
Thursday, July 27, 2023

Thursday, July 27

7:20 a.m. - The whole Hunter Biden thing continues to get bigger.  Yesterday, his plea deal broke down.  Apparently, he and his attorneys were expecting the deal to include him being no longer investigated.  That wasn't the case.  It seems like young Biden sure was off the rails between 2014 and 2019.  If he was doing drugs and buying guns, it can only be assumed he was also doing some corrupt business things.  The question of course is whether or not his dad, now President Biden was also participating.  I tend to believe that there isn't a politician in Washington that has not used there political status for personal gain...I figure it's part of the whole structure.  I suppose it's just a question of how much personal gain each of the political figures achieves...and that goes for the executive and judicial branches as well.  It will be interesting to see how this thing plays out in the months ahead.  I think young Biden deserves what he has coming to him if he has broken laws...just like anyone else.  

Yesterday was a VERY BIG day.  I went and visited mom and dad and was able to see Darren and Peyton too, which was nice.  Then I went and picked up some chlorine in case Jack wants to add some chlorine to the pool while we are gone.  When I got home from the pool store, the mower part had arrived.  It took a little work, some frustration, and some viewing of a YouTube video, but eventually I got that damn spring clip into the steering column, so I could mow the yard.  Wait, before that happened I had to remove a snake.  Apparently while I was gone, Karrigan discovered a large gardner snake and eventually she killed it.  It was 2-3 feet long - that's as big as I've seen a snake of that variety.  So I removed the snake, fixed the mower (which I was pretty proud of myself for), and then mowed the grass.  It was really, really hot, so after the yard, I jumped into the pool to cool off.  After that, Amber and I went to Kenzie's house for some pizza.  In the middle of that Jack and Rhonda called and said they had a flat tire in Milan.  So Darrin and I went in his truck to go take care of that.  He had a piece of metal that looked like some kind of pin stuck into the inside of it.  Darrin had a floor jack and battery drills that made the job pretty easy.  I just helped get him to Spinners to pick up Jack and Rhonda (they had eaten with friends) and then offered a little assistance to the spare tire job.  When Darrin dropped me off, Amber and Tucker had just returned.  Before going to sleep I watched Team USA in its World Cup soccer match versus the Netherlands.  I try to watch soccer and learn something, but I definitely don't know enough about soccer to find it interesting.  The game ended in a 1-1 draw.  It is a more physical  game than I had realized...lots of fouls.

So today is departure date from Edgington.  This will be the last entry for awhile until we get back from our trip to Cancun.  We drive to Chicago today, fly out tomorrow, and will be in Cancun for about a week.  So this morning I'm going to get the hot tub ready for our departure, and then finish packing.  I need to make one more trip to my parents house too.  Apparently my dad has some money for me for our trip.  He got pretty sentimental with me yesterday about seeing all that I could see while I was there because I may never go back.  There's definitely truth and wisdom that that.  I don't really want to accept his money, but I know it will be important to him.

Things to do

  • Springfield trip - Double J -$62.00 per day
  • pay Brandon for dirt work
  • complete IHSA volleyball stuff
  • complete IGHSAU volleyball stuff 
  • Saturday, August 12 - IHSA volleyball clinic - Joe Thompson - 8:30 a.m.
July 27 - leave for Mexico (noon)

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Wednesday, July 26

5:26 a.m. - There's nothing on the to-do list because I have last minute stuff written on a post-it note in the kitchen.  Yesterday was an interesting day.  In the morning while posting my blog thoughts, I heard what I thought was a garbage truck, but the sound didn't end.  I looked outside to see my neighbor Brandon on an excavator working on the stump and ditch next to the house.  Apparently, he got inspiration and energy and desire to commence his drainage ditch project efforts.  And he pretty much worked all day.  There were two stumps in the ditch, and the biggest one was the easier of the two.  The stump just west of our pool was a real bear to get out.  Eventually, I'm going to need to compensate Brandon for his efforts, but I'm not real sure how and when I'm going to be able to do that - better put that on the list.  So he ended up widening and deepening the trench/waterway between our two yards, and then he commenced to digging a trench in the swamp - starting at Jason's property on the west side of Brandon's yard.  Last night at 8 p.m. he was still at it, having made his way across Jason's lot, across his lot, and starting onto our lot.  I'm going to be gone on our trip, so I'm not exactly sure what everything is going to look like when we will be a surprise, I guess.  Brandon had been talking about doing this for a few years, but I didn't realize that yesterday was going to be the day.  It's going to be a process to get all the dirt and efforts back to "normal", but one thing I didn't have to do was weed wack the ditch.  I did wack the swampy overgrown area on the southern edge of our lot, so at least I got that done.  I also was able to do the majority of the suitcase packing job, even though I have a little bit left.  I've never packed for an 8-day trip on a plane.  I've been on three trips involving flights, and the most of any of them was like a 4-day trip.  The chances of me not having something I need or would like to have packed is extremely high.  I guess I'll just do my best and then adapt and overcome.  Plus, I have to figure out how to get it all back into the suitcase for the return flight.  Geez.

