
Sunday, September 1, 2024

Sunday, September 1

7:03 a.m. - Tucker and Rosie spent the night last night.  Knox was here during the evening, but Kourtney and Pat picked him up around 9 p.m.  I got to watch the entire Notre Dame football game, and it was a good game with the Irish winning.  I love college football (and college basketball).  Earlier in the day I did get the yard mowed, but the ditches are still too wet to do any weed wacking.  Also before noon, I drove into Moline and did some shopping...just little things I needed to get.  I'm not a great shopper...takes me too long to get stuff - even t-shirts and underwear like yesterday.  

Today I think I'm going to visit the farm and see mom and dad, and I'll probably go have supper at the restaurant that Chase works at.  I'd like to get some exercise in; and maybe I'll try to get some school work done too.  Maybe I should also take a stab at finding that squeak on the camper and installing those new speakers.  

Things for School 

    • weeds wacked, spray fence lines and trim
    • Sept. 6 - dentist appointment 8 a.m.; active intruder drill in afternoon
    • Sept. 9 - CPI training at high school
    • Sept. 10 - data meeting 10:15 a.m.; staff meeting 3:45-4:45 at high school
    • Sept. 12 - admin meeting - 9 a.m.; 504 training 11:00 a.m.
    • Sept. 16 - BOE meeting
    • Dec. 19 8:30 a.m. Wang physical
    • Residential Correctional Facility - 1330 W 3rd St, Davenport, IA 52802


    3 - VB at Sherrard 5 p.m. with Shawn
    4 - open
    5 - VB at Mercer County 5 p.m. with Shawn
    6 - dentist appointment
        - blocked open - camping
    7 - blocked open - camping
    8 - Sunday - blocked open - camping
    9 - open
    10 - VB at Monrose 5 p.m. with Shawn
    11 - VB at Mercer County 5 p.m. with Jacqy
    12 - VB at Wethersfield 6 p.m. with Keith Knowles
    13 - blocked - camping
    14 - blocked - camping
    15 - blocked - camping
    16 - VB at Muscatine ???? Check on this
    17 - at Sherrard JHGBK 5:30 - with Temple
    18 - blocked open - camping?
    19 - blocked open - camping?
         Homecoming Parade and Pep Rally
    20 - blocked open - camping?
    21 - blocked open - camping?
    22 - blocked open - camping?
    23 - at Costa JHBK - 5:30 with ?
    24 - VB at Erie - 5:00 with Jacqy
    25 - VB at Ridgewood - 5:00 with Shawn
    26 - VB at Sherrard - 5:00 with Shawn
    27 - blocked open - camping?
    28 - blocked open - camping?
    29 - blocked open - camping?
    30 - open

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