
Friday, July 7, 2023

Friday, July 7

5:52 a.m. - Nothing like waking up to having your feet peed on by the cat.  Our male cat Stormy occasionally treats us to peeing on something.  It's not something physical...we've had him to the vet more than a few times.  It costs me hundreds of dollars, and nothing changes...he's just a jerk or he's accidental or something.  I know I just can't kill the cat, so it goes on.  Then I went downstairs and noticed cat puke on the carpet in the exercise room, so I cleaned that up.  Later, I'll be scooping out cat crap, but that's a daily event.  Nothing like doing the cat trifecta to start a Friday.  I hope the rest of my day doesn't go this way.

Yesterday was actually a pretty good day.  I was able to get five items off the to-do list, and I actually accomplished a few others.  I deposited my officiating checks...thank goodness they arrived.  I then went into the Rock Island and Moline to pick up additional liquid chlorine and get a haircut.  Because I was a little early getting up and around, I took a walk at Blackhawk State Park.  On my way home, I stopped by mom and dad's and helped them with a couple of little things, and then it was back home to work on the camper.  I did some more work on the roof, and I also worked on the inside.  I replaced that damn gas sensor, and I tacked on the trim that broke off on the dining room slide, and I attempted to fix the broken chair with a couple of wood screws.  I'm not sure how long that fix is going to last, so we might be in the market for a couple of new chairs for the camper.  One other little job I did was to get out to the swamp and mow some of it.  I still can't mow the whole thing, but I got a good chunk of it down.

On my mind now is how to fix that damn pool light and replacing that seal on the living room slide on the camper.  The seal shouldn't be that troublesome...that light, though, had me waking up last night thinking about it.  Those things won't get done today, as I ordered a replacement seal and some Butyl putty tape for the pool light job.  Next week I hope to get those things done.

So for my Friday?  The Southwell kids are here for one more day; I'd like to get in a walk and some resistance training; and I'd really like to go over to the farm and ride horses with my mom.  The yard could use mowing, but it could also wait, so that's not a big issue.  I guess I'll have to wait until Amber wakes up and informs me of her schedule.

Things to do

  • fix light in pool
  • replace secondary seal on the slide
  • Spray weeds
  • Springfield trip - Double J -$62.00 per day
  • mail bill for water department
July 8 - four games at Muscatine beginning at 3:10
    - with Cernovich on Field 5
July 28 - Mexico

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