
Saturday, August 31, 2024

Saturday, August 31

5:57 a.m. - Yesterday was a little rough in the afternoon.  After four hot days of early dismissal, the kids really weren't use to a full school day, so some of our "challenging" students offered "challenges".  The issues were opportunities to call home and get some parent input, so that wasn't a bad thing.  The issues were opportunities to have conversations with the students about making better decisions, and that's not a bad thing either.  Amber and I then went to have some supper at a local cafe, which really wasn't a good dinner, but at least we had a little bit of a night out.

I'm hoping to get some yard work done today, and I'm hoping to watch some football.  I think the Southwell children are spending the night tonight.

Things for School 

    • yard mowed, weeds wacked, spray fence lines and trim
    • Dec. 19 89:30 a.m. Wang physical
    • Residential Correctional Facility - 1330 W 3rd St, Davenport, IA 52802


    3 - VB at Sherrard 5 p.m.
    4 - open
    5 - VB at Mercer County 5 p.m.
    6 - dentist appointment
        - blocked open - camping
    7 - blocked open - camping
    8 - Sunday - blocked open - camping
    9 - open
    10 - VB at Monrose 5 p.m.
    11 - VB at Mercer County 5 p.m.
    12 - VB at Wethersfield 6 p.m.
    13 - blocked - camping
    14 - blocked - camping
    15 - blocked - camping
    16 - VB at Muscatine ???? Check on this
    17 - at Sherrard JHGBK 5:30 - with Temple
    18 - blocked open - camping?
    19 - blocked open - camping?
         Homecoming Parade and Pep Rally
    20 - blocked open - camping?
    21 - blocked open - camping?
    22 - blocked open - camping?
    23 - at Costa JHBK - 5:30
    24 - VB at Erie - 5:00 with Jacqy
    25 - VB at Ridgewood - 5:00 with Shawn
    26 - VB at Sherrard - 5:00 with Shawn
    27 - blocked open - camping?
    28 - blocked open - camping?
    29 - blocked open - camping?
    30 - open

    Friday, August 30, 2024

    Friday, August 30

    5:39 a.m. - It's Friday; it's pay day; and it's raining!  We might have to deal with rain at school today, but we won't have to deal with hot temperatures like we've seen all this week.  Plus, we have a three-day weekend too!  Now, we just have to get through today.

    Yesterday was quiet in the morning, so I got some things done on my list.  After school, I drove the truck to Mercer County High School and picked two library carts.  They are going to help us with our efforts to have a more workable, traditional library - well, as traditional as I can get in the limited space we have. 

    I'm sure there are places to go and things to do this weekend that I don't know of, but I would like to get the yard mowed and the ditches weedwacked.  Because of this rain 

    Things for School 

    • Leave request for dentist appointment on Sept. 6.
      • One for $20.00 payable to Foremost for your Arbiter assignments and if you're interested in joining our group (which you really should be to attend our meetings), a $20.00 check payable to GAOA (Galesburg Area Officials Association).
      • Joe Thompson - President
        Galesburg Area Officials Association
        (309 368-1714
      • pay mortgage before Sept. 1
      • yard mowed, weeds wacked, spray fence lines and trim
      • Dec. 19 89:30 a.m. Wang physical
      • Residential Correctional Facility - 1330 W 3rd St, Davenport, IA 52802


      3 - VB at Sherrard 5 p.m.
      4 - open
      5 - VB at Mercer County 5 p.m.
      6 - dentist appointment
          - blocked open - camping
      7 - blocked open - camping
      8 - Sunday - blocked open - camping
      9 - open
      10 - VB at Monrose 5 p.m.
      11 - VB at Mercer County 5 p.m.
      12 - VB at Wethersfield 6 p.m.
      13 - blocked - camping
      14 - blocked - camping
      15 - blocked - camping
      16 - VB at Muscatine ???? Check on this
      17 - at Sherrard JHGBK 5:30 - with Temple
      18 - blocked open - camping?
      19 - blocked open - camping?
           Homecoming Parade and Pep Rally
      20 - blocked open - camping?
      21 - blocked open - camping?
      22 -
      23 - 
      24 -
      25 -
      26 - 
      27 - 
      28 - 
      29 - 
      30 - 

      Thursday, August 29, 2024

      Thursday, August 29

      6:01 a.m. - It's garbage day, and I need to do that yet this morning, so this is going to be quick.  Yesterday was another 1:30 heat dismissal today, and we have one more today.  Then I need to get a couple of mobile library carts from Mercer County, which means I need to take my truck to school today.  Tonight, I think I get to relax...but that's not always the case after I get home.  Case in point is last night.  I arrived to Karrigan and three dogs before I went to officiate volleyball.  Then apparently after I left Kenzie and Kourtney arrived with their clans.  The result was the three Kiddoo girls, three dogs, and six grandchildren....that's a full house. 

      Volleyball went okay and Jason Danner left me milk and cookies.  He thinks my new job at ICE is all about milk and cookies.  He's so wrong.

      Things for School 

      • Complete CPI pre-work stuff
        • send message to North Fulton and RW
        • history project - need to make a list of the schools...try to get a count
          • Riverbend Signworks
        • One for $20.00 payable to Foremost for your Arbiter assignments and if you're interested in joining our group (which you really should be to attend our meetings), a $20.00 check payable to GAOA (Galesburg Area Officials Association).
        • Joe Thompson - President
          Galesburg Area Officials Association
          (309 368-1714vacuum the pool
        • pay mortgage before Sept. 1
        • Dec. 19 89:30 a.m. Wang physical
        • Residential Correctional Facility - 1330 W 3rd St, Davenport, IA 52802


        Tues., 8/27 - open
        Wed., 8/28 - VB at Williamsfield 5 p.m. -- Leave at after early bus.
        Thurs., 8/29 - blocked Labor Day
        Fri., 8/30 - blocked Labor Day
        Sat., 8/31 - blocked Labor Day
        Sun., 9/1 - blocked Labor Day
        Mon., 9/2 - blocked Labor Day

        3 - VB at Sherrard 5 p.m.
        4 - open
        5 - VB at Mercer County 5 p.m.
        6 - dentist appointment
            - blocked open - camping
        7 - blocked open - camping
        8 - Sunday - blocked open - camping
        9 - open
        10 - VB at Monrose 5 p.m.
        11 - VB at Mercer County 5 p.m.
        12 - VB at Wethersfield 6 p.m.
        13 - blocked - camping
        14 - blocked - camping
        15 - blocked - camping
        16 - VB at Muscatine ???? Check on this
        17 - at Sherrard JHGBK 5:30 - with Temple
        18 - blocked open - camping?
        19 - blocked open - camping?
             Homecoming Parade and Pep Rally
        20 - blocked open - camping?
        21 - blocked open - camping?
        22 -
        23 - 
        24 -
        25 -
        26 - 
        27 - 
        28 - 
        29 - 
        30 - 

        Wednesday, August 28, 2024

        Wednesday, August 28

        5:53 a.m. - It was another hot one yesterday; we got through it.  After school, I went to Fort Madison and spent some time with Caleb, Carmen, and Tyler.  I hadn't had any Caleb time for a couple of weeks, so it was good to hold him and feed him.  That baby is big, and he sleeps a lot!  

        Today is going to be another hot day, and tomorrow.  The weekend is showing some welcomed temperature belief.   After school, Shawn and I are headed to Williamsfield to officiate volleyball - could be a late night.

        Things for School 

        • Complete CPI pre-work stuff
          OTHER THINGS
          • history project - need to make a list of the schools...try to get a count
            • Riverbend Signworks
          • One for $20.00 payable to Foremost for your Arbiter assignments and if you're interested in joining our group (which you really should be to attend our meetings), a $20.00 check payable to GAOA (Galesburg Area Officials Association).
          • Joe Thompson - President
            Galesburg Area Officials Association
            (309 368-1714vacuum the pool
          • pay mortgage before Sept. 1
          • Dec. 19 89:30 a.m. Wang physical
          • Residential Correctional Facility - 1330 W 3rd St, Davenport, IA 52802


          Tues., 8/27 - open
          Wed., 8/28 - VB at Williamsfield 5 p.m. -- Leave at after early bus.
          Thurs., 8/29 - blocked Labor Day
          Fri., 8/30 - blocked Labor Day
          Sat., 8/31 - blocked Labor Day
          Sun., 9/1 - blocked Labor Day
          Mon., 9/2 - blocked Labor Day

          3 - VB at Sherrard 5 p.m.
          4 - open
          5 - VB at Mercer County 5 p.m.
          6 - dentist appointment
              - blocked open - camping
          7 - blocked open - camping
          8 - Sunday - blocked open - camping
          9 - open
          10 - VB at Monrose 5 p.m.
          11 - VB at Mercer County 5 p.m.
          12 - VB at Wethersfield 6 p.m.
          13 - blocked - camping
          14 - blocked - camping
          15 - blocked - camping
          16 - VB at Muscatine ???? Check on this
          17 - at Sherrard JHGBK 5:30 - with Temple
          18 - blocked open - camping?
          19 - blocked open - camping?
               Homecoming Parade and Pep Rally
          20 - blocked open - camping?
          21 - blocked open - camping?
          22 -
          23 - 
          24 -
          25 -
          26 - 
          27 - 
          28 - 
          29 - 
          30 - 

          Tuesday, August 27, 2024

          Tuesday, August 27

          5:41 a.m. - As one first grade student expressed yesterday, "It's a scorcher."  It definitely was hot, and today is going to be hot too.  We have a 1:30 dismissal day again scheduled for today, and there is a slight chance of a shower.  I'm not sure what Mr. Bush is thinking for Wednesday and Thursday, but Friday is looking like the day where the heatwave breaks.  

