5:58 a.m. - Yuck! It's Friday, October 13; it's rainy and cold and is going to be rainy and cold all weekend. How about we cancel school and all stay in home and drink hot apple cider and watch fall Hallmark movies? No?
Okay...it's off to school we must go. I have some things to do, but it should be a pretty light work day. I will need to score some assignments this weekend, and I'm hoping there will be time to get that done.
Yesterday was okay. It was fun to go officiate with Tad and see Jason. It's always fun to get together with those guys. I heard from my son Cole on my way home from Oneida. Apparently he spent three days tent camping in the Arctic Circle, and now he's back in Alaska. He said that they didn't do much by stay in their tent because it was so cold. Ya, I guess that makes sense.
I think after school today I'll go get antifreeze and chlorine .... maybe the rain and wind will stop sometime this weekend, and I'll be able to work on closing the pool.
And in other news...it's PAY DAY! Maybe there is at least one good thing about Friday, the 13th!
Things for School
- enter extra credit journal share
- enter remaining scores for Khan Academy - 7th period done
- enter scores for intro and body paragraph assignment
- schedule Khan Pronouns part 2 - in Khan and Google Classroom for week of Oct. 17
- Oct. 20 - distribute PSAT survey to students
- Lesson plan for Oct. 16
- enter grade spots for 2nd quarter extra credit and/or participation
Things to do
- reply to Knauff about dates we might be interested in
- accept softball games from Foremost
- pick up sump pump
- pick up chlorine and antifreeze
- Oct. 18 - proctor PSAT in the morning - periods 1-3
- Oct. 19 - eye appointment 11 a.m. -- complete sub folder
- figure out pool motor issue (capacitor new motor?)
- pay other bills - Edg. Water, NW Mutual, Country Companies
- Friday, October 20th -- HHR gets fixed at Slayden's
- register for last camping weekend at Loud Thunder
- complete IHSA basketball stuff
- complete Iowa basketball stuff
- read through basketball new rules
- Dec. 6 - 8:30 Wang - physical
- Location: Rock Valley Physical Therapy - 3385 Dexter Ct, Suite 203, Davenport, IA 52807 Date: Saturday, October 28 Time: 10AM Price: FREE!
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