Today...I want to make sure to visit mom and dad, and maybe my brother will be there too.  Also, I'd really like to get the mower put back together and mow the yard.  My guess is that I'm about 50/50 on that one.  I also need to get some additional chlorine in case Jack needs to add chlorine to the pool.  Oh, and I also need to get to the bank to get some cash for tips for the trip.  Apparently there is a lot of effort made to tip the workers at the resort a few dollars here and there and also for the room service to pick up the room each day. 

I am intrigued by this trip we are going on.  I like the ocean, and I've never seen the ocean like I'll see it in Cancun.  I know there are lots of excursion possibilities, and I know that apparently it's pretty popular to sit in the pool all day and drink beverages, but I think I'll be more interested in the ocean than anything else.  Plus, I don't really have an unlimited budget, so I'm not sure any excursions are in the plans for me.  Flying is something I have only done a few times, and I've never flown out of O'Hare.  The whole park and fly thing is new for me.  And then obviously using a passport and being out of the country is a new experience too.  I wouldn't say I'm afraid; I just don't like feeling uncertain and unaware of what may happen.  I'm pretty much a rural, small town guy who is at home in his small town doing his small town things. 

Things to do

  • Springfield trip - Double J -$62.00 per day
  • pay Brandon for dirt work
  • complete IHSA volleyball stuff
  • complete IGHSAU volleyball stuff 
  • Saturday, August 12 - IHSA volleyball clinic - Joe Thompson - 8:30 a.m.
July 27 - leave for Mexico (noon)

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Tuesday, July 25

6:44 a.m. - Yesterday was supposed to be productive.  It wasn't.  I thought I would get out early before the heat and mow the swamp.  When I was the farthest away from the house that I could possibly get, the steering went out on the tractor mower.  That started a journey for the day.  The first step was to get the tractor under the shade tree by the shed, so I wouldn't boil trying to figure out the problem.  Before that, though, I need to get the HHR down to Slayden's for a check-up.  There's a shake in the front end, and the exhaust sounds bad...probably a hole somewhere in a tailpipe or muffler.  (I'm hoping the shake is something simple like a wheel out of balance.)  So I packed in my bicycle, drove to Slayden's, and rode my bike back home to attempt to figure out the tractor.  As is usually the case, I feared the worst.  After pushing the tractor back to the shed, and removing and lugging the mower deck back to the shed with use of a dolly, I commenced the effort of looking at the problem and going to the computer to youtube and research the situation.  I also was helped by the services of Jack, who had arrived with Rhonda to use the pool.  The final diagnosis was that a clip had broken...a stinking $5.00 part that basically holds the steering column together.  So I ordered two of them, had them two day shipped for an additional $10, and they are supposed to arrive tomorrow sometime.  I don't know if that will be in time to get the yard mowed or not.  After all of that, it was afternoon, the Harrison grandchildren had been here, so I just got in the pool  After that, we went to Rudy's for tacos and called it a night.  That was a long day of getting absolutely nothing done off of the list.

I need to get some things done today.