          Yesterday was also volleyball officiating at Knoxville.  Of course, Jason, Tad, and Robbie showed up along with a couple other officiating friends I know.  The match went fine, but there was definitely a little rust to shake off since I haven't worked volleyball since last October.

          Today after school, I think I might head to Fort Madison and see Carmen, Tyler, and Caleb.

          Things for School 

          • Complete CPI pre-work stuff
            OTHER THINGS
            • history project - need to make a list of the schools...try to get a count
              • Riverbend Signworks
            • One for $20.00 payable to Foremost for your Arbiter assignments and if you're interested in joining our group (which you really should be to attend our meetings), a $20.00 check payable to GAOA (Galesburg Area Officials Association).
            • Joe Thompson - President
              Galesburg Area Officials Association
              (309 368-1714vacuum the pool
            • pay mortgage before Sept. 1
            • Dec. 19 89:30 a.m. Wang physical
            • Residential Correctional Facility - 1330 W 3rd St, Davenport, IA 52802


            Tues., 8/27 - open
            Wed., 8/28 - VB at Williamsfield 5 p.m. -- Leave at after early bus.
            Thurs., 8/29 - blocked Labor Day
            Fri., 8/30 - blocked Labor Day
            Sat., 8/31 - blocked Labor Day
            Sun., 9/1 - blocked Labor Day
            Mon., 9/2 - blocked Labor Day

            3 - VB at Sherrard 5 p.m.
            4 - open
            5 - VB at Mercer County 5 p.m.
            6 - dentist appointment
                - blocked open - camping
            7 - blocked open - camping
            8 - Sunday - blocked open - camping
            9 - open
            10 - VB at Monrose 5 p.m.
            11 - VB at Mercer County 5 p.m.
            12 - VB at Wethersfield 6 p.m.
            13 - blocked - camping
            14 - blocked - camping
            15 - blocked - camping
            16 - VB at Muscatine ???? Check on this
            17 - at Sherrard JHGBK 5:30 - with Temple
            18 - blocked open - camping?
            19 - blocked open - camping?
                 Homecoming Parade and Pep Rally
            20 - blocked open - camping?
            21 - blocked open - camping?
            22 -
            23 - 
            24 -
            25 -
            26 - 
            27 - 
            28 - 
            29 - 
            30 - 

            Monday, August 26, 2024

            Monday, August 26

            5:51 a.m. - Yikes!  Today is going to be an old-fashioned midwest scorcher.  Old Kevin Phelps said it's going to be the hottest day of the year so far with feels like temps reaching 115 degrees.  Mr. Bush has officially called the next two days early dismissal days at 1:30 p.m., but the heat really isn't supposed to break until Friday, and even a full day Friday won't be all that nice since it will take the old building a day or two to cool completely down.  I wouldn't be surprised to see Wednesday and Thursday be called off early, and I guess we'll just wait to see what Friday brings.

            Yesterday, I didn't get in the pool, but I did get to have nap time with baby Knox.  When Amber went to work at Shivers, I visited a man named J.J. Koehler to conduct an interview and see his home.  I left with more info that I can deal with right now, as well as some artifacts.  I'm going to get to all of it some day.  I continue to be amazed at just how big lower Rock Island County is and how at 58 years old I didn't know how big it is or what kind of history it has.  Mr. Koehler lives in the old Foster one-room school, and he actually lives in two schools because the one-room school in Wrayville was moved to Foster.  Of course Mr. Koehler has remodeled the two buildings into a home, but he actually has some of the furnishings still incorporated into his home.  And his interest in the history of his home and the history of the area is really remarkable and inspiring.  Now I have to figure out what to do with the items he handed over to me.  

            Today, I think I have our heat schedule figured out.  And today, I was supposed to officiate volleyball at Rockridge, but I got a call from Mr. Bainter that the match may be moved to Knoxville.  I haven't gotten a final confirmation on that yet, though.

            Tomorrow might just be a day to run down to Fort Madison and see Baby Caleb!

            I slept in the house for the first time in about a week, and I must admit that while I miss the cool quiet mornings in the campground, life is also nice at home sweet home.

            Things for School 

            • Pick up book carts at MerCo High School - 2:30 on Thursday
            • Complete CPI pre-work stuff
              OTHER THINGS
              • enter number of volleyball matches for IHSA
              • history project - need to make a list of the schools...try to get a count
                • Riverbend Signworks
              • One for $20.00 payable to Foremost for your Arbiter assignments and if you're interested in joining our group (which you really should be to attend our meetings), a $20.00 check payable to GAOA (Galesburg Area Officials Association).
              • Joe Thompson - President
                Galesburg Area Officials Association
                (309 368-1714vacuum the pool
              • pay mortgage before Sept. 1
              • visit Koehler's about one room schools - maybe Sunday
              • Dec. 19 89:30 a.m. Wang physical
              • Residential Correctional Facility - 1330 W 3rd St, Davenport, IA 52802


              Mon., 8/26 - VB at Knoxville -- 6 p.m. bus time 4:20
              Tues., 8/27 - open
              Wed., 8/28 - VB at Williamsfield 5 p.m.
              Thurs., 8/29 - blocked Labor Day
              Fri., 8/30 - blocked Labor Day
              Sat., 8/31 - blocked Labor Day
              Sun., 9/1 - blocked Labor Day
              Mon., 9/2 - blocked Labor Day

              6 - dentist appointment
              17 - at Sherrard JHGBK with Temple
              19 - Homecoming Parade and Pep Rally

              Sunday, August 25, 2024

              Sunday, August 25

              10:35 a.m.  - We didn't have the quietest, smoothest ending to the week of having the Eagle out at Loud Thunder.  I was hoping for a quiet, simple night by the fire.  Obstacle number one was Mother Nature...just too hot to sit around a campfire.  Obstacle number two was Gigi inviting the Harrison kids to stay overnight in the camper.  I really had hoped to be mostly packed up before waking up in the morning, but three grandchildren in the camper overnight put the kabosh to that idea.  So while my previous plan was have the camper back to the house and parked by 8 a.m., we actually didn't miss it by too much.  I think it was a little after 9 a.m. when I had it unhooked.  It's now before 11 a.m., and we got the trailer unloaded, and I also managed to do a quick, rough vacuum of the pool.  Needed to give it some attention since there will likely be a lot of people here today in the pool.  So now I have some inside things to work on, but at least all the big outside things are accomplished.

              I'm not sure what today will all bring.  I think Amber works this afternoon.

              Other than yesterday being too hot, and this morning's departure not going how I wanted, the week with the camper out in the campground was nice.  I would have liked to done some hiking and have spent more time with Amber, but the weather cooperated.

              Things for School 

                OTHER THINGS
                • history project - need to make a list of the schools...try to get a count
                  • Riverbend Signworks
                • One for $20.00 payable to Foremost for your Arbiter assignments and if you're interested in joining our group (which you really should be to attend our meetings), a $20.00 check payable to GAOA (Galesburg Area Officials Association).
                • Joe Thompson - President
                  Galesburg Area Officials Association
                  (309 368-1714vacuum the pool
                • put volleyball officiating stuff in HHR
                • receive Amazon order - short sleeve shirts and speakers
                • receive Kohl's order - 4 pair of Docker's Pants
                • pay mortgage before Sept. 1
                • visit Koehler's about one room schools - maybe Sunday
                • Dec. 19 89:30 a.m. Wang physical
                • Residential Correctional Facility - 1330 W 3rd St, Davenport, IA 52802


                Mon., 8/26 - VB at Rockridge 5 p.m.
                Tues., 8/27 - open
                Wed., 8/28 - VB at Williamsfield 5 p.m.
                Thurs., 8/29 - blocked Labor Day
                Fri., 8/30 - blocked Labor Day
                Sat., 8/31 - blocked Labor Day
                Sun., 9/1 - blocked Labor Day
                Mon., 9/2 - blocked Labor Day


                17 - at Sherrard JHGBK with Temple
                19 - Homecoming Parade and Pep Rally

                One for $20.00 payable to Foremost for your Arbiter assignments and if you're interested in joining our group (which you really should be to attend our meetings), a $20.00 check payable to GAOA (Galesburg Area Officials Association).
                Joe Thompson - President
                Galesburg Area Officials Association
                (309 368-17146:26 a.m

                Friday, August 23, 2024

                Friday, August 23

                6:27 a.m. - Bears win!  They went 4-0 in the preseason.  That scares me.  I was in and out of the game last night at the camper because I couldn't stay awake.  I was worried I wouldn't sleep well after that, but sleep wasn't a problem.  I was tired.

