
Friday, July 7, 2023

Saturday, July 8

8:30 a.m. - Luke and Brinley spent the night last night because Brooklyn had an injury - something about falling off the ladder of the bunkbed.  So Darrin and Kenzie took Brooklyn in for x-rays while Luke and Brinley went to bed.  The good news this morning is that there are no broken bones - just a sprain.  So Luke and I were up early - I even changed a diaper and made him breakfast.  

Today the weather is supposed to clear up, so I should be umpiring this afternoon.  It would be nice to also get a couple of things done off the to-do list - like moving the hot tub and mowing the yard.  

Yesterday I was able to ride horses with mom, and we had a real nice time.  It was the first time for her to take Peaches outside and off their farm.  I could tell she was a bit nervous, but everything ended up fine.  Peaches is a tank, and Newman wasn't real crazy about going, but he did fine too.  Newman hasn't been ridden in awhile, but he hasn't changed much.  I very rarely go riding anymore, and my mom really enjoys it.  I'll try to go again next week sometime.  Yesterday I also got in some exercise with a nice walk in the morning and a little resistance training in the evening.  I'm pretty sore, so if I go for a walk this morning, it will be a short one just to try to loosen up a bit.  With four softball games later today, I won't need much of a walk to get my exercise for the day.  

Things to do

  • fix light in pool
  • move the hot tub
  • replace secondary seal on the slide
  • mow yard
  • Spray weeds
  • Springfield trip - Double J -$62.00 per day
  • mail bill for water department
July 8 - four games at Muscatine beginning at 3:10
    - with Cernovich on Field 5
July 28 - Mexico

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