and Randy, and then having a good crew to work with in a regional game between two teams I hadn't had all year long. 

Tonight so far, I'm open, so I'm not sure if Amber and I are doing anything or not.  Maybe we are going to the Rockridge game?   

Things to do for school

  • load final group presentations into folder (3rd period group only one left)
  • Score and enter presentation scores - still one group (3rd)
  • work on research paper prompt
    • Write an argument in which you select an historical figure you have encountered so far in English III or U.S. History that would prove to be an effective leader for the United States in 2023. In your argument include research of relevant background information of your selected individual, as well as her/his effective leadership traits (and if you believe those traits would translate to today's modern challenges).

Things to do

  • Deposit checks into bank.
  • Pay beginning of month bills.
  • Order more officiating business cards.
  • Send mileage report to IHSA.


Fri. 24 - OPEN
Sat. 25 -- IHSA boys regional 6:00 p.m. at Fulton
25 - at Wethersfield - FS Boys Tournament - 9 a.m.

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