6:21 a.m. - And sometimes life is just a freaking circus. Much of yesterday was spent waiting for email notifications from the school district about its stance on whether or not to keep the mask policy in school or not. Rockridge is choosing to go against the Governor's executive order and go with the ruling by the judge on Friday regarding the use of masks. Since the school district's information to the community is recommending masks, I'll wear the mask. My guess is there will be a majority of students that don't wear the masks, and my guess is that there will be some staff that do wear masks. I'm not trying to make any sort of political statement; I'm just going to go with what is recommended while working in the building. So far (knock on wood) I've avoided hospitalization by going with the recommendations, so I'll just keep it that way. I have to cover Ms. Peterson's first period class, which isn't the best timing given this most recent development. I had planned to have a journal write today, and I'll go ahead with that. The proposed topic had nothing to do with this whole mask thing, but my guess is that students will need to express themselves about masks, so be it.
Tonight I'm officiating in West Central. I'm hoping to hear from the IHSA today regarding a girls regional assignment, and I'm hoping to be given direction on the mask mandate as well. Since I'm officiating at West Central, I hope to be able to see Carmen and visit with her a bit.
Just another day in the life and times of being a teacher...one hour at a time.
English III
- create the English III next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
- score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
- approve/deny slave spiritual requests as received
Other Things To Do
- Feb. 7 - cover Jacqy's class
- plan and schedule South Dakota trip
- fix door downstairs
- finalize lineup for training path series
- if not next week QCETC, then go elsewhere.
- watch IEA videos
Upcoming officiating/umpiring
- travel arrangements = https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KRJ5qpDZDvuEv-LahtrsNsmCt8sUBRrx8_cHvJewNls/edit
Feb. 7 - HSGBK - 6:00 p.m. at West Central with Marcus and Tad
One hour to West Central….Jay leaves at 4:10 and drives…pick up Marcus at his house around 4:30ish
RTA Meeting with BOE - 4:30 p.m.
Feb. 8 - HSBBK - 6:00 p.m. at West Central with Marcus and Shawn
One hour to West Central…Shawn drives…leave Shawn’s at 4:10…pick up Marcus at his house around 4:30 ish
Feb. 9 - OPEN
Feb. 10 - HSGBK - 5:30 p.m. at Riverdale with Marcus and Colin Mix
45 minutes from Edgington
Marcus drives….picks up Jay at 4 p.m.
Feb. 11 - HSGBK - 7:30 p.m. at Davenport North with Marcus and Shawn
40 min. to Davenport North
Meet at Shawn’s at 5:30…Jay drives
Feb. 12 - IHSA girls regional- 1 p.m. at United with Shawn and Clint Gingerich
- 60 min. from Edgington
- Jay to Shawn’s at 11 a.m….Shawn drives
- Feb. 14 - OPEN--IHSA girls regional semifinal games
- Feb. 15 - HSBBK - 6:00 p.m. at Farmington with Shawn Cantwell and Andrew Teel
- IHSA girls regional semifinal games
- Feb. 16 - OPEN
- Feb. 17 - HSBBK - 6:00 p.m. at United with Shawn and Marcus
- IHSA girls regional final games
- Feb. 18--IHSA girls regional final games
- Feb. 10--IHSA boys regional quarterfinal games
- Sun. Feb. 20
- Feb. 21 --IHSA boys regional semifinal games
- Feb. 22--IHSA girls sectional semifinal games
- Feb. 23--IHSA boys regional semifinal games
- RTA Meeting with BOE - 4:30 p.m.
- Feb. 24 --IHSA girls sectional final games
- Feb. 25--IHSA boys regional final games
- Feb. 26 - OPEN
- Softball clinic Macomb 9 a.m.
- Jeff Dunham show 5 p.m.
- Sun. Feb. 27
- Feb. 28--IHSA girls supersectional games
- Mar. 1 --IHSA boys sectional semifinal games
- Mar. 2--IHSA boys sectional semifinal games
- Mar. 3--IHSA boys sectional final
- Mar. 7 -- RTA Meeting with BOE - 4:30 p.m.
- Mar. 23 -- RTA Meeting with BOE - 4:30 p.m.
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