                Yesterday's admin meeting wasn't much fun.  I had to add more items to my school to-do list, and there was somewhat heated discussion over a few items.  We got through it, though, and finished the school day.  Then I took Tucker with me after school, and we went to the campground.  Kourtney arrived, and Amber had arrived with Knox and Rosie.  We played in the playground for a bit and took a little bike ride.  

                Today is FRIDAY!  This is the end to our first full week of school; two weeks including the two institute days to start last week.  I think it's been productive, but we have definitely "settled in" at school.  Now, I'm seeing how a typical day works....who the kids are with "issues" and who the kids are without.  

                The temps are going to heat up...wouldn't be surprised to see a couple of early dismissal days next week.  I need to get some firewood, and I need to plan what will be for supper at the campground this evening.   

                Things for School 

                • Work on TO-DO List
                • history project - need to make a list of the schools...try to get a count
                  • Riverbend Signworks
                  OTHER THINGS
                  • One for $20.00 payable to Foremost for your Arbiter assignments and if you're interested in joining our group (which you really should be to attend our meetings), a $20.00 check payable to GAOA (Galesburg Area Officials Association).
                    Joe Thompson - President
                    Galesburg Area Officials Association
                    (309 368-1714vacuum the pool
                  • get HHR back from Slaydens
                    • put volleyball officiating stuff in HHR
                  • receive Amazon order - short sleeve shirts and speakers
                  • receive Kohl's order - 4 pair of Docker's Pants
                  • pay mortgage before Sept. 1
                  • visit Koehler's about one room schools - maybe Sunday
                  • Dec. 19 89:30 a.m. Wang physical
                  • Residential Correctional Facility - 1330 W 3rd St, Davenport, IA 52802


                  Thurs., 8/22 - open
                  Fri., 8/23 - blocked...camping
                  Sat., 8/24 - blocked...camping
                  Sun., 8/25 - blocked...camping
                  Mon., 8/26 - VB at Rockridge 5 p.m.
                  Tues., 8/27 - open
                  Wed., 8/28 - VB at Williamsfield 5 p.m.
                  Thurs., 8/29 - blocked Labor Day
                  Fri., 8/30 - blocked Labor Day
                  Sat., 8/31 - blocked Labor Day
                  Sun., 9/1 - blocked Labor Day
                  Mon., 9/2 - blocked Labor Day


                  17 - at Sherrard JHGBK with Temple
                  19 - Homecoming Parade and Pep Rally

                  One for $20.00 payable to Foremost for your Arbiter assignments and if you're interested in joining our group (which you really should be to attend our meetings), a $20.00 check payable to GAOA (Galesburg Area Officials Association).
                  Joe Thompson - President
                  Galesburg Area Officials Association
                  (309 368-17146:26 a.m

                  Thursday, August 22, 2024

                  Thursday, August 22

                  6:34 a.m. - Another night was spent at the camper, and I slept well, so I'm running a little late again.  Shawn and Mary and the Harrison's (minus Darrin) were at the camper last night too (along with Amber), so it was supper and campfire and conversation.  Plus, the kids rode around the campground on bikes and played at the playground.  The day yesterday was fine.  I also applied a bandaid and sat in on an MTSS meeting that made my brain hurt.  I feel like education more and more is just about going through steps in some new process instead of really focusing on the educational needs of students.  Somehow, we need to figure out a way to have those two things come together.

                  Today I have an admin meeting at the district office, but the highlight will hopefully be getting to watch the Bears preseason game tonight in its entirety.  Everything else about the day is a question mark.  I suppose that's a big difference in my job now versus previous days.  Now I never really know what the day is going to be like; previously as a teacher I pretty much knew how the day was going to go.

                  Things for School 

                  • Work on TO-DO List
                  • history project - need to make a list of the schools...try to get a count
                    • Riverbend Signworks
                    OTHER THINGS
                    • One for $20.00 payable to Foremost for your Arbiter assignments and if you're interested in joining our group (which you really should be to attend our meetings), a $20.00 check payable to GAOA (Galesburg Area Officials Association).
                      Joe Thompson - President
                      Galesburg Area Officials Association
                      (309 368-1714vacuum the pool
                    • get HHR back from Slaydens
                      • put volleyball officiating stuff in HHR
                    • receive Amazon order - short sleeve shirts and speakers
                    • receive Kohl's order - 4 pair of Docker's Pants
                    • pay mortgage before Sept. 1
                    • visit Koehler's about one room schools - maybe Sunday
                    • Dec. 19 89:30 a.m. Wang physical
                    • Residential Correctional Facility - 1330 W 3rd St, Davenport, IA 52802


                    Thurs., 8/22 - open
                    Fri., 8/23 - blocked...camping
                    Sat., 8/24 - blocked...camping
                    Sun., 8/25 - blocked...camping
                    Mon., 8/26 - VB at Rockridge 5 p.m.
                    Tues., 8/27 - open
                    Wed., 8/28 - VB at Williamsfield 5 p.m.
                    Thurs., 8/29 - blocked Labor Day
                    Fri., 8/30 - blocked Labor Day
                    Sat., 8/31 - blocked Labor Day
                    Sun., 9/1 - blocked Labor Day
                    Mon., 9/2 - blocked Labor Day


                    17 - at Sherrard JHGBK with Temple
                    19 - Homecoming Parade and Pep Rally

                    One for $20.00 payable to Foremost for your Arbiter assignments and if you're interested in joining our group (which you really should be to attend our meetings), a $20.00 check payable to GAOA (Galesburg Area Officials Association).
                    Joe Thompson - President
                    Galesburg Area Officials Association
                    (309 368-1714

                    Wednesday, August 21, 2024

                    Wednesday, August 21

                    6:26 a.m. - I got a little later of a start from the campground this morning - still quiet and peaceful and wonderful.  Yesterday we worked around one para gone and the custodian gone.  Let's see what today brings.  After the day, Amber and Rhonda and Jack were at the campground for awhile and we chit-chatted around a campfire.  Today apparently Shawn and Mary as well as the Harrisons will be visitors.  There is still MeTV after everyone else goes home, and I have the camper and the campground to myself!  Oh, and yesterday I passed that stupid volleyball exam!

                    Things for School 

                    • Work on TO-DO List
                    • history project - need to make a list of the schools...try to get a count
                      • Riverbend Signworks
                      OTHER THINGS
                      • One for $20.00 payable to Foremost for your Arbiter assignments and if you're interested in joining our group (which you really should be to attend our meetings), a $20.00 check payable to GAOA (Galesburg Area Officials Association).
                        Joe Thompson - President
                        Galesburg Area Officials Association
                        (309 368-1714vacuum the pool
                      • get HHR back from Slaydens
                        • put volleyball officiating stuff in HHR
                      • receive Amazon order - short sleeve shirts and speakers
                      • receive Kohl's order - 4 pair of Docker's Pants
                      • pay mortgage before Sept. 1
                      • visit Koehler's about one room schools - maybe Sunday
                      • Dec. 19 89:30 a.m. Wang physical
                      • Residential Correctional Facility - 1330 W 3rd St, Davenport, IA 52802


                      Mon., 8/26 - VB at Rockridge 6 p.m. -- Bus time 4:20
                      Tues., 8/27 - open
                      Wed., 8/28 - VB at Williamsfield 5 p.m. - Leave at 3:30 p.m.
                      Thurs., 8/29 - blocked Labor Day
                      Fri., 8/30 - blocked Labor Day
                      Sat., 8/31 - blocked Labor Day
                      Sun., 9/1 - blocked Labor Day
                      Mon., 9/2 - blocked Labor Day


                      17 - at Sherrard JHGBK with Temple
                      19 - Homecoming Parade and Pep Rally

                      Tuesday, August 20, 2024

                      Tuesday, August 20

                      5:44 a.m. - I spent the night at the campground at Loud Thunder last night - quiet, cool, peaceful.  I arrived after school and did a few small things, and then I read my book after making some supper.  It was actually chilly sitting in the lounger outside with my book.  Then about 7 p.m., I went inside and watched some MeTV - Andy Griffith, Beverly Hillbillies, Green Acres...I usually watch Hogan's Heroes too, but I fell asleep.  This morning was beautiful with a full moon.  Honestly, mornings don't get better than that.  Plus there were only four other campers in the campground, and they aren't close to the Eagle.  It's like having a place in a huge wooded area with just a few neighbors.  

