
Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Tuesday, June 11

6:25 a.m. -  Yesterday's administrator academy at the ROE was brutal.  The Danielson model for evaluating teachers is much different using it from the administrator's side than the teacher's side.  I never really much worried about really understanding the model as a teacher - I just figured good teaching practice would take care of itself.  Plus, I never really got upset if my students never accomplished their learning goal because I figured they never would.  I still wanted to have reading and writing as the areas of the goals, though, because that's what students needed.  So I never really got upset if I was a proficient teacher or an excellent teacher.  When attempting to help teachers improve teaching practices, though, knowing the areas of the model and the language within the model is really important.  Sheesh.

After completing the day of training, I got home and worked on the pool and the hot tub.  The temperatures are going to climb this week, so there will be swimmers.  I just needed to get the pool vacuumed up and add some chemicals and chlorine tabs to the filter system.  The hot tub needed drained, reinflated, refilled, and chemicals added as well.  It won't be ready this morning, but it should be ready by this evening.  

Finally, I ended the evening by going to my mom and dad's and getting some grain for her and having a little visit.  It was nice to see them, I haven't been able to visit for a couple of weeks.  I need to get over there and help them do some yardwork.  Then again, I need to do some yardwork as well.  There just isn't a lot of time in my  calendar right now.

Things for School 

  • none
  • Read through information that was sent from Deb Taber
  • After 6/17 board meeting approval
    • send email out to staff
    • move furniture/belongings
    • get copy of parent-student handbook

  • look at camper television antenna
  • get removed from Sept. 16 volleyball at Muscatine
  • get removed from Oct. 15 volleyball at Orion
  • Cancel Growth Academy at ROE
  • Residential Correctional Facility - 1330 W 3rd St, Davenport, IA 52802
  • spray weeds
  • trim bushes
  • trim bushes at the farm and weed wack and cut trees
  • for professional development principal academy training
    • complete #3000 (June 17, 2024)  register by 6/10
    • complete #1865???? (June 13, 2024) register by 6/6 
  • For Summer Camping Adventure
    • fill LP tanks
    • purchase Glacier vehicle registration ticket for west entrance
Wed., 12 - TRAINING AT ROE - 8:30 - 4 p.m. -- Initial Evaluator Training
Thurs., 13 - OPEN MORNING; Meet with Barb McKay at 1:00 p.m.
Fri., 14 - at North 10 a.m.
Sat., 15 - at Monmouth Shootout - with Tony and Jason
Sun., 16 - at Monmouth Shootout; Fathers' Day - with Tony
Mon., 17 - BOE Meeting - 6:30 p.m.
Tues., 18 -at PV 10 a.m. AND at Sherrard 4:30 (4) with McPeek and Kale
Thurs., 20 - at North Scott 8:30 a.m.
Fri., 21 - BLOCKED - camping
Sat., 22 - BLOCKED - camping
Sun., 23 - BLOCKED - camping
Tues., 25 - at PV 10 a.m. AND Sherrard League - girls basketball (2) 6:30 with Kale
Wed., 26 - at West 9 a.m. (var trny)
Thurs., 27 - BLOCKED (Justin Sharp Shootout?) AND 5:00 p.m. Sherrard (3 games) with Nesmith
Fri., 28 - BLOCKED - camping - (Justin Sharp Shootout)
Sat., 29 - BLOCKED - camping - (Justin Sharp Shootout)
Sun. 30 - BLOCKED - camping

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