
Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Use Screencastify To Inform Parents and Have a Different Presentation Format

Screencastify is a simple Chromebook extension that basically records what the user is doing on his/her Chromebook.  I've included an example at the bottom, and in this example a student is using Screencastify to digitally present a slideshow (Google Slides).  In this specific example, students were assigned the task of sharing worst fit, best fit, and specific fit for the path they are considering after high school.

This technology is not difficult.  If I can do it in my classroom, anyone can do it.  It took me part of a class period to show students how to acquire the extension through the Chromestore, then I showed them a rough example clip of a screencastify file I had created, and then I turned them loose.

While I do think public speaking to a live audience is an awesome skill, I think this technology allows students to learn how to make presentations and tutorials that can then be digitally saved and used for later use.

I've actually used this technology with basketball video game files as well.  In this example, I played the video file of a scrimmage and then used Screencastify to express my thoughts as the scrimmage played.  In this way I could provide feedback on the players' performance that the players could view during their free time.

I also used this technology to send an informational message to parents.  While I could have just sent an email, I decided to speak directly to the parents through Screencastify and show them the assignment that students were working on.

I'm sure there are many other uses for this technology that can be used in the classroom, in business, and for personal uses.

Student Example of Using Screencastify to Present

Assignment Information for Students

Decision Making Chart

Assignment Information for Guest Presenters

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