
Saturday, February 27, 2021

Saturday, February 27, 2021

6:00 a.m. - I learned news of someone dying earlier this week that is a bit of a "gut-puncher".  When I took a teaching job at AlWood now several years ago, I was middle-aged and hoping to rebuild a coaching career, so I took a teaching and coaching job at AlWood and proceeded to start building a program the only way I know how - build a youth program.  And we did all the right things - camps, a weekend youth league, a youth league board, travel teams.  But one coach can't do all of that himself.  He can spend hours and hours at the gym, but he (or she) still has to have a few people that will put in the same level of time and energy and frustration.  One of those was a man named Todd Greenman, and his wife Brandy worked in the office at the middle-high school as an administrative assistant.  She was also one of those few that helped me.  Todd passed away from complications of a recent diagnosis of colon cancer.  I'm sure the news of the cancer was devastating, but this week he was to start chemo in what I presume was an attempt to prolong his life as much as possible.  While I don't know the details, I can only assume that the chemo was something his body rejected, and the treatment went wrong.  After I left AlWood and started officiating, Todd was on the bench for his son's team, and he often worked the scorer's table.  He was also a local insurance agent with an office right there in town in Woodhull.  He was passionate about his boys and his wife, and he was passionate about basketball but hard on officials during games.  I find it "gut-punching" to look back on life and remember the folks who were so instrumental in helping me accomplish things that need to be done, and then losing them.  I hope I'm one of those people for someone else in my life.  I hope when I go, I made that kind of an impact on someone else's efforts to do something that needed to be done.

Things to do for school

  • Daily
    • edit today's agenda on the Stream with recorded class session - for Feb. 26
    • create the next day's agenda and schedule post to stream - for Mar. 1
    • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom as needed - for Mar. 1
    • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed
    • respond to student/parent emails and update grades
    • TUES - schedule FRW assignment for Wed., March 3

Things I Could Do or Need to Do In the Future

  • Email to coaches Orion and Sherrard boys regarding ratings of last night's game.
    • Update IHSA with game officiated
      • Friday, Feb. 26 - at Sherrard boys 7:00  with Jason and Tad
  • Updated games IHSA with today's games at AlWood and United Township
  • TOMORROW send AlWood and UT games coaches ratings reminder.
  • Arda Meeting SUNDAY - 11:30 a.m.
  • Continue working with TK to organize financial management things.
  • Listen to IF podcasts
  • fix the green door.
  • Check gmail messages.
Upcoming Basketball Games
  • Saturday, Feb. 27 at AlWood girls 1 p.m. with Jason and Tad
    • at U.T.H.S. girls 7:30 p.m. with Jason and Tad
  • Monday, Mar. 1 - at Morrison boys 7 p.m. with Mario and somebody else
  • Tuesday, Mar. 2 - at MonRose boys 6 p.m. with Tad and Jason
  • Wednesday, Mar. 3 - Open so far
  • Thursday, Mar. 4 - at Alleman girls 7:30 with TBA
  • Friday, Mar. 5 -at Erie boys 7 p.m. with Jason and Tad
  • Saturday, Mar. 6 - at AlWood girls 1 p.m. with Jason and Tad
    • at U.T.H.S girls 7:30 p.m. with Jake Scott and Tim Seward
  • Monday, Mar. 8 - Open so far
  • Tuesday, Mar. 9 - at Alleman girls 7:30 p.m. with Chet and Craig Yeocum
  • Wednesday, Mar. 10 - Open so far
  • Thursday, Mar. 11 - Aa United girls 6 p.m. with Parsons and Wagner
  • Friday, Mar. 12 - at Orion boys 7:30 p.m. with Tad and Jason
  • Saturday, Mar. 13 - at Williamsfield boys 4 p.m. with Tad and Jason

Things that I NOW think about with the coronavirus. (2/27)

Holy Spirit...
Help me have... 
    a pure heart, that I may see;
    a humble heart, that I may hear;
    a heart of love, that I may serve;
    a heart of faith, that I may abide in the spirit. 

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