
Monday, April 24, 2017

Tis The Season For Students Missing 7th Period!

From mid-April to the end of the school year, an event occurs as natural as the green grass and flowers and rain - excused absences.

Especially for students that participate in a variety of extra curricular clubs and sports, excused absences can accumulate up to 2-3 times per week, and 7th period is especially prone to absences.  In addition to those activities, there are also field trips and other classroom type things that students attend.  In other words, 7th period can be a mess!

One reason I wait until the end of the school year for our novel read is this onslaught of school activity excused absences.  Honestly, it can be frustrating, but it's also wonderful that our students get an opportunity to experience and participate in all of these events.  Google Classroom and email and shared Google Docs has been an AMAZING help to this issue.

One way I try to deal with all the absences is simply sharing my daily lesson agenda with students.  In this way, they can immediately access what was accomplished in class.  Also, assigning reading sections and analysis questions through Google Classroom allows students to complete assignments wherever they have access to a device and internet.  Finally, students can send off emails with questions and comments.

With a little bit of strategic planning of curriculum units and the use of modern technology, students can enjoy all of their experiences that take them out of the building and still keep up with their schoolwork as much as possible.

Have a great day!


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