
Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Wednesday, August 7

5:04 a.m. - And the days keep rolling.  Mrs. Zampogna continues to help my orientation process at school, and while I know I won't every be "ready", I feel like each day helps me to be as ready as possible.  Yesterday, I did manage to get into Moline and purchase a new chair for my office.  It's not fancy, but it's more of an "executive chair" rather than a task chair.  I also picked up a Kuerig coffee maker to put in the lounge.  This things I paid for myself because I plan to take them with me after my three year work experience (including my desk).  

I didn't get the dead grass burned yesterday because the weather didn't cooperate again, but that's okay...the cooler temperatures were a welcomed event.  I did get a message from Slayden's indicating that the truck might be finished this week, so maybe we can get the Eagle out to Loud Thunder for a little camper time.  

This morning, it's off to the office early.  I'm going to be there before 7 a.m. to meet Mrs. Bragg and our new custodian.  I want to walk around with them as she begins her orientation, so I hear what Mrs. Bragg says too.  Then I have a meeting with a parent at 1:00 p.m.  Later today perhaps I can get to that grass if the weather gives me a little sunshine, which the forecast is calling for.

Things for School 

  • Aug. 7 - 1:00 p.m. Sarah Brown (Lane)
  • Aug. 7 - 7 a.m. Tom Morgan in the building for custodian orientation
  • Sept. 10 Staff meeting at high school cafeteria - SEL with Megan
  • work on IC to-do list
  • history project - need to make a list of the schools...try to get a count
    • Riverbend Signworks
    • burn grass
    • visit Koehler's about one room schools
    • August 8 - 8:30 at Taylor Ridge (new teachers)
      • Then lunch at HS followed by - 1 p.m. Admin Meeting
    • Aug. 9 - 12:30 - Old Oaks - staff get together
    • August 13 - opening date for IHSA volleyball rules video and exam 
    • pick up GMC when ready
    • fix outside shower door on camper
    • grease the camper wheels
    • Dec. 19 89:30 a.m. Wang physical
    • Residential Correctional Facility - 1330 W 3rd St, Davenport, IA 52802


    Fri., 8/9 - open
    Sat., 8/10 - blocked
    Sun., 8/11
    Mon., 8/12 - Backpack Night
    Tues., 8/13 - RHS open house
    Wed., 8/14 - blocked
    Thurs., 8/15 - blocked
    Fri., 8/16 - blocked...camping?
    Sat., 8/17 - blocked...camping?
    Sun., 8/18 - blocked...camping?
    Mon., 8/19 - open
    Tues., 8/20 - open
    Wed., 8/21 - open
    Thurs., 8/22 - open
    Fri., 8/23 - blocked...camping?
    Sat., 8/24 - blocked...camping?
    Sun., 8/25 - blocked...camping?
    Mon., 8/26 - VB at Rockridge 5 p.m.
    Tues., 8/27 - open
    Wed., 8/28 - VB at Williamsfield 5 p.m.
    Thurs., 8/29 - blocked Labor Day
    Fri., 8/30 - blocked Labor Day
    Sat., 8/31 - blocked Labor Day
    Sun., 9/1 - blocked Labor Day
    Mon., 9/2 - blocked Labor Day


    17 - at Sherrard JHGBK with Temple
    19 - Homecoming Parade and Pep Rally

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