
Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Tuesday, September 24

4:39 a.m. - Two steps forward and one step back.  That was my day yesterday.  That's not all bad, right?  I got into some classrooms yesterday to conduct some informal observations, and we finally got the front landscaping of the building completed, which looks nice.  I got to Galesburg yesterday afternoon to do my first basketball officiating of the season at Costa Catholic, and I didn't feel very good, but I felt better than I expected.  

Today, we have some sort of performance at school that will be an instructional thing about dental care, so that's something to look forward to.  I have 13 emails waiting for me right now that have the Illinois City Elementary label, which is more information than I probably want to deal with right now, but I can't sleep anyway, so I might as well look over them.  And finally, it's back to volleyball officiating tonight with Jacqy in Erie.  I haven't done any volleyball for awhile, so that ought to be interesting.  Just another day in the life of JBiz. 

Things for School 

  •  check on certificates for upcoming academic celebration assembly
  • (Winn) for evaluation stuff - pre-conference, observation day, and post-conference


  • pay beginning of month bills next week
  • jury summons - week of 10-7-24
    • Call Sunday 309-204-9090
    • 14th Judicial Circuit Court
    • 1317 3rd Avenue, Suite 304
    • Rock Island
  • Dec. 19 8:30 a.m. Wang physical


24 - VB at Erie - 5:00 with Jacqy
25 - VB at Ridgewood - 5:00 with Shawn
26 - Carmen's Birthday!
        VB at Sherrard - 5:00 with Shawn
27 - blocked open - camping?
28 - blocked open - camping?
29 - blocked open - camping?
30 - JHBK at Williamsfield - 6 p.m. with Tony

1 - VB at Williamsfield - 5 p.m. with Jacqy
2 - Parent night at ICE 5 p.m.
3 - JHBK at Sherrard - 5:30 p.m. with Nesmith
4 - blocked camping????
5 - blocked camping????
6 - blocked camping????
7 - JHBK at Sherrard - 5:30 p.m. with Kraig
8 - VB at QC Christian - eye appointment - 11 a.m.
                5:00 p.m. with Gerald Carrothers
9 - VB at Ridgewood Cambridge - 5:00 p.m. with Shawn
10 - (THURSDAY) blocked camping Fort Madison - Columbus Day - reservation begins today
       admin meeting 10 a.m.
11 - blocked camping Fort Madison - Columbus Day
12 - blocked camping Fort Madison - Columbus Day
13 - blocked camping Fort Madison - Columbus Day
14 - blocked camping Fort Madison - Columbus Day
15 - BLOCKED - BOE meeting - 6:30 p.m.
16 - JHBK at MerCo - 5:30 with ????
17 - JHBK at MerCo - 5:30 with ????
18 - blocked
19 - blocked
20 - blocked camping - consider taking camper to Loud Thunder?
21 - JHBK at Orion - 5:30 p.m. with ????
22 - VB at MonRose - 5:00 p.m. with Shawn
       admin meeting 9 a.m.
25 - no school
        - blocked camping Loud Thunder - end of season
26 - blocked camping Loud Thunder - end of season
27 - blocked camping Loud Thunder - end of season
28 - JHBK at AlWood - 5:00 p.m. with Marcus
29 - open
30 - open
31 - BLOCKED Halloween

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