
Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Tuesday, June 4

6:36 a.m. - We need to get through today.  The weather is sticky and hot, but the storms are supposed to come through today and cool things off and have things dryer.  The rest of the week looks great if the weather forecast holds.  Getting through today means getting through a couple of softball games at Davenport North with Steve Cooper.  Steve is from Cedar Rapids, and he's a hoot.  I never know what to expect from him, so it could be an adventure.  We might be dodging raindrops and storms.  Then I have to get to Sherrard and do some basketball officiating.  I'm not physically prepared for that...I don't have any gear together either, so that's something I need to do this morning.

The camper is still out at Loud Thunder, and I like the spot it is in at the Horse Corral...that may become my favorite spot, but at the right times of the year.  And I feel somewhat guilty because I'm taking up a spot that could be used by someone with horses.  On the other hand, there is only one other camper there right now, and that camper doesn't have horses, so at least the area is getting utilized.  And the cicadas!  They are amazing.  There are two is the sound "up-front" that we generally hear all summer, and that's not a surprise.  It's the other constant sound that's special, almost like the constant background sound of bagpipes.  It's deeper in the woods.  The interesting thing is that both sounds quiet down around 7:30-8:00 p.m., and the deeper sound was waking up when I was outside the camper this morning around 6 a.m., but the up-front sound had not yet started.  I didn't hear any cicadas at all from inside the camper while sleeping.

I may not go out to the camper at all the rest of today and sense in not being able to sleep because of the forecasted rain/storms.  I'll just see how the day goes.  

Things for School 

  • none

  • Residential Correctional Facility - 1330 W 3rd St, Davenport, IA 52802
  • spray weeds
  • for professional development principal academy training
    • complete #3000 (June 17, 2024)  register by 6/10
    • complete #1865???? (June 13, 2024) register by 6/6 
  • For Summer Camping Adventure
    • fill LP tanks
    • purchase Glacier vehicle registration ticket for west entrance

Tues., 4 - at Davenport North 10 a.m. with Steve Cooper
                AND at Sherrard (F/S) - 4:30 with McPeek
Wed., 5 - Interview for Elementary in afternoon - 2 p.m. at Illinois City
Thurs., 6 - OPEN
Fri., 7 - at North Scott 10 a.m. (var trny) with Chuck Schuette
Sat., 8 - BLOCKED - camping
Sun., 9 - BLOCKED -Last day of camping at Horse Corral Site 14
Mon., 10 - at North 10 a.m.
Tues., 11 - at DeWitt 10 a.m.
Fri., 14 - at North 10 a.m.
Sat., 15 - at Monmouth Shootout - with Robbie and Jason
Sun., 16 - at Monmouth Shootout; Fathers' Day - not sure who with
Mon., 17 - BLOCKED - rest - AA COURSE
Tues., 18 -at PV 10 a.m. AND at Sherrard 4:30 (4) with McPeek and Kale
Thurs., 20 - at North Scott 8:30 a.m.
Fri., 21 - BLOCKED - camping
Sat., 22 - BLOCKED - camping
Sun., 23 - BLOCKED - camping
Tues., 25 - at PV 10 a.m. AND Sherrard League - girls basketball (2) 6:30 with Kale
Wed., 26 - at West 9 a.m. (var trny)
Thurs., 27 - BLOCKED (Justin Sharp Shootout?) AND 5:00 p.m. Sherrard (3 games) with Nesmith
Fri., 28 - BLOCKED - camping - (Justin Sharp Shootout)
Sat., 29 - BLOCKED - camping - (Justin Sharp Shootout)
Sun. 30 - BLOCKED - camping

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