                      Yesterday went okay for a Monday.  The school day is starting to slow down and get a routine to it.  Today, I want to visit some classrooms.  I'd like to see the teachers and continue to try to learn names of students.  There are 107 students, and I may know about 10 names.  And after today...back to the campground for more beautiful weather.  I think Amber may be coming out for a bit today too.

                      Things for School 

                      • Work on TO-DO List
                      • history project - need to make a list of the schools...try to get a count
                        • Riverbend Signworks
                        OTHER THINGS
                        • vacuum the pool
                        • get HHR back from Slaydens
                          • put volleyball officiating stuff in HHR
                        • receive Amazon order - short sleeve shirts and speakers
                        • receive Kohl's order - 4 pair of Docker's Pants
                        • pay mortgage before Sept. 1
                        • visit Koehler's about one room schools - maybe Sunday
                        • print answers out and take IHSA volleyball exam  - need to retake
                        • Dec. 19 89:30 a.m. Wang physical
                        • Residential Correctional Facility - 1330 W 3rd St, Davenport, IA 52802


                        Tues., 8/20 - open
                        Wed., 8/21 - open
                        Thurs., 8/22 - open
                        Fri., 8/23 - blocked...camping
                        Sat., 8/24 - blocked...camping
                        Sun., 8/25 - blocked...camping
                        Mon., 8/26 - VB at Rockridge 5 p.m.
                        Tues., 8/27 - open
                        Wed., 8/28 - VB at Williamsfield 5 p.m.
                        Thurs., 8/29 - blocked Labor Day
                        Fri., 8/30 - blocked Labor Day
                        Sat., 8/31 - blocked Labor Day
                        Sun., 9/1 - blocked Labor Day
                        Mon., 9/2 - blocked Labor Day


                        17 - at Sherrard JHGBK with Temple
                        19 - Homecoming Parade and Pep Rally

                        Monday, August 19, 2024

                        Monday, August 19

                        4:59 a.m. - Another start to a work week.  Yesterday was busy, but I didn't really check much off of my to-do list.  In the morning, I did do a little online shopping to help out the wardrobe.  Then, I gassed up the GMC and got back home to mow yard and hook up the camper.  In the afternoon, took the camper to Loud Thunder and got it all set up.  Then it was back home to pay mom a visit at the farm and get more stuff for the camper.  At the campground I burned some sticks, roasted a couple of hot dogs, had some supper, watched some Archie Bunker on MeTV, and came back home to go to bed.

                        I need to watch this news this morning, but hopefully the forecast for this week continues to stay nice and dry.  I think after school I'm just going to head right to the campground because Amber is working at Shiver's.

                        I started taking the Meloxocam again for the arthritis.  Geez for a little pill, I sure can move a lot better with a lot less pain.  I guess I just have to use to being pretty much addicted to the stuff.

                        Things for School 

                        • Work on TO-DO List
                        • history project - need to make a list of the schools...try to get a count
                          • Riverbend Signworks
                          OTHER THINGS
                          • vacuum the pool
                          • get HHR back from Slaydens
                            • put volleyball officiating stuff in HHR
                          • receive Amazon order - short sleeve shirts and speakers
                          • receive Kohl's order - 4 pair of Docker's Pants
                          • pay mortgage before Sept. 1
                          • visit Koehler's about one room schools
                          • IHSA volleyball exam  - need to retake
                          • Dec. 19 89:30 a.m. Wang physical
                          • Residential Correctional Facility - 1330 W 3rd St, Davenport, IA 52802

                          OFFICIATING/UMPIRING UPCOMING

                          Mon., 8/19 - open
                          Tues., 8/20 - open
                          Wed., 8/21 - open
                          Thurs., 8/22 - open
                          Fri., 8/23 - blocked...camping?
                          Sat., 8/24 - blocked...camping?
                          Sun., 8/25 - blocked...camping?
                          Mon., 8/26 - VB at Rockridge 5 p.m.
                          Tues., 8/27 - open
                          Wed., 8/28 - VB at Williamsfield 5 p.m.
                          Thurs., 8/29 - blocked Labor Day
                          Fri., 8/30 - blocked Labor Day
                          Sat., 8/31 - blocked Labor Day
                          Sun., 9/1 - blocked Labor Day
                          Mon., 9/2 - blocked Labor Day


                          17 - at Sherrard JHGBK with Temple
                          19 - Homecoming Parade and Pep Rally

                          Sunday, August 18, 2024

                          Sunday, August 18

                          5:58 a.m. - Yesterday was a hodge podge day dictated by the weather conditions.  I had thought about mowing and cleaning the pool, but the weather was sort of crummy.  The weather was cloudy, windy, and cold with periods of sun and hot...weird.  

                          We started by taking a boat ride at Loud Thunder with Grandma Rhonda and Grandpa Jack.  Aaron and Lila were there, so that was nice.  After that, I went back to ICE and did a little yard work and took a few things back into the building that I needed to get back.  Then I laid on the couch and was lazy for awhile...watched the Bears...watched some of the Lions.  Then I proceeded to make myself frustrated by taking the high school volleyball exams for Iowa and Illinois.  I got through Iowa; Illinois was a different matter.  I don't know why Illinois has to make their exams SO dang difficult.  I scored a freaking 68% - missed 8 damn questions out of 25...sheesh.

                          Today is going to be busy.  I need to get the yard mowed; need to clean the pool; and then I am going to take the camper out to Loud Thunder.  Yesterday, I just decided that if we are going to have a dry week, and this is going to be the last week before volleyball, that having the camper out might be nice.  Now I just hope the weather stays dry like the forecast showed yesterday.  I'm not sure how much time we'll spend out at the campground each day; maybe there will be days we aren't out there at all.  That's okay, we'll have it out, enjoy some camping when we can, and make the most of it.

                          Things for School 

                          • Work on TO-DO List
                          • history project - need to make a list of the schools...try to get a count
                            • Riverbend Signworks
                            OTHER THINGS
                            • mow the yard
                            • vacuum the pool
                            • receive Amazon order - short sleeve shirts and speakers
                            • receive Kohl's order - 4 pair of Docker's Pants
                            • pay mortgage before Sept. 1
                            • visit Koehler's about one room schools
                            • IHSA volleyball exam  - need to retake
                            • Dec. 19 89:30 a.m. Wang physical
                            • Residential Correctional Facility - 1330 W 3rd St, Davenport, IA 52802

                            OFFICIATING/UMPIRING UPCOMING

                            Mon., 8/19 - open
                            Tues., 8/20 - open
                            Wed., 8/21 - open
                            Thurs., 8/22 - open
                            Fri., 8/23 - blocked...camping?
                            Sat., 8/24 - blocked...camping?
                            Sun., 8/25 - blocked...camping?
                            Mon., 8/26 - VB at Rockridge 5 p.m.
                            Tues., 8/27 - open
                            Wed., 8/28 - VB at Williamsfield 5 p.m.
                            Thurs., 8/29 - blocked Labor Day
                            Fri., 8/30 - blocked Labor Day
                            Sat., 8/31 - blocked Labor Day
                            Sun., 9/1 - blocked Labor Day
                            Mon., 9/2 - blocked Labor Day


                            17 - at Sherrard JHGBK with Temple
                            19 - Homecoming Parade and Pep Rally

                            Saturday, August 17, 2024

                            Saturday, August 17

                            6:26 a.m. - The end of a long week came to a close last week.  I'm still struggling with a coverage issue in the building from about 11 a.m. - 1 p.m., but other than that the first week went fairly well.

                            Today we are headed to Lake George for the annual Jack and Rhonda boating excursion.  The weather doesn't look the greatest outside, so I hope it works out.  After that, I'd like to watch the Bears game on television.  After that I hope to mow the grass and/or clean the pool, but if that doesn't work out, then I'll do that tomorrow.  I also need to take my volleyball exams.

