
Friday, July 21, 2023

Friday, July 21

7:12 a.m. - The weather is going to be cooperative today to spray weeds.  Then I think I'm headed to do some shopping.  Yesterday getting the Eagle parked and settled and getting the yard mowed were big accomplishments.  We had guests all day, so there wasn't the quiet that there is now.  Quiet is nice. 

Tucker, Rosie, Kourtney and I went to see Peaches at the farm.  She didn't want to cooperate, so I used Newman instead.  He didn't mind getting out of the coral, having some grass, and letting Rosie sit on him.  Finally we did get Blu and Peaches out in order to be closer to the kids, but I had to work at it. 

Things to do

  • pay beginning of month bills before leaving for Mexico
  • purchase ear medicine
  • buy non-chlorine shock oxidizer for hot tub
  • purchase black cargo pants
  • vacuum the pool
  • spray weeds
  • Springfield trip - Double J -$62.00 per day
July 27 - leave for Mexico

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