
Monday, April 10, 2017


So of course the night before the first day of spring break I couldn't sleep.  Instead of fading off restfully into sleepyville, I was awake thinking of all the things I want to accomplish.  Eventually heading back out to the couch and watching reruns of Big Bang Theory did the trick, but it had to have been around 1:00 a.m. before I finally fell asleep.

But now it's spring break!  For me, it's not a warm tropical vacation spot.  For me it's around home completing some projects, at my folks completing projects, and probably some umpiring.  I did recently start using Google Keep, and I think my goal is likely to check a few things off of my Keep list each day of spring break.

While it may sound childish, I'm not afraid to admit that getting a few days off from the routine of the school year is a treat.  When we get back to school, it will be mid-April, and the dash will be on to complete the school year....sports, field trips, prom, graduation...the pace of the school year seems to multiply rapidly the closer the final day arrives.  So while I need to get things done this week, the pacing will be relaxed and flexible.

And one part of this week is walking the dogs each day.  So I'm cutting this entry short to take Kya and Sophie on a morning walk, then I'll check out that Google Keep list.


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