                            Things for School 

                            • get Monday's morning briefing crafted and scheduled to go out
                            • order workroom/office supplies through Amazon Business
                            • bring fan from school for Mrs. Sywassink
                            • Work on TO-DO List
                            • Purchase WASP spray (intruder)
                            • history project - need to make a list of the schools...try to get a count
                              • Riverbend Signworks
                              OTHER THINGS
                              • mow the yard
                              • vacuum the pool
                              • pay VISA, RUMC, Verizon bills and mail
                              • pay mortgage before Sept. 1
                              • visit Koehler's about one room schools
                              • IGHSAU volleyball exam
                              • IHSA volleyball exam  - need to retake
                              • Dec. 19 89:30 a.m. Wang physical
                              • Residential Correctional Facility - 1330 W 3rd St, Davenport, IA 52802

                              OFFICIATING/UMPIRING UPCOMING

                              Mon., 8/19 - open
                              Tues., 8/20 - open
                              Wed., 8/21 - open
                              Thurs., 8/22 - open
                              Fri., 8/23 - blocked...camping?
                              Sat., 8/24 - blocked...camping?
                              Sun., 8/25 - blocked...camping?
                              Mon., 8/26 - VB at Rockridge 5 p.m.
                              Tues., 8/27 - open
                              Wed., 8/28 - VB at Williamsfield 5 p.m.
                              Thurs., 8/29 - blocked Labor Day
                              Fri., 8/30 - blocked Labor Day
                              Sat., 8/31 - blocked Labor Day
                              Sun., 9/1 - blocked Labor Day
                              Mon., 9/2 - blocked Labor Day


                              17 - at Sherrard JHGBK with Temple
                              19 - Homecoming Parade and Pep Rally

                              Friday, August 16, 2024

                              Friday, August 16

                              5:22 a.m. - It's been an awfully long week.  What an adventure it has been, though.  Yesterday was Day 2 with students, and Day 2 was smoother than Day 1.  We experienced some rain, which necessitated a little morning recess in the gym for breakfast and then required a blacktop only al-school recess in the morning between Mrs. Sywassink's Expectation Stations.  Today will hopefully be a "normal" and "regular" Friday.  (knock on wood).  And yesterday I finally broke through Amazon and had my Amazon Business Account set up and placed the order for the workroom supplies!  I know that sounds like a very easy, small task, but I've been trying to get that accomplished for a couple of weeks.

                              Last night Cole stopped by for a visit.  We did some "catching up", and then he and I watched the movie Twister because he had never seen it.  I don't think Amber and I have the strength or energy to go camping this weekend.  Maybe if the weather cooperates, we can get out next weekend.  I also haven't heard anything on the HHR...that worries me.

                              Let's get through today as quietly and simply as possible.

                              Things for School 

                              • get Monday's morning briefing crafted and scheduled to go out
                              • order workroom/office supplies through Amazon Business
                              • bring fan from school for Mrs. Sywassink
                              • Work on TO-DO List
                              • Purchase WASP spray (intruder)
                              • history project - need to make a list of the schools...try to get a count
                                • Riverbend Signworks
                                OTHER THINGS
                                • visit Koehler's about one room schools
                                • IGHSAU volleyball exam
                                • IHSA volleyball exam 
                                • Dec. 19 89:30 a.m. Wang physical
                                • Residential Correctional Facility - 1330 W 3rd St, Davenport, IA 52802

                                OFFICIATING/UMPIRING UPCOMING

                                Fri., 8/16 - blocked...camping?
                                Sat., 8/17 - blocked...camping?
                                Sun., 8/18 - blocked...camping?
                                Mon., 8/19 - open
                                Tues., 8/20 - open
                                Wed., 8/21 - open
                                Thurs., 8/22 - open
                                Fri., 8/23 - blocked...camping?
                                Sat., 8/24 - blocked...camping?
                                Sun., 8/25 - blocked...camping?
                                Mon., 8/26 - VB at Rockridge 5 p.m.
                                Tues., 8/27 - open
                                Wed., 8/28 - VB at Williamsfield 5 p.m.
                                Thurs., 8/29 - blocked Labor Day
                                Fri., 8/30 - blocked Labor Day
                                Sat., 8/31 - blocked Labor Day
                                Sun., 9/1 - blocked Labor Day
                                Mon., 9/2 - blocked Labor Day


                                17 - at Sherrard JHGBK with Temple
                                19 - Homecoming Parade and Pep Rally

                                Thursday, August 15, 2024

                                Thursday, August 15

                                5:07 a.m. - We survived; we shall advance.  That was my motto yesterday to anyone and everyone who wished me luck on the first day of school with students.  I know I was pretty tired by the end of the day, and it seemed like a very, very long day.  I know each day will get more efficient, but we had to get through day one.  I spent the day just trying to get an overview of how the day works, which meant I really didn't get much done off the t0-do list.  Hopefully, I can do a little better job with that today.  

                                Other than those thoughts, it's pay day today, and it's garbage day today.  And at school, I'll have my first opportunity to be in front of all the students for the first time.  Okay, let's get this thing going.  

                                Things for School 

                                • get next day's morning briefing crafted and scheduled to go out
                                • order workroom/office supplies through Amazon Business
                                • Work on TO-DO List
                                • Purchase WASP spray (intruder)
                                • history project - need to make a list of the schools...try to get a count
                                  • Riverbend Signworks
                                  OTHER THINGS
                                  • visit Koehler's about one room schools
                                  • IGHSAU volleyball exam
                                  • IHSA volleyball exam 
                                  • Dec. 19 89:30 a.m. Wang physical
                                  • Residential Correctional Facility - 1330 W 3rd St, Davenport, IA 52802

                                  OFFICIATING/UMPIRING UPCOMING

                                  Thurs., 8/15 - blocked
                                  Fri., 8/16 - blocked...camping?
                                  Sat., 8/17 - blocked...camping?
                                  Sun., 8/18 - blocked...camping?
                                  Mon., 8/19 - open
                                  Tues., 8/20 - open
                                  Wed., 8/21 - open
                                  Thurs., 8/22 - open
                                  Fri., 8/23 - blocked...camping?
                                  Sat., 8/24 - blocked...camping?
                                  Sun., 8/25 - blocked...camping?
                                  Mon., 8/26 - VB at Rockridge 5 p.m.
                                  Tues., 8/27 - open
                                  Wed., 8/28 - VB at Williamsfield 5 p.m.
                                  Thurs., 8/29 - blocked Labor Day
                                  Fri., 8/30 - blocked Labor Day
                                  Sat., 8/31 - blocked Labor Day
                                  Sun., 9/1 - blocked Labor Day
                                  Mon., 9/2 - blocked Labor Day


                                  17 - at Sherrard JHGBK with Temple
                                  19 - Homecoming Parade and Pep Rally

                                  Wednesday, August 14, 2024

                                  Wednesday, August 14

                                  5:31 a.m. - The next step in the new job is today - students arrive.  I've been trying to visualize this step for awhile, so we'll see how my visualization skills performed earlier.  Today will be another day of finding out what I don't know.

                                  Yesterday was a good day.  The staff meeting went well - meaning I didn't spend much time on information I wanted to share.  Everyone then went to the junior-senior high school for some district events.  After that, Amber helped me get my car back down to Slayden's, and then I drove to Fort Madison to see Carmen and Caleb before the school year kicked off.  

                                  Today's goal...give a good first impression, and get all the students home safely.  Everything else will be a learning experience.  

                                  Things for School 

                                  • order workroom/office supplies through Amazon Business
                                  • Work on TO-DO List
                                  • Purchase WASP spray (intruder)
                                  • history project - need to make a list of the schools...try to get a count
                                    • Riverbend Signworks
                                    OTHER THINGS
                                    • visit Koehler's about one room schools
                                    • IGHSAU video and rules exam
                                    • IHSA volleyball rules video and exam 
                                    • Dec. 19 89:30 a.m. Wang physical
                                    • Residential Correctional Facility - 1330 W 3rd St, Davenport, IA 52802

                                    OFFICIATING/UMPIRING UPCOMING

                                    Thurs., 8/15 - blocked
                                    Fri., 8/16 - blocked...camping?
                                    Sat., 8/17 - blocked...camping?
                                    Sun., 8/18 - blocked...camping?
                                    Mon., 8/19 - open
                                    Tues., 8/20 - open
                                    Wed., 8/21 - open
                                    Thurs., 8/22 - open
                                    Fri., 8/23 - blocked...camping?
                                    Sat., 8/24 - blocked...camping?
                                    Sun., 8/25 - blocked...camping?
                                    Mon., 8/26 - VB at Rockridge 5 p.m.
                                    Tues., 8/27 - open
                                    Wed., 8/28 - VB at Williamsfield 5 p.m.
                                    Thurs., 8/29 - blocked Labor Day
                                    Fri., 8/30 - blocked Labor Day
                                    Sat., 8/31 - blocked Labor Day
                                    Sun., 9/1 - blocked Labor Day
                                    Mon., 9/2 - blocked Labor Day


                                    17 - at Sherrard JHGBK with Temple
                                    19 - Homecoming Parade and Pep Rally

                                    Tuesday, August 13, 2024

                                    Tuesday, August 13

                                    5:25 a.m. - Yesterday was a long one!  I got going early to be a Dunkin Donuts in Muscatine by 7 a.m., and then I got some donuts and some coffee and drove back to ICE.  The first task of the day was the BOOST reading training.  It's sort of like Khan Academy's SAT practice that I have used in the past, but it's more game like and more comprehensive with its coverage of reading skills.  I had a chance to meet with all three student teachers, so that was good, and then staff had a chance to get their classrooms ready.  Of course, there were staff members in and out of my office all day "needing a few minutes", which is fine.  Then there was a little downtime before backpack night from 5-7.  Of course that was a new experience for me, but the signs from Sign Gypsies, the food truck from The Long Branch, and the great work of the teachers and paras in the building made the night go smoothly.  I saw a few faces I recognized, but most folks I didn't recognize.  And then I capped the evening off by the HHR having problems; the left rear wheel wouldn't turn - at all.  Geez.  So I'll take the truck to work this morning and hope to drive back down to Slayden's later today.  

