7:46 a.m. - Whew...that was not an easy drive home last night. The game was fine; the team that should have won did, and the ending was decided early in the fourth quarter. I took a different route home and battled blowing snow, but I'm glad I went the route I did because the route I took to get there would have been worse. I finally cleared the blowing snow when I got to I180, and I thought I was home free, then around Annawan, there were snow squalls....say what? So my trip home from Annawan almost to the Bally's casino was a struggle too. I made it, though, and it was just me and the cats with Amber in the warm temperatures of Laughlin, NV. She did say they had a good flight and walked around a bit; unfortunately, she hasn't won any jackpots yet.
I have a game today at 1 p.m., and it should be another quarterfinal lopsided affair. After that, the "crew" is going to grab some grub and my guess is a little "pub" too. I'm really glad we are going to get one more game together to have a season ending celebration.
I got information on the 3A girls sectional I'll be working at LaSalle-Peru on Tuesday night. The game is between Washington and Geneseo, and that should be a good one! New gym, different crew of officials, and a Sectional semi-final...that's the type of energy that makes the grind of the entire officiating season worthwhile.
I have some essays to score, but that's not going to happen today. My goal is to get them scored before returning to school on Tuesday.
I took my softball test yesterday, and I didn't score high enough. I'll have to take that again, dang it. Also, I entered my softball schedule below on my blog. It's going to be a long Spring, but I have blocked out weekends to get the camper out and enjoy some outdoors. I know I could work Fridays and Saturdays at umpiring, and I know working more games would potentially get me more ratings and to 15%, but I am looking forward to getting the Eagle out...even for just some weekend trips.
English III
- create the English III next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
- score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
- score essays - Harris - and enter into Lumen
- doctupus and goobric are attached for assessement
Other Things To Do
- take softball test again 2-22
- plan and schedule South Dakota trip
- fix door downstairs
Upcoming officiating/umpiring
- travel arrangements = https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KRJ5qpDZDvuEv-LahtrsNsmCt8sUBRrx8_cHvJewNls/edit
- Feb. 19-- IHSA boys regional quarterfinal game - 1 p.m. at United
- Sun. Feb. 20
- Feb. 21 -- OPEN (IHSA boys regional semifinal games)
- Feb. 22--HSGBK at LaSalle Peru - 7:30
- Feb. 23-- IHSA boys regional - 6 p.m. at Wethersfield
- RTA Meeting with BOE - 4:30 p.m.
- Feb. 24 --OPEN
- Feb. 25--IHSA boys regional - 7:30 p.m. at Wethersfield
- Feb. 26 - Softball clinic Macomb 9 a.m.
- Jeff Dunham show 5 p.m.
- Sun. Feb. 27
- Feb. 28-- OPEN
- Mar. 1 --IHSA boys sectional semifinal games
- Mar. 2--IHSA boys sectional semifinal games
- Mar. 3--IHSA boys sectional final
- Mar. 7 -- RTA Meeting with BOE - 4:30 p.m.
- Mar. 14 -SB (2 games) at Merco 4:30 with Jason
- Mar. 15 - SB (1 JV game) at Sherrard 4:30 with Pete
- Sunday, March 20
- Mar. 21 - SB (2 games) at MonRose 4:30 with Lloyd
- Mar. 22 - SB (2 games) at Cambridge 4:30 with Jason
- Mar. 23 -- SB (1 V game) at Sherrard 4:30 with Doug
- RTA Meeting with BOE - 4:30 p.m.
- Mar. 26 -- SB (2 games) at Knoxville noon with Leah
- Sunday, March 27
- March 28-Apr 1 - SPRING BREAK
- Sunday, April 3
- Apr. 4 -- SB (2 games) at Merco 4:30 with Cahill
- Apr. 5 -- SB (2 games) at Orion 4:30 with Jason
- Apr. 6 -- OPEN
- Apr. 7 -- SB (2 games) at MonRose 4:30 with ???
- Apr. 8 -- OPEN
- Apr. 9 -- OPEN
- Sunday, April 10
- Apr. 11 -- OPEN
- Apr. 12 -- SB (2 games) at Knoxville 4:30 with Jason
- Apr. 13 -- OPEN
- Apr. 14 -- BLOCKED OPEN
- Apr. 15 -- BLOCKED OPEN - Good Friday no school
- Apr. 16 -- BLOCKED OPEN
- Sunday, April 17 Easter Sunday
- Apr. 18 -- BLOCKED OPEN no school
- Apr. 19 -- SB (2 games) at Knoxville 4:30 with Ron Grant
- Apr. 20 -- SB (1 V game) at Sherrard 4:30 with Lennie
- Apr. 21 -- SB (2 games) at United 4:30 with Jason
- Apr. 22 -- BLOCKED OPEN
- Apr. 23 -- BLOCKED OPEN
- Sunday, April 24
- Apr. 25 -- SB (1 V game) at Sherrard 4:30 with Ryan VanDeWoestyne
- Apr. 26 -- SB (2 games) at AlWood 4:30 with Chet
- Apr. 27 -- SB (2 games) at MonRose 4:30 with Lennie
- Apr. 28 -- SB (2 games) at United 4:30 with Jason
- Apr. 29 -- BLOCKED OPEN
- Apr. 30 -- BLOCKED OPEN
- Sunday, May 1
- May 2 -- SB (2 games) at MonRose 4:30 with Doug
- May 3 -- SB (2 games) at AlWood 4:30 with Jason
- May 4 -- SB (2 games) at Orion 4:30 with David Olinger
- May 5 -- SB (2 games) at Rock Island 4:30 with Vandervinne
- Sunday, May 8
- May 9 -- SB (1 V game) at Galesburg 4:30 with Jason
- May 10 -- SB (2 games) at Knoxville 4:30 with Dan Burgland
- May 11 -- OPEN
- May 12 -- SB (2 games) at MonRose 4:30 with Chris Johnson
- May 13 -- BLOCKED OPEN
- May 14 -- BLOCKED OPEN
- Sunday, May 15
- May 16-21 - IHSA softball regionals
- May 16 - OPEN
- May 17 -- SB SB (1 V game) at Geneseo 4:30 with Lloyd
- May 18 -- OPEN
- May 19 -- OPEN
- May 20 -- OPEN
- May 21 -- OPEN
- Sunday, May 22
- May 23-27 - IHSA softball sectionals
- May 23 -- SB at DeWitt 6:30 with ???
- May 24 -- SB at Moline 4:30 with Tim Alonzo
- Sunday, May 29
- May 30 - 1A/2A supersectional
- June 3-4 - 1A/2A softball state tournament
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