
Sunday, July 23, 2023

Sunday, July 23

8:22 a.m. - Yesterday was another day of shopping.  I exchanged my jeans at Farm-n-Fleet.  I also went to JC Penney to purchase a shirt for the wedding.  And I went to Aledo to get shock for the hot tub and also picked up a couple of things at Huffman's using my gift card the girls got me for my birthday.  After all that shopping, we had some pool time, and Patrick had grilled up some goodies - tenderloins, crab cakes, and brats.  After the Southwells left, the Harrison grandchildren arrived for a sleepover.  They are just getting some breakfast now, except Luke who is still sleeping.

So what about today?  I know the weather is supposed to be sunny and hot, but it's going to get even hotter next week.  Other than that, I have no idea what will be happening today.  I know one thing...I don't want to do any shopping!

Things to do

July 27 - leave for Mexico (noon)

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