                                    Today won't be as long, at least.  We are going to have a little staff meeting right at 8 a.m., and then there are district trainings after that at the junior-senior high school.  I was thinking about going to go visit Caleb and Carmen, but that was before I experienced car problems last night.  I'm not sure if I will take the truck now or if I will go at all. 

                                    Oh, and Bella the cat is lost.  She went outside on the deck like normal early yesterday morning, and we haven't seen her yet.  Amber posted an announcement on Facebook, and we didn't get any responses.  Bella has always been a house cat, so I'm not very confident in her wilderness survival skills.  I guess we will just wait a couple of days before declaring her "lost at sea".  It is a little quieter this morning, but I woke up a couple of time just to see if she had arrived back home.

                                    Things for School 

                                    • Work on TO-DO List
                                    • history project - need to make a list of the schools...try to get a count
                                      • Riverbend Signworks
                                      OTHER THINGS
                                      • visit Koehler's about one room schools
                                      • August 13 - opening date for IHSA volleyball rules video and exam 
                                      • Dec. 19 89:30 a.m. Wang physical
                                      • Residential Correctional Facility - 1330 W 3rd St, Davenport, IA 52802

                                      OFFICIATING/UMPIRING UPCOMING

                                      Tues., 8/13 - RHS open house
                                      Wed., 8/14 - blocked
                                      Thurs., 8/15 - blocked
                                      Fri., 8/16 - blocked...camping?
                                      Sat., 8/17 - blocked...camping?
                                      Sun., 8/18 - blocked...camping?
                                      Mon., 8/19 - open
                                      Tues., 8/20 - open
                                      Wed., 8/21 - open
                                      Thurs., 8/22 - open
                                      Fri., 8/23 - blocked...camping?
                                      Sat., 8/24 - blocked...camping?
                                      Sun., 8/25 - blocked...camping?
                                      Mon., 8/26 - VB at Rockridge 5 p.m.
                                      Tues., 8/27 - open
                                      Wed., 8/28 - VB at Williamsfield 5 p.m.
                                      Thurs., 8/29 - blocked Labor Day
                                      Fri., 8/30 - blocked Labor Day
                                      Sat., 8/31 - blocked Labor Day
                                      Sun., 9/1 - blocked Labor Day
                                      Mon., 9/2 - blocked Labor Day


                                      17 - at Sherrard JHGBK with Temple
                                      19 - Homecoming Parade and Pep Rally

                                      Monday, August 12, 2024

                                      Monday, August 12 - It was bound to arrive someday...Back To School

                                      4:45 a.m. - It's early, but I'm awake, so I might as well start the day.  Yesterday was a day I needed.  The weather was great.  There were no "events" on the schedule.  I was able to get some things done but also relax too.  I worked with the camper to clean the nose, grease the wheels, and also install the new outside shower box.  I'm not completely happy with that last job because I just haven't figured out how to work with caulk and have it look nice.  After the camper work, I went to mom and dad's and visited and had some lunch.  Jack was there, and he's looking better.  Then it was back home for one more little project.  The day wasn't done, though.  I drove down to Shiver's for a little ice cream and then drove to ICE to check on the building and take a couple of items to my office.  After that I came home and watched the NASCAR race on television and then went to bed.  Oh, I almost forgot; I completed my Public Works Training stuff to start the day...that was a long list of trainings to complete.

                                      So on to today!  I'm going to run to Muscatine and grab a couple of boxes of donuts and then make my way to the first day of the 24-25 school year.  The teachers have a training at 8:30, and I aim to be in that training.  Well, I hope to get the training started and observe it.  It will be my first look at all this new "reading curriculum stuff" that seems to be such the big topic of discussion.  The school day ends at 1 p.m., but I'll stay likely and try to get some more work done before the "backpack" night event.  I'm still not sure what my role is for that, but I'll likely find out more today.

                                      I don't think I'm nervous about today.  I think I have completed all the ground work needed to be as ready as possible for today.  I'm more interested to get through today and tomorrow and see what Wednesday looks like with students in the building.  

                                      Things for School 

                                      • Work on TO-DO List
                                      • history project - need to make a list of the schools...try to get a count
                                        • Riverbend Signworks
                                        OTHER THINGS
                                        • visit Koehler's about one room schools
                                        • August 13 - opening date for IHSA volleyball rules video and exam 
                                        • Dec. 19 89:30 a.m. Wang physical
                                        • Residential Correctional Facility - 1330 W 3rd St, Davenport, IA 52802

                                        OFFICIATING/UMPIRING UPCOMING

                                        Mon., 8/12 - Backpack Night
                                        Tues., 8/13 - RHS open house
                                        Wed., 8/14 - blocked
                                        Thurs., 8/15 - blocked
                                        Fri., 8/16 - blocked...camping?
                                        Sat., 8/17 - blocked...camping?
                                        Sun., 8/18 - blocked...camping?
                                        Mon., 8/19 - open
                                        Tues., 8/20 - open
                                        Wed., 8/21 - open
                                        Thurs., 8/22 - open
                                        Fri., 8/23 - blocked...camping?
                                        Sat., 8/24 - blocked...camping?
                                        Sun., 8/25 - blocked...camping?
                                        Mon., 8/26 - VB at Rockridge 5 p.m.
                                        Tues., 8/27 - open
                                        Wed., 8/28 - VB at Williamsfield 5 p.m.
                                        Thurs., 8/29 - blocked Labor Day
                                        Fri., 8/30 - blocked Labor Day
                                        Sat., 8/31 - blocked Labor Day
                                        Sun., 9/1 - blocked Labor Day
                                        Mon., 9/2 - blocked Labor Day


                                        17 - at Sherrard JHGBK with Temple
                                        19 - Homecoming Parade and Pep Rally

                                        Sunday, August 11, 2024

                                        Sunday, August 11

                                        6:29 a.m. - Yesterday, Amber and I went to the Illinois City Parade.  It was nice to see the parade, but I should have taken a sweatshirt because it was actually chilly.  I wish these cold temps would stick around.  After the parade, the Harrison grandchildren rode back home with us, and then we got home, Kenzie gave me a haircut that I needed.  Then it was time to work on the yard - a big job, but it got done.  After that, it was off to Kourtney's and Pat's to celebrate birthdays of Rosie and Ava - I love Pizza Joynt pizza!  Yes, I ate too much, of course.  I was going to maybe have a fire, but I didn't have much energy left, so I watched some of the Olympics and went to bed and slept pretty well.  

                                        Today, the Eagle is going to get some love.  That's the plan.  I am going to go pay mom and dad a visit too.  I'm not sure what else is going to get done; I think Amber has a whole day of activities scheduled for her.

