5:26 a.m. - There's nothing on the to-do list because I have last minute stuff written on a post-it note in the kitchen. Yesterday was an interesting day. In the morning while posting my blog thoughts, I heard what I thought was a garbage truck, but the sound didn't end. I looked outside to see my neighbor Brandon on an excavator working on the stump and ditch next to the house. Apparently, he got inspiration and energy and desire to commence his drainage ditch project efforts. And he pretty much worked all day. There were two stumps in the ditch, and the biggest one was the easier of the two. The stump just west of our pool was a real bear to get out. Eventually, I'm going to need to compensate Brandon for his efforts, but I'm not real sure how and when I'm going to be able to do that - better put that on the list. So he ended up widening and deepening the trench/waterway between our two yards, and then he commenced to digging a trench in the swamp - starting at Jason's property on the west side of Brandon's yard. Last night at 8 p.m. he was still at it, having made his way across Jason's lot, across his lot, and starting onto our lot. I'm going to be gone on our trip, so I'm not exactly sure what everything is going to look like when we return...it will be a surprise, I guess. Brandon had been talking about doing this for a few years, but I didn't realize that yesterday was going to be the day. It's going to be a process to get all the dirt and efforts back to "normal", but one thing I didn't have to do was weed wack the ditch. I did wack the swampy overgrown area on the southern edge of our lot, so at least I got that done. I also was able to do the majority of the suitcase packing job, even though I have a little bit left. I've never packed for an 8-day trip on a plane. I've been on three trips involving flights, and the most of any of them was like a 4-day trip. The chances of me not having something I need or would like to have packed is extremely high. I guess I'll just do my best and then adapt and overcome. Plus, I have to figure out how to get it all back into the suitcase for the return flight. Geez.
Today...I want to make sure to visit mom and dad, and maybe my brother will be there too. Also, I'd really like to get the mower put back together and mow the yard. My guess is that I'm about 50/50 on that one. I also need to get some additional chlorine in case Jack needs to add chlorine to the pool. Oh, and I also need to get to the bank to get some cash for tips for the trip. Apparently there is a lot of effort made to tip the workers at the resort a few dollars here and there and also for the room service to pick up the room each day.
I am intrigued by this trip we are going on. I like the ocean, and I've never seen the ocean like I'll see it in Cancun. I know there are lots of excursion possibilities, and I know that apparently it's pretty popular to sit in the pool all day and drink beverages, but I think I'll be more interested in the ocean than anything else. Plus, I don't really have an unlimited budget, so I'm not sure any excursions are in the plans for me. Flying is something I have only done a few times, and I've never flown out of O'Hare. The whole park and fly thing is new for me. And then obviously using a passport and being out of the country is a new experience too. I wouldn't say I'm afraid; I just don't like feeling uncertain and unaware of what may happen. I'm pretty much a rural, small town guy who is at home in his small town doing his small town things.
Things to do
- Springfield trip - Double J https://doublejcampground.com/ -$62.00 per day
- pay Brandon for dirt work
- complete IHSA volleyball stuff
- complete IGHSAU volleyball stuff
- Saturday, August 12 - IHSA volleyball clinic - Joe Thompson - 8:30 a.m.
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