
Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Another Great Application of Google Classroom

I have a dentist appointment today, so I have a substitute teacher in my classroom.  Mrs. Clarke is fully capable as a sub, and she enjoys the kids and relates well.  The days of lesson plans for subs, though, changed radically with Google Classroom.

Now I can simply schedule an assignment in Google Classroom to magically appear on the students' stream when the class period begins.  And if I really wanted to, I could post a screencastify file into the assignment and present the lesson plan to the students myself.

The only issue is internet problems, which unfortunately have been an issue lately with our school's internet service provider.  To help deal with this potential problem, I did make paper copies of the assignment as a precaution.

Today, Mrs. Clarke will be able to use my sub folder for the class rosters and seating charts and take attendance.  Then it's pretty simple.  She'll instruct the students to log in to a Chromebook and complete today's assignments.  Plus, she will then be free to circulate the room to help students respond to the questions on the assignment or to just help keep students on task.

Thanks Mrs. Clarke and Google Classroom!

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