                                        Things for School 

                                        • complete Public Works required training
                                        • Work on TO-DO List
                                        • history project - need to make a list of the schools...try to get a count
                                          • Riverbend Signworks
                                          OTHER THINGS
                                          • visit Koehler's about one room schools
                                          • August 13 - opening date for IHSA volleyball rules video and exam 
                                          • wash the nose of the camper
                                          • fix outside shower door on camper
                                          • grease the camper wheels
                                          • Dec. 19 89:30 a.m. Wang physical
                                          • Residential Correctional Facility - 1330 W 3rd St, Davenport, IA 52802

                                          OFFICIATING/UMPIRING UPCOMING

                                          Mon., 8/12 - Backpack Night
                                          Tues., 8/13 - RHS open house
                                          Wed., 8/14 - blocked
                                          Thurs., 8/15 - blocked
                                          Fri., 8/16 - blocked...camping?
                                          Sat., 8/17 - blocked...camping?
                                          Sun., 8/18 - blocked...camping?
                                          Mon., 8/19 - open
                                          Tues., 8/20 - open
                                          Wed., 8/21 - open
                                          Thurs., 8/22 - open
                                          Fri., 8/23 - blocked...camping?
                                          Sat., 8/24 - blocked...camping?
                                          Sun., 8/25 - blocked...camping?
                                          Mon., 8/26 - VB at Rockridge 5 p.m.
                                          Tues., 8/27 - open
                                          Wed., 8/28 - VB at Williamsfield 5 p.m.
                                          Thurs., 8/29 - blocked Labor Day
                                          Fri., 8/30 - blocked Labor Day
                                          Sat., 8/31 - blocked Labor Day
                                          Sun., 9/1 - blocked Labor Day
                                          Mon., 9/2 - blocked Labor Day


                                          17 - at Sherrard JHGBK with Temple
                                          19 - Homecoming Parade and Pep Rally

                                          Saturday, August 10, 2024

                                          Saturday, August 10

                                          7:37 a.m. - Yesterday was an end to a long, long work week.  I'm comfortable where the building is at, where the staff is at, and where I'm at for the start of staff being in the building on Monday.  I still have a lengthy "to-do" list, and I'm sure I will be adding more, and I'm sure like most everything else, no one is completely ready for the start of something again...but all that being said, I'm okay with where we are at and what has been accomplished heading into Monday.  I did get some work done yesterday before leaving for the "staff-get-together" that none of the ICE staff attended nor were the two other principals before Amber and I left.  Oh well, I tried to do my part.  After that, I worked on a couple of things from home and went to pick up my truck from being repaired...that was a painful expense.  I'm more than a little frustrated with how much I've spent recently on on repairs for the GMC and HHR.  My cash flow is in peril right now...need to make it to next Friday somehow.  

                                          Today I know Amber and I are going to the Illinois City Parade, and I know we have Ava's birthday party this evening.  Other than those two things, I'm not sure what is going on.  I have yard work to do, and I need to work on the camper a bit.  I'm not sure what is happening tomorrow either; maybe I can run down to Fort Madison and see Caleb.

                                          Things for School 

                                          • Sept. 10 Staff meeting at high school cafeteria - SEL with Megan
                                          • Oct. 23 - bus evacuation drill 
                                          • complete Public Works required training
                                          • on IC to-do list
                                          • history project - need to make a list of the schools...try to get a count
                                            • Riverbend Signworks
                                            OTHER THINGS
                                            • visit Koehler's about one room schools
                                            • August 13 - opening date for IHSA volleyball rules video and exam 
                                            • wash the nose of the camper
                                            • fix outside shower door on camper
                                            • grease the camper wheels
                                            • Dec. 19 89:30 a.m. Wang physical
                                            • Residential Correctional Facility - 1330 W 3rd St, Davenport, IA 52802

                                            OFFICIATING/UMPIRING UPCOMING

                                            Mon., 8/12 - Backpack Night
                                            Tues., 8/13 - RHS open house
                                            Wed., 8/14 - blocked
                                            Thurs., 8/15 - blocked
                                            Fri., 8/16 - blocked...camping?
                                            Sat., 8/17 - blocked...camping?
                                            Sun., 8/18 - blocked...camping?
                                            Mon., 8/19 - open
                                            Tues., 8/20 - open
                                            Wed., 8/21 - open
                                            Thurs., 8/22 - open
                                            Fri., 8/23 - blocked...camping?
                                            Sat., 8/24 - blocked...camping?
                                            Sun., 8/25 - blocked...camping?
                                            Mon., 8/26 - VB at Rockridge 5 p.m.
                                            Tues., 8/27 - open
                                            Wed., 8/28 - VB at Williamsfield 5 p.m.
                                            Thurs., 8/29 - blocked Labor Day
                                            Fri., 8/30 - blocked Labor Day
                                            Sat., 8/31 - blocked Labor Day
                                            Sun., 9/1 - blocked Labor Day
                                            Mon., 9/2 - blocked Labor Day


                                            17 - at Sherrard JHGBK with Temple
                                            19 - Homecoming Parade and Pep Rally

                                            Friday, August 9, 2024

                                            Friday, August 9

                                            6:10 a.m. - Yesterday was hectic.  I went to Taylor Ridge to observe Mrs. Bollman's new teacher orientation, and then I went to the JH/HS to have lunch with all the new teachers.  After that, there was an admin meeting.  After that, home included the Harrison grandchildren.  I also thought my truck was ready, but it's not.  Apparently I have two bad tires; good to discover now, but confused as to why they went bad, and frustrated that my total bill is going to be even more.  Even more frustrated that repairs to the GMC along with a busy weekend won't allow us to go camping in this beautiful weather.  

                                            Today I need to get a few things done at school this morning and then go to the Old Oaks for a staff back-to-school get together.  I guess it's good thing, but I probably could use the day in a better fashion.  Tonight, I may try to have a campfire here at home and just relax a bit.

                                            Things for School 

                                            • Bus evacuation drill - October 23
                                            • complete Public Works required training
                                            • write the article for newsletter
                                            • Sept. 10 Staff meeting at high school cafeteria - SEL with Megan
                                            • work on IC to-do list
                                            • history project - need to make a list of the schools...try to get a count
                                              • Riverbend Signworks
                                              OTHER THINGS
                                              • visit Koehler's about one room schools
                                              • Aug. 9 - 12:30 - Old Oaks - staff get together
                                              • August 13 - opening date for IHSA volleyball rules video and exam 
                                              • pick up GMC when ready
                                              • fix outside shower door on camper
                                              • grease the camper wheels
                                              • Dec. 19 89:30 a.m. Wang physical
                                              • Residential Correctional Facility - 1330 W 3rd St, Davenport, IA 52802

                                              OFFICIATING/UMPIRING UPCOMING

                                              Mon., 8/12 - Backpack Night
                                              Tues., 8/13 - RHS open house
                                              Wed., 8/14 - blocked
                                              Thurs., 8/15 - blocked
                                              Fri., 8/16 - blocked...camping?
                                              Sat., 8/17 - blocked...camping?
                                              Sun., 8/18 - blocked...camping?
                                              Mon., 8/19 - open
                                              Tues., 8/20 - open
                                              Wed., 8/21 - open
                                              Thurs., 8/22 - open
                                              Fri., 8/23 - blocked...camping?
                                              Sat., 8/24 - blocked...camping?
                                              Sun., 8/25 - blocked...camping?
                                              Mon., 8/26 - VB at Rockridge 5 p.m.
                                              Tues., 8/27 - open
                                              Wed., 8/28 - VB at Williamsfield 5 p.m.
                                              Thurs., 8/29 - blocked Labor Day
                                              Fri., 8/30 - blocked Labor Day
                                              Sat., 8/31 - blocked Labor Day
                                              Sun., 9/1 - blocked Labor Day
                                              Mon., 9/2 - blocked Labor Day


                                              17 - at Sherrard JHGBK with Temple
                                              19 - Homecoming Parade and Pep Rally

                                              Thursday, August 8, 2024

                                              Thursday, August 8

                                              5:16 a.m. - Yesterday was another productive day.  When I arrived early thinking I would be there to greet the new custodian hire, the food truck from Kohl's Foods was there to make a delivery to our kitchen.  Chalk another learning experience up to yesterday - food truck normally makes deliveries on Wednesdays.  I'm continuing to whittle items off the to-do list, and Greg Willard and Jeff Henry where back in the playground area attempting to install a field tile that will hopefully at least reduce the lake that builds up in the playground area after a good rain.  The new chair I purchased on Tuesday seemed to work pretty well, and I set up the new coffee maker in the workroom.  I still haven't gotten the GMC back, so I'm waiting on that one.  Last night, Amber and I went to the junior high staff get-together at Luli's in Milan.  It was nice...the lasagna was very good.  

                                              Today I am attending the new orientation mentoring at Taylor Ridge Elementary.  At Illinois City, we don't have any new teachers other than the music teacher that is shared between Taylor Ridge and Illinois City, and Mrs. Bollman has a few new teachers, so I'm just going over there and watching Mrs. Bollman lead her orientation for everyone.  Then I think there is lunch at the high school.  Then I have an admin meeting at 1 p.m. - I'm hoping that meeting is much shorter than the last one.  And then later today?  Not sure...might be nice to get the camper out to Loud Thunder!

