5:30 a.m. - After a week off from any officiating, it's back at it. And tonight I have my first basketball game, which I'm completely out of shape and not prepared for. It's my own fault; I knew it was coming. I guess we'll get a chance to see how the old bum knee feels.
Yesterday I could have exercised, but I was a slug again like pretty much most of Saturday. The Bears were awful, so that was a waste of time. I did go visit mom and dad in the evening, so that was nice. I worked a little on the hot tub, but that's still a big question mark of whether to try to look into repairing it or just pitching it. I'm leaning towards pitching it as of now.
I've learned that Monday's are always hard at school, so I'll need to be ready to go this morning.
Things for School
- check on certificates for upcoming academic celebration assembly
- (Winn) for evaluation stuff - pre-conference, observation day, and post-conference
- pay beginning of month bills next week
- jury summons - week of 10-7-24
- Call Sunday 309-204-9090
- 14th Judicial Circuit Court
- 1317 3rd Avenue, Suite 304
- Rock Island
- Dec. 19 8:30 a.m. Wang physical
23 - at Costa JHBK - 5:30 with Scott Verstraete
24 - VB at Erie - 5:00 with Jacqy
25 - VB at Ridgewood - 5:00 with Shawn
26 - VB at Sherrard - 5:00 with Shawn
27 - blocked open - camping?
28 - blocked open - camping?
29 - blocked open - camping?
30 - JHBK at Williamsfield - 6 p.m. with Tony
1 - VB at Williamsfield - 5 p.m. with Jacqy
2 - Parent night at ICE 5 p.m.
3 - JHBK at Sherrard - 5:30 p.m. with Nesmith
4 - blocked camping????
5 - blocked camping????
6 - blocked camping????
7 - JHBK at Sherrard - 5:30 p.m. with Kraig
8 - VB at QC Christian - eye appointment - 11 a.m.
5:00 p.m. with Gerald Carrothers
9 - VB at Ridgewood Cambridge - 5:00 p.m. with Shawn
10 - (THURSDAY) blocked camping Fort Madison - Columbus Day - reservation begins today
admin meeting 10 a.m.
11 - blocked camping Fort Madison - Columbus Day
12 - blocked camping Fort Madison - Columbus Day
13 - blocked camping Fort Madison - Columbus Day
14 - blocked camping Fort Madison - Columbus Day
15 - BLOCKED - BOE meeting - 6:30 p.m.
16 - JHBK at MerCo - 5:30 with ????
17 - JHBK at MerCo - 5:30 with ????
18 - blocked
19 - blocked
20 - blocked camping - consider taking camper to Loud Thunder?
21 - JHBK at Orion - 5:30 p.m. with ????
22 - VB at MonRose - 5:00 p.m. with Shawn
admin meeting 9 a.m.
25 - no school
- blocked camping Loud Thunder - end of season
26 - blocked camping Loud Thunder - end of season
27 - blocked camping Loud Thunder - end of season
28 - JHBK at AlWood - 5:00 p.m. with Marcus
29 - open
30 - open
31 - BLOCKED Halloween
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