6:18 a.m. - Yesterday I was supposed to get done with school and go see Baby Caleb in Fort Madison. I got through the day okay and was darn near to Burlington, when Carmen told me she was being transported to the Fort Madison Hospital from an urgent care office because of mastitis and a fever. What started as a pleasure visit, then, turned into a childcare visit, as I was turned into primary caregiver for Baby Caleb. I picked him up from another person who had picked him up from the urgent care office, and then Caleb and I made our way back to the Hoenig home. He wasn't phased; he pretty much slept the whole time, until it was time to eat, and I didn't know how to warm up the bottle. Fortunately for both of us, Mom and Dad made it home just as I was attempting to warm up the bottle, so all was saved. After that I just hung out with Caleb and allowed Mom to rest and Dad to get some things done. He was a lot more awake after the bottle. Tyler and Carmen also brought some Pizza Hut pizza, so I had a bit to eat too. Carmen received some medications through and IV, and she's going to check in with her doctor today. I just hope she does okay, and I'll check in with her sometime this morning after my meeting.
Today is going to be busy day, and I need the weather to cooperate. I have that admin meeting, but more importantly, Tom Parchert and his boys are going to help me pull some pushes from in front of the Illinois City Building. The bushes look terrible, so they need to go. I don't know that they will get replaced, but that's okay. No bushes will look better than all that stuff that is there now.
Things for School
- Pay Culligan Bill
- Complete public works training
- Complete same face different place thing
- Find/view activity funds spreadsheet
- Post beginning events flyer that Kim made.
- Get carpet for music room
- Get My Math books figured out
- Figure out Spotter (cameras) app
- Complete Public Works Training
- Thurs., Aug. 1 - Admin Meeting - 9 a.m.
- work on IC to-do list
- history project - need to make a list of the schools...try to get a count
- Riverbend Signworks
- Thurs., Aug. 1 - tear out bushes at ICE - 6 p.m.
- Aug. 2 - Mike Massey's funeral
- Saturday, Aug. 3 - Foremost Clinic - 8:30 a.m. at Galesburg (registration is at 8 a.m.)
- pick Shawn up at 7 a.m.
- Aug. 9 - 12:30 - Old Oaks - staff get together
- August 13 - opening date for IHSA volleyball rules video and exam
- go see Chase
- pick up GMC when ready
- spray weeds
- clip the bushes
- fix outside shower door on camper
- grease the camper wheels
- Dec. 19 89:30 a.m. Wang physical
- Residential Correctional Facility - 1330 W 3rd St, Davenport, IA 52802
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