                                              Things for School 

                                              • Sept. 10 Staff meeting at high school cafeteria - SEL with Megan
                                              • work on IC to-do list
                                              • history project - need to make a list of the schools...try to get a count
                                                • Riverbend Signworks
                                                OTHER THINGS
                                                • visit Koehler's about one room schools
                                                • August 8 - 8:30 at Taylor Ridge (new teachers)
                                                  • Then lunch at HS followed by - 1 p.m. Admin Meeting
                                                • Aug. 9 - 12:30 - Old Oaks - staff get together
                                                • August 13 - opening date for IHSA volleyball rules video and exam 
                                                • pick up GMC when ready
                                                • fix outside shower door on camper
                                                • grease the camper wheels
                                                • Dec. 19 89:30 a.m. Wang physical
                                                • Residential Correctional Facility - 1330 W 3rd St, Davenport, IA 52802

                                                OFFICIATING/UMPIRING UPCOMING

                                                Mon., 8/12 - Backpack Night
                                                Tues., 8/13 - RHS open house
                                                Wed., 8/14 - blocked
                                                Thurs., 8/15 - blocked
                                                Fri., 8/16 - blocked...camping?
                                                Sat., 8/17 - blocked...camping?
                                                Sun., 8/18 - blocked...camping?
                                                Mon., 8/19 - open
                                                Tues., 8/20 - open
                                                Wed., 8/21 - open
                                                Thurs., 8/22 - open
                                                Fri., 8/23 - blocked...camping?
                                                Sat., 8/24 - blocked...camping?
                                                Sun., 8/25 - blocked...camping?
                                                Mon., 8/26 - VB at Rockridge 5 p.m.
                                                Tues., 8/27 - open
                                                Wed., 8/28 - VB at Williamsfield 5 p.m.
                                                Thurs., 8/29 - blocked Labor Day
                                                Fri., 8/30 - blocked Labor Day
                                                Sat., 8/31 - blocked Labor Day
                                                Sun., 9/1 - blocked Labor Day
                                                Mon., 9/2 - blocked Labor Day


                                                17 - at Sherrard JHGBK with Temple
                                                19 - Homecoming Parade and Pep Rally

                                                Wednesday, August 7, 2024

                                                Wednesday, August 7

                                                5:04 a.m. - And the days keep rolling.  Mrs. Zampogna continues to help my orientation process at school, and while I know I won't every be "ready", I feel like each day helps me to be as ready as possible.  Yesterday, I did manage to get into Moline and purchase a new chair for my office.  It's not fancy, but it's more of an "executive chair" rather than a task chair.  I also picked up a Kuerig coffee maker to put in the lounge.  This things I paid for myself because I plan to take them with me after my three year work experience (including my desk).  

                                                I didn't get the dead grass burned yesterday because the weather didn't cooperate again, but that's okay...the cooler temperatures were a welcomed event.  I did get a message from Slayden's indicating that the truck might be finished this week, so maybe we can get the Eagle out to Loud Thunder for a little camper time.  

                                                This morning, it's off to the office early.  I'm going to be there before 7 a.m. to meet Mrs. Bragg and our new custodian.  I want to walk around with them as she begins her orientation, so I hear what Mrs. Bragg says too.  Then I have a meeting with a parent at 1:00 p.m.  Later today perhaps I can get to that grass if the weather gives me a little sunshine, which the forecast is calling for.

                                                Things for School 

                                                • Aug. 7 - 1:00 p.m. Sarah Brown (Lane)
                                                • Aug. 7 - 7 a.m. Tom Morgan in the building for custodian orientation
                                                • Sept. 10 Staff meeting at high school cafeteria - SEL with Megan
                                                • work on IC to-do list
                                                • history project - need to make a list of the schools...try to get a count
                                                  • Riverbend Signworks
                                                  OTHER THINGS
                                                  • burn grass
                                                  • visit Koehler's about one room schools
                                                  • August 8 - 8:30 at Taylor Ridge (new teachers)
                                                    • Then lunch at HS followed by - 1 p.m. Admin Meeting
                                                  • Aug. 9 - 12:30 - Old Oaks - staff get together
                                                  • August 13 - opening date for IHSA volleyball rules video and exam 
                                                  • pick up GMC when ready
                                                  • fix outside shower door on camper
                                                  • grease the camper wheels
                                                  • Dec. 19 89:30 a.m. Wang physical
                                                  • Residential Correctional Facility - 1330 W 3rd St, Davenport, IA 52802

                                                  OFFICIATING/UMPIRING UPCOMING

                                                  Fri., 8/9 - open
                                                  Sat., 8/10 - blocked
                                                  Sun., 8/11
                                                  Mon., 8/12 - Backpack Night
                                                  Tues., 8/13 - RHS open house
                                                  Wed., 8/14 - blocked
                                                  Thurs., 8/15 - blocked
                                                  Fri., 8/16 - blocked...camping?
                                                  Sat., 8/17 - blocked...camping?
                                                  Sun., 8/18 - blocked...camping?
                                                  Mon., 8/19 - open
                                                  Tues., 8/20 - open
                                                  Wed., 8/21 - open
                                                  Thurs., 8/22 - open
                                                  Fri., 8/23 - blocked...camping?
                                                  Sat., 8/24 - blocked...camping?
                                                  Sun., 8/25 - blocked...camping?
                                                  Mon., 8/26 - VB at Rockridge 5 p.m.
                                                  Tues., 8/27 - open
                                                  Wed., 8/28 - VB at Williamsfield 5 p.m.
                                                  Thurs., 8/29 - blocked Labor Day
                                                  Fri., 8/30 - blocked Labor Day
                                                  Sat., 8/31 - blocked Labor Day
                                                  Sun., 9/1 - blocked Labor Day
                                                  Mon., 9/2 - blocked Labor Day


                                                  17 - at Sherrard JHGBK with Temple
                                                  19 - Homecoming Parade and Pep Rally

                                                  Tuesday, August 6, 2024

                                                  Tuesday, August 6

                                                  6:08 a.m. - Yesterday at school went okay.  Having Mrs. Zampogna there was good; I'm going to be relying on her skills and her experience as secretary.  I had my first "visit" with a parent, and I heard from another parent that wants to schedule a visit - so the fun begins.  I also shipped off my first purchase order, even though I have to figure something out today for another purchase order.  After school, I went to Fort Madison and spent a couple of hours with Caleb, Carmen, and Tyler.  We didn't have near the drama we did last week when I went down to visit. 

                                                  This morning I woke up to only about 10 emails related to ICE stuff.  Maybe if I just have things thrown at me enough in emails, some of the topics will begin to stick.  

                                                  Today, I plan on getting to the building a little earlier and perhaps dressing a little nicer.  I guess office hours opening with the secretary means looking a little nicer as visitors will be more likely to stop by - live and learn.  I'd like to get home and burn some dead grass in the swamp area.  I tried to burn it yesterday, but the conditions just weren't right.  I may have to do some raking too, which I'm not all that excited about.  

                                                  Things for School 

                                                  • Aug. 7 - 1:00 p.m. Sarah Brown (Lane)
                                                  • Aug. 7 - 7 a.m. Tom Morgan in the building for custodian orientation
                                                  • Sept. 10 Staff meeting at high school cafeteria - SEL with Megan
                                                  • work on IC to-do list
                                                  • history project - need to make a list of the schools...try to get a count
                                                    • Riverbend Signworks
                                                    OTHER THINGS
                                                    • burn grass
                                                    • visit Koehler's about one room schools
                                                    • August 8 - 8:30 at Taylor Ridge (new teachers)
                                                      • Then lunch at HS followed by - 1 p.m. Admin Meeting
                                                    • Aug. 9 - 12:30 - Old Oaks - staff get together
                                                    • August 13 - opening date for IHSA volleyball rules video and exam 
                                                    • pick up GMC when ready
                                                    • fix outside shower door on camper
                                                    • grease the camper wheels
                                                    • Dec. 19 89:30 a.m. Wang physical
                                                    • Residential Correctional Facility - 1330 W 3rd St, Davenport, IA 52802

                                                    OFFICIATING/UMPIRING UPCOMING

                                                    Fri., 8/9 - open
                                                    Sat., 8/10 - blocked
                                                    Sun., 8/11
                                                    Mon., 8/12 - Backpack Night
                                                    Tues., 8/13 - RHS open house
                                                    Wed., 8/14 - blocked
                                                    Thurs., 8/15 - blocked
                                                    Fri., 8/16 - blocked...camping?
                                                    Sat., 8/17 - blocked...camping?
                                                    Sun., 8/18 - blocked...camping?
                                                    Mon., 8/19 - open
                                                    Tues., 8/20 - open
                                                    Wed., 8/21 - open
                                                    Thurs., 8/22 - open
                                                    Fri., 8/23 - blocked...camping?
                                                    Sat., 8/24 - blocked...camping?
                                                    Sun., 8/25 - blocked...camping?
                                                    Mon., 8/26 - VB at Rockridge 5 p.m.
                                                    Tues., 8/27 - open
                                                    Wed., 8/28 - VB at Williamsfield 5 p.m.
                                                    Thurs., 8/29 - blocked Labor Day
                                                    Fri., 8/30 - blocked Labor Day
                                                    Sat., 8/31 - blocked Labor Day
                                                    Sun., 9/1 - blocked Labor Day
                                                    Mon., 9/2 - blocked Labor Day


                                                    17 - at Sherrard JHGBK with Temple