5:27 a.m. - Yesterday, we got rained out at North Scott. I was most of the way there when we received the call, which sort of sucked, but the good news was that I had the day to work on getting more stuff moved over to the Illinois City office. I was able to finish that effort, and apparently that's a good thing because the window guys were closing in on my old room. That room is really going to look nice with those new windows.
So with the desk and belongings moved, the office is taking shape. I have some additional work that needs completed, but I did get the desktop computer connected and up and running. I also figured out how the air conditioner works.
After being "at the office", I got home and mowed the yard. I finished the majority of the yard, and then a pop-up rain shower arrived and stop me from getting the push mowing done. That's on the agenda for today. Last night after getting rained out from mowing, I went to where Chase works and had a chance to talk with him a bit. He really looks great. I hadn't had a face-to-face conversation with him since November, so it was such a joy to even have a few minutes to see him and give him a hug and tell him that he looks great and that I'm proud of him. He still has a long ways to go, but he's gotten this far. After that I went and saw my friend Greg, and I haven't seen him in a long time either. It was great just to sit and chit-chat with him and catch up on how he's doing as well as his family.
Today, I'm meeting with the group of classroom teachers at Illinois City to discuss their thoughts on the daily "master schedule". I may end up meeting with other staff members if they ask, which one already has, which is fine. I'm just trying to learn the puzzle pieces individually before I try to wrap my brain around how they all fit together. That's likely hard for folks to understand...I'm not trying to leave people out. I'm trying to focus on each part to best learn first, and then bring the parts together.
With all of this, I'm not real sure how long I'll be at the Illinois City office today. I'd like to get home sometime and finish the yard. The weather forecast is calling for heavy rain Saturday night, so with this heat and now all this rain, I may be mowing again all of it on Sunday.
Things for School
- Work on IC to-do list
- Purchase binders
- July 1 - MAPS Discussion 10 am - Saey
- determine whether or not to have a 10 a.m. meeting at IC with core teachers on scheduling
- history project - need to make a list of the schools...try to get a count
- Riverbend Signworks
- After 6/17 board meeting approval
- send email out to staff
- move furniture/belongings
- get copy of parent-student handbook
- get a copy of joint committee evaluation process
- collective bargaining agreement - https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/2360/rsd/2372303/CBA_2022-25.pdf
- push mow the yard trim
- pay beginning of month bills
- Post facebook post of history of Rockridge name...Thursday or Friday
- look at camper television antenna
- get removed from Sept. 16 volleyball at Muscatine
- get removed from Oct. 15 volleyball at Orion
- Residential Correctional Facility - 1330 W 3rd St, Davenport, IA 52802
- wack and spray backyard and fence weeds
- For Summer Camping Adventure
- fill LP tanks
- purchase Glacier vehicle registration ticket for west entrance
Sun., 23 - BLOCKED - no camping...too hot
Tues., 25 - at PV 10 a.m. AND Sherrard League - girls basketball (2) 6:30 with Kale
Wed., 26 - at West 9 a.m. (var trny)
Thurs., 27 - BLOCKED (Justin Sharp Shootout?) AND 5:00 p.m. Sherrard (3 games) with Nesmith
Fri., 28 - BLOCKED - camping - (Justin Sharp Shootout)
Sat., 29 - BLOCKED - camping - (Justin Sharp Shootout)
Sun. 30 - BLOCKED - camping
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