6:03 a.m. - Yesterday was yet another busy one. The big accomplishment of the day was spraying Round-Up on the weeds, and with all the heat we have been getting, those dang weeds were showing signs of death by the middle of the day. With that big project done, I've got the yard pretty close to looking as good as it looked before we left on our camping vacation on July 5th. After getting the weeds done, I took a quick trip into Milan to look for some beer for neighbor Brandon who helped me out with our power during the storm when we were on vacation. I couldn't quite find what I was looking for, but I got him something similar. Then while I was there, HyVee had some mulch on sale that I thought would work for the landscaping at ICE around the flag pole, so I picked some of that up and took it out to the school and installed the mulch. I think it looks pretty good. Then it was back home to get ready for the party - Grandma Rhonda's birthday party. It wasn't as big of a party as I thought, and there weren't as many swimmers, so I had time to vacuum the pool. Once the guests started to arrive, I was directed to cook up the burgers and hot dogs, and then we all ate. Of course, I ate too much, but boy it was good. I suppose the last of the guests left around 8 p.m. I did get to spend some time in the pool, which hasn't really happened much this summer.
Today it's back to work, and I need an efficient day. A week from today, teachers report back to school, so it's getting into crunch time. Plus, the things I need to do today are things I need to learn how to do, so there's a bit of a learning curve. Fortunately, Mrs. Zampogna returns today, so that will be helpful. If everything goes well today, I may sneak down to Fort Madison and see Baby Caleb.
Things for School
- Aug. 7 - Tom Morgan in the building for custodian orientation
- Sept. 10 Staff meeting at high school cafeteria - SEL with Megan
- work on IC to-do list
- history project - need to make a list of the schools...try to get a count
- Riverbend Signworks
- visit Koehler's about one room schools
- August 8 - 8:30 at Taylor Ridge (new teachers)
- Then lunch at HS followed by - 1 p.m. Admin Meeting
- Aug. 9 - 12:30 - Old Oaks - staff get together
- August 13 - opening date for IHSA volleyball rules video and exam
- pick up GMC when ready
- fix outside shower door on camper
- grease the camper wheels
- Dec. 19 89:30 a.m. Wang physical
- Residential Correctional Facility - 1330 W 3rd St, Davenport, IA 52802
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