
Sunday, August 25, 2024

Sunday, August 25

10:35 a.m.  - We didn't have the quietest, smoothest ending to the week of having the Eagle out at Loud Thunder.  I was hoping for a quiet, simple night by the fire.  Obstacle number one was Mother Nature...just too hot to sit around a campfire.  Obstacle number two was Gigi inviting the Harrison kids to stay overnight in the camper.  I really had hoped to be mostly packed up before waking up in the morning, but three grandchildren in the camper overnight put the kabosh to that idea.  So while my previous plan was have the camper back to the house and parked by 8 a.m., we actually didn't miss it by too much.  I think it was a little after 9 a.m. when I had it unhooked.  It's now before 11 a.m., and we got the trailer unloaded, and I also managed to do a quick, rough vacuum of the pool.  Needed to give it some attention since there will likely be a lot of people here today in the pool.  So now I have some inside things to work on, but at least all the big outside things are accomplished.

I'm not sure what today will all bring.  I think Amber works this afternoon.

Other than yesterday being too hot, and this morning's departure not going how I wanted, the week with the camper out in the campground was nice.  I would have liked to done some hiking and have spent more time with Amber, but the weather cooperated.

Things for School 

    • history project - need to make a list of the schools...try to get a count
      • Riverbend Signworks
    • One for $20.00 payable to Foremost for your Arbiter assignments and if you're interested in joining our group (which you really should be to attend our meetings), a $20.00 check payable to GAOA (Galesburg Area Officials Association).
    • Joe Thompson - President
      Galesburg Area Officials Association
      (309 368-1714vacuum the pool
    • put volleyball officiating stuff in HHR
    • receive Amazon order - short sleeve shirts and speakers
    • receive Kohl's order - 4 pair of Docker's Pants
    • pay mortgage before Sept. 1
    • visit Koehler's about one room schools - maybe Sunday
    • Dec. 19 89:30 a.m. Wang physical
    • Residential Correctional Facility - 1330 W 3rd St, Davenport, IA 52802


    Mon., 8/26 - VB at Rockridge 5 p.m.
    Tues., 8/27 - open
    Wed., 8/28 - VB at Williamsfield 5 p.m.
    Thurs., 8/29 - blocked Labor Day
    Fri., 8/30 - blocked Labor Day
    Sat., 8/31 - blocked Labor Day
    Sun., 9/1 - blocked Labor Day
    Mon., 9/2 - blocked Labor Day


    17 - at Sherrard JHGBK with Temple
    19 - Homecoming Parade and Pep Rally

    One for $20.00 payable to Foremost for your Arbiter assignments and if you're interested in joining our group (which you really should be to attend our meetings), a $20.00 check payable to GAOA (Galesburg Area Officials Association).
    Joe Thompson - President
    Galesburg Area Officials Association
    (309 368-17146:26 a.m

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