
Monday, April 3, 2017

So the SAT is ONLY 2 Days Away

In RoomNE10, we have literally been preparing for this since Septemember, so I'm excited for the students.  Not all of them share this excitement, so here are some considerations.

  • Now is NOT the time to panic.  Whether you have been preparing steadily for months or not, the SAT will arrive on April 5.  In order to perform your best, a positive, calm perspective is needed.  Say to yourself, "Jay, I know it's arriving, every other junior in Illinois is completing the SAT, and I will do my best."
  • Make Wednesday, routine.  Avoid some really cool idea that some other student has found on the XYZ site on the internet.  No, drinking three energy drinks a day starting today will not boost your brain functioning.  No, sleeping with a dictionary under your pillow will not make a difference.  Today is what you normally do on Monday.  Tomorrow is what you normally do on Tuesday.  Wednesday is what you normally do on Wednesday.
    • UNLESS...normally on Wednesday you get up five minutes before you drive to school, eat nothing, and run to your first class in order to avoid being tardy.
    • In that case....get up 30 minutes earlier, eat a light breakfast with a class of milk and perhaps a cup of coffee, and walk comfortably to your testing classroom.
  • Double check to make sure you have everything you need - pencils, calculator, maybe a wrist watch to help keep time. 
  • Get to your testing 10 minutes early.  Look around and feel comfortable in your surroundings.
  • Accept the "butterflies" in your gut.  It's perfectly natural to be nervous.  Yes this is important, but this one test is not going to define you or your future.  It's going to define how you performed on this one day on a college entrance exam given the education and preparation that you have completed to this point of your life.  You are going to gain valuable information on your strengths and your weaknesses that will allow you to determine future academic goals that may be needed.
  • Take a deep breath, listen and read all directions, manage your time effectively, feel confident in all the preparation you have completed individually as well as how your teachers and school have prepared you, and SMILE!  (It takes less energy to smile than to frown.)

  • Avoid staying up late cramming an SAT practice test into your evening.\
  • Avoid getting up two hours early and consuming the meatlover's breakfast a the local cafe.
  • Avoid rolling out of bed and taking the exam in your pajamas because you think you want to be comfortable.  I suggest actually "dressing up" a little like it's a "game day" for you sports folks; otherwise at least dress business casual to help yourself set your brain to be effective.
  • Avoid going to bed three hours early in order to be "rested up".  This is just going to throw your mind and body into weirdness; you'll probably wake up around 3 a.m. and not be able to get back to sleep.
  • Avoid giving up.  No matter how weary or uncertain or you may feel, do your best all the way through.  YOUR BEST IS ALWAYS GOOD ENOUGH.

Good luck students,

You are going to be relaxed, perform your best, and be great!

Mr. Bizarri

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