Things to do

  • visit mom and dad
  • pack suitcase
  • mow the yard
  • wack the weeds
  • clean the pool
  • pay beginning of month bills before leaving for Mexico
  • Springfield trip - Double J -$62.00 per day
July 27 - leave for Mexico (noon)

Monday, July 24, 2023

Monday, July 24

7:22 a.m. - This week is about getting ready to be gone on the Mexico trip.  We leave Thursday, so preparations for being gone will be on the docket.  Plus, I'd like to try to get all of it done while dealing with this July heat that has finally arrived.  Yesterday, I didn't do my diet any favors, but the meal was great.  Brats, BLT, and sweet corn...YUM.  Earlier in the day, Amber and I took a bike ride over on the Iowa side.  We drove to Credit Island and got on the bike path there.  We rode along the river to the Village of East Davenport, and then turned back to return.  On the way back, we stopped at the Farmer's Market, and I got a beer.  That's not the best beverage to drink on a hot day of exercise in July, but it sure tasted good.  

Things to do

  • visit mom and dad
  • pack suitcase
  • mow the yard
  • wack the weeds
  • clean the pool
  • pay beginning of month bills before leaving for Mexico
  • Springfield trip - Double J -$62.00 per day
July 27 - leave for Mexico (noon)

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Sunday, July 23

8:22 a.m. - Yesterday was another day of shopping.  I exchanged my jeans at Farm-n-Fleet.  I also went to JC Penney to purchase a shirt for the wedding.  And I went to Aledo to get shock for the hot tub and also picked up a couple of things at Huffman's using my gift card the girls got me for my birthday.  After all that shopping, we had some pool time, and Patrick had grilled up some goodies - tenderloins, crab cakes, and brats.  After the Southwells left, the Harrison grandchildren arrived for a sleepover.  They are just getting some breakfast now, except Luke who is still sleeping.

So what about today?  I know the weather is supposed to be sunny and hot, but it's going to get even hotter next week.  Other than that, I have no idea what will be happening today.  I know one thing...I don't want to do any shopping!

Things to do

July 27 - leave for Mexico (noon)

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Saturday, July 22

6:31 a.m. - Yesterday I got the weeds sprayed...they are currently dying.  I also trimmed the hedge.  In between yard work projects, I got over to have some coffee and a visit with mom and dad.  Dad seems to be trying to get some answers on the health issues he's been having, which is a good thing.  Last night, Amber and I had a date night, and I took her to the pizza place where Chase works - Antonella's.  Of course the first time I take Amber there, my ex-wife appears.  How in the hell does that work?  Oh, I also went shopping yesterday ... needed to purchase some things for Mexico trip, and we needed some kitty litter and cat food.  After eating, Amber and I went to the casino, and after coming home I utilized the hot tub.  Shawn and Mary Strachan visited after that, and we talked about how to prepare for the upcoming trip.

The weather forecast is looking like a sizzler...may have to get-a-way to Mexico just to cool off.  One more today of reasonable heat before ridiculous heat starts to set in.  I need to get the pool cleaned today...that's the big task to get done, and then I need to get back out to Farm-n-Fleet and exchange those jeans.  

Things to do

  • pay beginning of month bills before leaving for Mexico
  • buy non-chlorine shock oxidizer for hot tub (WalMart Aledo)
  • exchange jeans at Farm-N-Fleet
  • vacuum the pool
  • Springfield trip - Double J -$62.00 per day
July 27 - leave for Mexico (noon)

Friday, July 21, 2023

Friday, July 21

7:12 a.m. - The weather is going to be cooperative today to spray weeds.  Then I think I'm headed to do some shopping.  Yesterday getting the Eagle parked and settled and getting the yard mowed were big accomplishments.  We had guests all day, so there wasn't the quiet that there is now.  Quiet is nice. 

Tucker, Rosie, Kourtney and I went to see Peaches at the farm.  She didn't want to cooperate, so I used Newman instead.  He didn't mind getting out of the coral, having some grass, and letting Rosie sit on him.  Finally we did get Blu and Peaches out in order to be closer to the kids, but I had to work at it. 

Things to do

  • pay beginning of month bills before leaving for Mexico
  • purchase ear medicine
  • buy non-chlorine shock oxidizer for hot tub
  • purchase black cargo pants
  • vacuum the pool
  • spray weeds
  • Springfield trip - Double J -$62.00 per day
July 27 - leave for Mexico

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Thursday, July 20

12:07 p.m.  - The Eagle has returned.  She spent a week out at Loud Thunder, and I really enjoyed it.  I wish circumstances were such that we could stay longer, but the weather is getting hotter, there are things to do at home, and Mexico is in a week.  All good things must come to an end.  Last night we camped with the Southwell grandchildren - Tucker and Rosie.  We rode bikes and watched a campfire, and then when it got late we watched a movie.

