7:27 a.m. - Survive and advance...that's been the motto. I'm not taking a few days off to try to heal. I'm going to stay active, and I'm going to start the exercises that I'm supposed to do for my knee replacement surgery.
Yesterday was wacky...went and got my phone from Sherrard High School that I had left the night before. Then I had to go into Moline to the Vibrant Arena and get the hockey tickets vouchers from the field trip the second graders missed. Then I had a meeting with a parent. Then we went and officiated at Orion. Survive and advance.
Today, apparently we are going to watch the Harrison girls play basketball. Then I hope to stay home and work on my legs. My next scheduled game isn't until February 14...that's nice.
Things for School
- absent days for staff entered into SDS by the 15th of each month
- contact Greg Johnson's rep - sent message on 2/6
- get date finalized
- check mouse traps
- enter mileage for umpiring/officiating
- Enter game/teams into IHSA "my schedule" each day/week.
- March 17 - Milan Optical 11:00 a.m.
- April 16 - knee replacement surgery - Illini Hospital
- July 13-18 - Summer Camping Trip to Mackinac Island
- Brown County Deforestation Campground July 13 and July 17
- St. Ignace KOA July 14, 15, 16
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bMhp3emCnE4xeo_hUm5rLgsktf-NVWxu3sS0bwNg0uw/edit?tab=t.0
10 - BOE meeting
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