5:41 a.m. - Yesterday did indeed go by with a lot of "stuff" again yesterday. It seems like my days this week (of a four-day week) have been crammed full. After school there was no basketball, but there was picking up Amber at the airport. Her flights went fine and were on schedule, so then we got back home to grandchildren and granddogs.
Today is an admin meeting. I'm never looking forward to admin meetings. Keep my head down...keep quiet...don't upset anyone. Survive and advance. Later today I have the girls 1A regional championship at Williamsfield ... it should be a good game.
Just keep swimming.
Holy shit...I just checked my IHSA portal...I was assigned a Girls SuperSectional at Bureau Valley. I'm officiating in MARCH! That's exciting, if I can get my legs to last that long.
Things for School
- absent days for staff entered into SDS by the 15th of each month
- contact Greg Johnson's rep - sent message on 2/6
- get date finalized
- check mouse traps
- March 17 - Milan Optical 11:00 a.m.
- April 16 - knee replacement surgery - Illini Hospital
- July 13-18 - Summer Camping Trip to Mackinac Island
- Brown County Deforestation Campground July 13 and July 17
- St. Ignace KOA July 14, 15, 16
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bMhp3emCnE4xeo_hUm5rLgsktf-NVWxu3sS0bwNg0uw/edit?tab=t.0
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