Today, now it's time to come back to "home life".  The yard could wait, but there is a pretty good breeze right now, and it's only going to get hotter.  Maybe tomorrow I'll do a little shopping I need to get done.  I think Amber said tonight we are cooking burgers on the grill with Karrigan.

Things to do

  • pay beginning of month bills before leaving for Mexico
  • purchase ear medicine
  • mow the yard
  • buy non-chlorine shock oxidizer for hot tub
  • purchase black cargo pants
  • receive pool tabs
  • vacuum the pool
  • spray weeds
  • Springfield trip - Double J -$62.00 per day
July 27 - leave for Mexico

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Wednesday, July 19

11:06 a.m. - Part 1 of grandchildren camping outing is Part 2 begins later today...I think I might need a nap.  The Harrison's and Bizarri's rode bikes and had a campfire and fed the fish and lots of stuff in between.  Luke Harrison is not the easiest of sleeping buddies.

Now it's home to check on some things...shower and shave...get a change of clothes and get prepared for the Southwells.  I think I'll get a some lottery tickets on the way back to the campground after checking on the pool and the cats and heading back to the campground.

Things to do

  • pay beginning of month bills before leaving for Mexico
  • mow the yard
  • by non-chlorine shock oxidizer for hot tub
  • purchase black cargo pants
  • receive pool tabs
  • vacuum the pool
  • spray weeds
  • Springfield trip - Double J -$62.00 per day
July 28 - Mexico

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Sunday, July 16

9:26 a.m. - We had a great day yesterday for a birthday day.  I went for a longer hike in the morning, and then went for a shorter hike with the Bush family, and then went for a bike ride with Amber on the Muscatine bike path.  We followed that up with dropping in on three Muscatine "establishments" - sampling beverages and/or food.  And then it was back home to the camper and a nice night for a campfire.

Amber has invited family over tonight to the campsite for what I didn't want in a birthday celebration, but it will be nice to have family.  And then she suggested camping with the grandchildren, so I just booked some extra days at the campground.  There is no sense in taking the camper home only to bring it back next weekend for grandchildren camping, so we'll just keep the Eagle out there for a few more days.  After that, she'll probably be parked next to the house for the rest of the summer.

I think today will be a good day...I hope so.  It might be a good day for a nap too.

Things to do

July 28 - Mexico

Friday, July 14, 2023

Friday, July 14

3:43 p.m. -  It's been a good day...started with breakfast and a walk at the campground.  Then I came home and mowed the yard, and Amber and I teamed up to vacuum the pool.  Then I attempted to inspect the pool light for leaks...didn't find what I was hoping for.  That means we are losing water from the pool from some other place than the light.  Now I'm worried...dang pool.

I heard from Carmen today...she received a job that she had interviewed for earlier in the week.  She's excited...I'm excited for her excitement.

Things to do

July 28 - Mexico

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Thursday, July 13

6:24 a.m. - We received a lot of rain yesterday, and then it turned a little hot.  So with the "rain day", I ended up going to the Musser Library in Muscatine to do a little research.  It was fun, and now I know the process of doing the research, which pretty much is done all through the computer anyway.  And that was all after getting in a little resistance training in the morning.  So I worked the big muscle groups, and then I worked my brain.  That theme continued after returning from the library...I read my book, and then Amber and I went for a little walk up around the track at the school.  In the afternoon we "lounged", and I started loading up the camper for this weekend's stay at Loud Thunder.  In the evening we went to the Mercer County Fair to watch Darrin Harrison, and man was that craziness.  In his event, it was a "trailer race", which means each entry had to pull a trailer of some kind while they raced around the track.  Most of the vehicles pulling trailers were trucks, but Darrin was the only one driving a van.  He ended up getting third place, but the whole thing was a spectacle.  There was one truck pulling an old hay rake; another truck was pulling a boat trailer with a boat on it.  I question the whole safety thing, but it sure was a spectator event.  We took Tucker with us, so after watching the race, we took him home and then came home ourselves.  We didn't stay for the bus school busses racing on the track as well...geez...craziness.  

So today, after getting around this morning, I'm taking the camper out to Loud Thunder.  Today doesn't look too bad for temps, but tomorrow's temps could make it more of a pool day at home rather than a camping day - the air conditioner is likely going to get some work.  The rest of the weekend is looking okay.  I got a message from Chase that he may try to stop out sometime this weekend, which would be nice.

