5:21 a.m. - I guess the winterization of the campers was completed just in time! Baby, it's cold outside and the trick or treaters tomorrow will have to bundle up. We had some kids in costume yesterday - Brinley, Luke, Tucker, and Rosie were all dressed up as we went over to the Edgington Church to trunk treat. Apparently, Brooklyn was deer hunting. After that, I went to HyVee and picked up some stamps and dryer sheets - I need the stamps to send out bills, and I need the dryer sheets to put in the camper. On my way home, I stopped at mom and dad's and visited with them a bit. I hadn't seen them in awhile, so it was nice to chat with them. Then I tried to watch some of the Bears game, but it became a blowout, and I fell to sleep.
This week - another week - is going to be a bit odd. Tomorrow is a 11:30 dismissal, and Wednesday and Thursday are 1:30 dismissal days with parent-teacher conferences in the evening. And then Friday we have no school. And then Saturday is the big playoff football game. There won't be much dedicated academic focus among the students, so it's a good thing I have presentations scheduled.
I think I will dedicate this week to reading the basketball rule book and casebook, along with my Dick Proenneke book. I do have a junior high girls basketball game, but then I have a bit of a break from officiating until things kick into full gear a week from today. Next week is definitely go-time with basketball officiating. It's a good thing...I need some money to pay that bill that is looming for the new pool motor that I expect I will be picking up on Friday.
Friday, I'm hoping to work on the back swamp area...maybe even get my mom an dad's tractor and do some work back there.
Things for School
- 10-31 agenda posted to stream
- need agendas for 11-1 and 11-2 posted
- pick up copies of presentation score sheet
- Score Hayden Dunnett's essay
- Record Byrd presentations and enter scores.
- Remember Coke/Pepsi for PT Conferences
- send message to parents next week about students practicing
- complete bulletin board
Things to do
- Get Shawn a check for $200 for camper storage
- send out beginning of month bills
- pick up pool motor when in
- complete IHSA basketball stuff - exam
- complete Iowa basketball stuff - exam
- read through basketball new rules
- Take down plug in air freshner on Nov. 10
- Nov. 11 - Carmen and Tyler visit
- Dec. 6 - 8:30 Wang - physical
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