7:41 a.m. - Despite the weather being crappy, I was able to get some things accomplished with the pool yesterday. Plus, I was able to get a lot of stuff into storage in the storage shed. Today, the task is to winterize the pool with antifreeze and get the cover on. Those are easy things to do, but perhaps Mother Nature will give me a little nicer day to accomplish all of that.
Also yesterday, I was able to watch some football. Illinois and Notre Dame both won, so that was nice to see.
I think we are going to church service this morning, and I would like to get some assignments scored. I also need to get a lesson plan figured out for tomorrow. The Bears are on at noon...it would be nice to watch them. I'd like to go see mom and dad sometime too.
Things for School
- enter scores for intro and body paragraph assignment
- Oct. 20 - distribute PSAT survey to students
- Lesson plan for Oct. 16
Things to do
- reply to Knauff about dates we might be interested in
- Oct. 18 - proctor PSAT in the morning - periods 1-3
- Oct. 19 - eye appointment 11 a.m. -- complete sub folder
- figure out pool motor issue (capacitor new motor?)
- Friday, October 20th -- HHR gets fixed at Slayden's
- register for last camping weekend at Loud Thunder
- complete IHSA basketball stuff
- complete Iowa basketball stuff
- read through basketball new rules
- Dec. 6 - 8:30 Wang - physical
- Location: Rock Valley Physical Therapy - 3385 Dexter Ct, Suite 203, Davenport, IA 52807 Date: Saturday, October 28 Time: 10AM Price: FREE!
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