Things to do

  • pay beginning of month bills before leaving for Mexico
  • fix light in pool
  • Spray weeds
  • Springfield trip - Double J -$62.00 per day
July 28 - Mexico

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Wednesday, July 12

8:55 a.m. - It's a rainy Wednesday morning, so it's good that I got the week wacking job in the swamp done yesterday.  Later in the day, it was a swim day.  Even Brandon and his clan of kids came over to spend some time in the pool.  

Today I'd like to get some exercise and then possibly venture over to the library in Muscatine.  I've been wanting to go there for awhile and explore the research services available.

This weekend's camping plans look a little different today than yesterday.  The forecast is calling for warmer temps than earlier in the week.  That's not exactly what I wanted to see happen, but Mother Nature really isn't all that predictable.  With all that in mind, maybe later today I'll work on loading up the camper.  That means I should go ahead and start the air conditioner today.

Things to do

  • pay beginning of month bills before leaving for Mexico
  • fix light in pool
  • Spray weeds
  • Springfield trip - Double J -$62.00 per day
July 28 - Mexico

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Tuesday, July 11

6:16 a.m.  - Most of yesterday was a pool day with "the girls".  Paige, Liz, and Rita made their annual summer pool day visit - these gals are all on Amber's side of the family.  The Harrison grandchildren also were here, so it all made for a nice pool day.  Kourtney and Kenzie were here as well.  I was able to complete two tasks that had been on my mind for awhile.  The first task was to replace a slide seal on the camper...I was able to get it finished without too much trouble.  The second task was a little more involved.  I finally got to weeding the water drainage ditch next to our house.  That's always a big job, so getting that done was nice.  I even started on the swamp, but I didn't get that finished.  That job is slated for this morning.  I'd like to get that done before the rains arrive tomorrow.  I really want to work on the pool light, but the stuff I have to fill what I hope is the problem isn't arriving until later in the week.

So today it's all about wacking some more weeds.  I won't be spraying around the house just since spraying if it's going to rain buckets tomorrow morning.  I'll hold that job off until perhaps Thursday morning.  Oh, I also am thinking about reserving a spot out at Loud Thunder, so I may take a quick drive over there and check out some spots I might be interested in.

Things to do

  • finish wacking the rest of the swamp
  • pay beginning of month bills before leaving for Mexico
  • consider camping Thursday through Monday at Loud Thunder
  • fix light in pool
  • Spray weeds
  • Springfield trip - Double J -$62.00 per day
  • mail bill for water department
July 28 - Mexico

Monday, July 10, 2023

Monday, July 10

7:37 a.m.- I was up early this morning!  Just after I rolled out of bed, Mr. Strachan contacted me about helping him move Big Red (his camper) into his storage shed.  It's just easier with an extra set of eyes.  So that's how my day started.  I have some yard work to do today, but firs I'm going to tackle that seal job on the camper.

Yesterday was eventful.  I got the pool cleaned and mowed the yard.  Then Amber and I went to the John Deere Classic, which was a little bit of an adventure.  Kourtney had free tickets for us, which not only allowed us to watch a little golf, but to enjoy the a VIP tent as well.  Then after the golf event, Blake Shelton had a concert on the 18th hole, which was also unique.  We had to drive to the Bend Expo in East Moline, catch a bus from there, and then walk to the admission tent and onto the course.  I think we left the house around 2 p.m. and didn't get back until maybe 7:30-8 p.m.  It was fun and something different to do.

My friend Jason Danner totaled up his games officiated for the 22-23 school year, and I was curious what I had.

softball - 98
basketball - 161
volleyball - 52

Things to do

  • finish wacking the rest of the swamp
  • consider camping Thursday through Monday at Loud Thunder
  • fix light in pool
  • replace secondary seal on the slide
  • mow yard
  • Spray weeds
  • Springfield trip - Double J -$62.00 per day
  • mail bill for water department
July 28 - Mexico

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Sunday, July 9

8:02 a.m. - We have the Harrison kids this morning, so this will be brief.  I umpired yesterday.  It went fine, but I didn't really enjoy it.  I did get the hot tub moved.  Today I hope to work on the yard after the kids leave for home.

