6:32 a.m. - Yesterday was a rough one, as I expected. But just like every other day in my life; it didn't last forever. We got through yesterday. Of course, every time I have an admin meeting, it leads to more work that needs to be done, but I'm used to that. And I sent out another performance survey this past week, and there are some folks that responded to the survey that don't feel like they are respected enough, but that's okay. The honeymoon of being the new principal has concluded...and that's also okay. The flip side is that despite the honeymoon being over, the building overall is doing very well for the students and families. One of our substitutes yesterday commented that she had enjoyed being there for the week and that our building really has a lot of good folks. That really means a lot to me.
Today isn't quite as rough. I'm headed up Interstate 88 again, but it's only two games, and it's fresh/soph, and at least I'm working with one of my regular partners. I would like to get a hair cut along the way, and sometime this weekend I'd like to do some Christmas shopping. I think a couple of Southwell kids are going to be here tonight. November and the first part of December have been tough; but I think that tough patch is behind me.
Oh and the damn mail finally got to its destination yesterday. I mailed out three checks last weekend, and apparently when I put mail in the mailbox here in Edgington on the weekend, it all goes to Des Moines first, and because it's the holidays, it takes forever there. I was beginning to really wonder if I had mailed out those letters like I thought I did. I even came home and looked for them, and I searched the car and truck thinking I may have not actually mailed them.
Things for School
- absent days for staff entered into SDS by the 15th of each month
- Send message to MonRose and Riverdale
- Enter game/teams into IHSA "my schedule" each day/week.
- Put Uncle Gus stuff in camper
- Dec. 10 8:30 a.m. Wang physical
- Dec. 17 - Jim Bizarri birthday
- Dec. 23- Carmen, Tyler, Caleb, Chase, Cole Christmas
- Dec. 24 - Cathy Bizarri birthday
- Jan. 20 - 10 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. virtual meeting with Tyler Kargl
7 - at Erie - noon - Marcus and Mike Hamer
10 - at Moline - 7 p.m. - Shawn and Pat Lower
11 - BLOCKED - Winter Program
12 - open
13 - open
14 - at United Township - 1:30 - Marcus and Shawn
- at Eastland - 5:30 - Robbie and Tad
16 - United (old gym) - 7:30 - Tony and Brett Stevens
17 - Mercer County - 5:30 - Shawn and Scott Verstraete
18 - Erie - 7 p.m. - Jason Danner and Randy Hollerud
19 - Sterling 7 p.m. - Marcus Bush and Craig Yeocum
20 - United (old gym) 7:30 p.m. - Marcus and Shawn
21 - Riverdale - 10 a.m. - Marcus and Shawn
23-26 -- BLOCKED - Christmas Break
27 - Erie Trny at Erie HS - 10:00 a.m. - Tony and Josh
Sherrard Trny - 2:30 p.m. - Tony and Josh
28 - Erie Trny at Erie HS - 4:00 p.m - Josh and Tony
29 - SUNDA
30 - Erie Tnry at Annex - 4:00 p.m. - Tony and David Hasley
31 - Jan. 4 - BLOCKED - New Year's Break
6 - West Central - 6 p.m. - Marcus and Tony
7 - Knoxville - 6 p.m. - Robert Dowling and Andrew Teel
8 - OPEN
9 - Alleman - 7 p.m. - Marcus and Craig Yeocum
10 - AlWood - 6 p.m. - Shawn and Marcus
11 - MonRose - 1 p.m. - Marcus and Tony
13 - BLOCKED - BOE Meeting
14 - Geneseo 7 p.m. - Marcus and Shawn
15 - AlWood - 6 p.m. - Marcus and ???
16 - Moline - 7 p.m. - Marcus and Craig Yeocum
17 - Sherrard - 5:30 p.m. - Marcus and Shawn
18 - Williamsfield - 2:30 p.m. - Marcus and Shawn
- Galesburg - 6:30 p.m. - Marcus and Shawn
20 - Sterling - 4:30 p.m. - Marcus and Shawn
21 - West Central - 6 p.m. - Marcus and Shawn
22 - ROWVA Middle School - 5:30 p.m. - Marcus and Tony
23 - United - 6 p.m. - Marcus and Tony
24 - Kewanee - 7 p.m. - Marcus and Shawn
25 - Galesburg - 1:30 p.m. - Marcus and Hasley
27 - Wethersfield - 5:30 p.m. - Marcus and Tony
28 - Galesburg - 7 p.m. - Craig Yeocum and Amanda Kochis
29 - ROWVA - 6 p.m. - Marcus and Tony
30 - Riverdale - 5:30 p.m. - Marcus and Tony
31 - Kewanee - 7 p.m. - Marcus and Shawn
1 - West Central 1 p.m. - Marcus and Shawn
3 - United - 6 p.m. - Tony and Trenton Kirgan
4 - United - 6 p.m. - Marcus and Shawn
5 - AlWood - 6 p.m. - Tony and Marcus
6 - Sherrard - 5:30 p.m. - Tony and John Hippen
7 - Orion - 5:30 p.m. - Marcus and Shawn
8 - Wethersfield (Moss Gym) 2 games - 4:30 p.m. - Marcus and Shawn
10 - OPEN Board Meeting?
11 - ROWVA 6 p.m. - Shawn and Marcus
12 - BLOCKED - ICE Parent Meeting
13 - Sterling - 7 p.m. - Shawn and Marcus
14 - Riverdale - 5:30 p.m. - Shawn and Marcus
15 - OPEN - Girls Quarterfinals Begin
17 - OPEN
18 - Kewanee - 7 p.m. - Shawn and Marcus
19 - OPEN
20 - OPEN
21 - OPEN
22 - Boys Quarterfinals Begin
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