Things to do

  • fix light in pool
  • replace secondary seal on the slide
  • mow yard
  • Spray weeds
  • Springfield trip - Double J -$62.00 per day
  • mail bill for water department
July 28 - Mexico

Friday, July 7, 2023

Saturday, July 8

8:30 a.m. - Luke and Brinley spent the night last night because Brooklyn had an injury - something about falling off the ladder of the bunkbed.  So Darrin and Kenzie took Brooklyn in for x-rays while Luke and Brinley went to bed.  The good news this morning is that there are no broken bones - just a sprain.  So Luke and I were up early - I even changed a diaper and made him breakfast.  

Today the weather is supposed to clear up, so I should be umpiring this afternoon.  It would be nice to also get a couple of things done off the to-do list - like moving the hot tub and mowing the yard.  

Yesterday I was able to ride horses with mom, and we had a real nice time.  It was the first time for her to take Peaches outside and off their farm.  I could tell she was a bit nervous, but everything ended up fine.  Peaches is a tank, and Newman wasn't real crazy about going, but he did fine too.  Newman hasn't been ridden in awhile, but he hasn't changed much.  I very rarely go riding anymore, and my mom really enjoys it.  I'll try to go again next week sometime.  Yesterday I also got in some exercise with a nice walk in the morning and a little resistance training in the evening.  I'm pretty sore, so if I go for a walk this morning, it will be a short one just to try to loosen up a bit.  With four softball games later today, I won't need much of a walk to get my exercise for the day.  

Things to do

  • fix light in pool
  • move the hot tub
  • replace secondary seal on the slide
  • mow yard
  • Spray weeds
  • Springfield trip - Double J -$62.00 per day
  • mail bill for water department
July 8 - four games at Muscatine beginning at 3:10
    - with Cernovich on Field 5
July 28 - Mexico

Friday, July 7

5:52 a.m. - Nothing like waking up to having your feet peed on by the cat.  Our male cat Stormy occasionally treats us to peeing on something.  It's not something physical...we've had him to the vet more than a few times.  It costs me hundreds of dollars, and nothing changes...he's just a jerk or he's accidental or something.  I know I just can't kill the cat, so it goes on.  Then I went downstairs and noticed cat puke on the carpet in the exercise room, so I cleaned that up.  Later, I'll be scooping out cat crap, but that's a daily event.  Nothing like doing the cat trifecta to start a Friday.  I hope the rest of my day doesn't go this way.

Yesterday was actually a pretty good day.  I was able to get five items off the to-do list, and I actually accomplished a few others.  I deposited my officiating checks...thank goodness they arrived.  I then went into the Rock Island and Moline to pick up additional liquid chlorine and get a haircut.  Because I was a little early getting up and around, I took a walk at Blackhawk State Park.  On my way home, I stopped by mom and dad's and helped them with a couple of little things, and then it was back home to work on the camper.  I did some more work on the roof, and I also worked on the inside.  I replaced that damn gas sensor, and I tacked on the trim that broke off on the dining room slide, and I attempted to fix the broken chair with a couple of wood screws.  I'm not sure how long that fix is going to last, so we might be in the market for a couple of new chairs for the camper.  One other little job I did was to get out to the swamp and mow some of it.  I still can't mow the whole thing, but I got a good chunk of it down.

On my mind now is how to fix that damn pool light and replacing that seal on the living room slide on the camper.  The seal shouldn't be that troublesome...that light, though, had me waking up last night thinking about it.  Those things won't get done today, as I ordered a replacement seal and some Butyl putty tape for the pool light job.  Next week I hope to get those things done.

So for my Friday?  The Southwell kids are here for one more day; I'd like to get in a walk and some resistance training; and I'd really like to go over to the farm and ride horses with my mom.  The yard could use mowing, but it could also wait, so that's not a big issue.  I guess I'll have to wait until Amber wakes up and informs me of her schedule.

Things to do

  • fix light in pool
  • replace secondary seal on the slide
  • Spray weeds
  • Springfield trip - Double J -$62.00 per day
  • mail bill for water department
July 8 - four games at Muscatine beginning at 3:10
    - with Cernovich on Field 5
July 28 - Mexico

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Thursday, July 6

6:31 a.m. - I didn't do much yesterday.  Amber is sick, and Tucker and Rosie are staying with us while Kourtney is working the JDC and Patrick is working out of town in Indianapolis.  So I pretty much sat around all day, ate left over 4th of July food, and watched a lot of television - Cocomelon and Dinosaur and the like.  I did have an umpiring check from Davenport schools come in which was badly needed, and I did hear from Carmen that she is interviewing this week for a couple of jobs she's interested.  And this morning I woke up to hear from Chase, which was good because I was starting to worry since I hadn't heard from him in awhile.

Today I need to get some things done, but nothing too major.  Amber said she's feeling a little better this morning, so that's good.  

Things to do

  • deposit officiating checks
  • Get more liquid chlorine
  • Fix light in pool
  • Make sure 9/14 Wilton JHVB date is removed
  • Fix chair, trim, and real seal roof on camper
  • Help mom with fence post
  • Spray weeds
  • Springfield trip - Double J -$62.00 per day
  • mail bill for water department
July 8 - four games at Muscatine beginning at 3:10
    - with Cernovich on Field 5
July 28 - Mexico

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Wednesday, July 5

6:04 a.m. - Yesterday was busy...up to clean the pool once again for guests arriving later.  I also did get in a walk and a little resistance training.  A large portion of the day was in the pool with family and friends.  The weather was hot and sunny, and the water was clean, cool, and refreshing.  And the food was awesome July 4th food - hot dogs, burgers, potato salad, baked beans, ice good.  The night wrapped up with fireworks of the neighborhood variety.  I'll admit, last night was the first time I ever watched an amateur fireworks show from an inflatable hot tub.  I wouldn't call the experience relaxing, but it was fun.  And I don't know how much the neighbor spent on fireworks, but it had to have been a lot.  They were shooting off a variety of fireworks for over two hours.

Today there is rainy, stormy weather moving in this afternoon.  Plus, Amber is not feeling well and Tucker and Rosie are here too.  I may just get in some exercise today and then have to watch and play with the grandchildren.  That's not a bad way to spend a day in July.

Things to do

  • deposit officiating checks
  • Get more liquid chlorine
  • Fix light in pool
  • Make sure 9/14 Wilton JHVB date is removed
  • Fix chair, trim, and real seal roof on camper
  • Help mom with fence post
  • Spray weeds
  • Springfield trip - Double J -$62.00 per day
  • mail bill for water department
July 8 - four games at Muscatine beginning at 3:10
    - with Cernovich on Field 5
July 28 - Mexico

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Tuesday, July 4 - Happy Independence Day!

7:34 a.m. - Happy July 4th!  Amber is planning a pool today, and the weather will match up well for a pool day.  Temps are forecasted to be in mid-90's with lots of sun.  I imagine there will be many family and friends enjoying the pool.

Yesterday was productive...vacuumed the pool, mowed the yard, unloaded the truck and camper - a lot to do after returning home from camping.  I even allowed myself a little time to use the pool and the inflatable hot tub.  

Things to do

  • Make sure 9/14 Wilton JHVB date is removed
  • figure out if I'm umpiring this weekend
  • Springfield trip - Double J -$62.00 per day
  • mail bill for water department
  • update schedule with Arbiter dates
July 8 - four games at Muscatine beginning at 3:10
    - with Cernovich on Field 5
July 28 - Mexico

Monday, July 3, 2023

Monday, July 3

2:44 p.m. - Just got home a little while ago.  It was a bit of an adventure camping this weekend with all of the rain, but it was still fun.  Now I need to unload my truck, the camper, and work on the pool and then mow the yard.  I'm glad these are long days with lots of daylight.

Things to do

  • figure out if I'm umpiring this weekend
  • Springfield trip - Double J -$62.00 per day
  • mail bill for water department
  • update schedule with Arbiter dates
July 28 - Mexico

Saturday, July 1, 2023

Saturday, July 1

12:42 p.m. - I just came home to check on the cats and the house and grab a couple of things since we have the camper out at West Lake Park.  Yesterday was nice...we ended up going to the casino and then had a nice campfire back at the camper.  It's nice to see not much on the to-do list with no officiating or umpiring.

Things to do

  • Book weekend at Loud Thunder Campground?  July 6-10
  • Springfield trip - Double J -$62.00 per day
  • mail bill for water department
  • update schedule with Arbiter dates
July 28 - Mexico