
Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Tuesday, Nov. 2

Tuesday, November 2 - I'm going to start with yesterday and work backwards...

Yesterday - Final pull out and winterization day of the 2021 camping season.  I took the day off from school, and that was a good thing because I didn't get back home and settled in until just before the school day ended around 3 p.m.  Chase and I had a little breakfast, and I filled up his gas tank before he needed to head off to an appointment.  Then it was clean up the camper, organize the camper, winterize the camper, and head out of the campground.  Winterizing the camper wasn't exactly a smooth process.  I had to figure out a couple of things, and a couple of mistakes were made.  I think I got everything winterized correctly.  Then it was back home to unload some things that were either put back in the house items or take out and store in the house items.  After that, I headed to the farm and my mom helped me get the Eagle in it's winter storage facility.  I'm still not very good at backing up; that's one thing I'd like to get better at in 2022.  I was eventually pleased with the room in the storage shed; if I want to, I think I could get the slides out and put a little work in.  I'm not sure I will want to, but at least the room is there.  After storage completion, I needed to complete a couple of errands and picked up some KFC for supper.  Once I got home, I needed a good, hot, long shower, and by the time that was done, the Southwells were here.  I did get about an hour in late afternoon, which I utilized to take a little nap.  I ended the evening with a Hallmark Christmas movie.  I didn't do any school work, which means I'll need to scramble today a bit.

Sunday - Halloween.  Amber and I went to Farm-n-Fleet after waking up.  We purchased three big totes to use for storage in the camper.  Our goal is to try to have almost everything in totes just in case a mouse or two decide to do some exploring over the winter months.  She then went home, but I followed her to help her move some things back in the house and get a couple of items I needed for Monday.  I needed a garden hose and the RV antifreeze.  Upon returning back to the campground, I was able to "settle in", and it was wonderful.  I did a little reading, I went for a nice long hike, picked up a couple of bundles of firewood, and prepared for Chase to arrive.  He made it to the campground not too long after dark, and we had a great night together.  We chatted and laughed and had supper and eventually watched a little television.  We started with a little time around the campfire, but my firewood ran out, and the temps got cold.  The time spent with Chase really was a joy, since I hadn't seen him in a while.  We didn't have any trick or treaters in the campground, and I think we were the only once to have a fire, but there actually were many other campers still there.

Saturday - The Harrison kids were with us for a few hours.  We went to a couple of playgrounds, and they helped me go to the park office and get some firewood.  We had a picnic even though the temps were a little cold.  Sometimes with the sun out, a coat wasn't needed, but when the clouds filled in, a jacket felt good.  After they left I cooked some cheese brats and hamburgers on the open fire, and they tasted great.  Having time to ourselves in the camper away from life is one of the things I treasure - gives Amber and Jay just a chance to be Amber and Jay - not grandparents, teachers, etc...  I almost forgot...after the Kenzie picked up the kids, I took Amber to a little Mexican restaurant where I had a couple of beverages, and Amber had a little snack.  When we got back, I watched some Notre Dame football.

Friday - After school I started the process of getting the camper all hooked up and headed to the campground.  I was hoping for a 4 p.m. start, and I think it was about 4:10 p.m.  The campground itself wasn't all that great honestly.  It wasn't bad, but I guess I had this vision of just a little "nicer".  Plus, I really thought it all was pull-through, but it was all back-in.  Naturally, I struggled getting placed, but eventually it all worked out with a little of Amber's help.  We didn't have a fire that night because the weather was cold, and Amber made some supper for us.  

So that was it...the weather wasn't perfect; the campground wasn't awesome, but it was new for us, and it's always fun exploring a new campground.  In terms of "fulfilling", though, the weekend was perfect for a last camping weekend of the season.  There was a wonderful mixed bag of experiences, not major difficulties, and the camper is all winterized and stored for the winter.  Bring on the holidays, basketball, and winter weather.  I'll be honest, though, I really am looking forward to warmer temps in April to bring the Eagle out and do more weekend get-a-ways.

English III

  • edit English III agenda on the Stream with the day's recording
  • create the English III next day's agenda and schedule post to stream 
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
    • score intro paragraphs and enter into Lumen
    • score and enter grades for last week's Khan Academy exercises

Public Speaking

  • edit Public Speaking agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session if needed
  • create the Public Speaking next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed
    • score presentations

Other Things To Do

  • order iowa girls shirt 
  • see if any dates work for Louisa Muscatine
  • confirm with Knox heating and cooling and get quote on new water heater
  • complete basketball exam - Iowa
  • complete basketball exam - Illinois
  • get shoe laces for umpiring plate shoes
  • get better system of electricity outlet to the trailer on the east side of the garage
  • weed wack the swamp
  • get pricing from Jason Martin for work on the house
Upcoming officiating/umpiring 
  • Nov. 2 - JHGBK at MerCo - 5:30 p.m.
  • Nov. 3-4 -- Parent Teacher Conferences
  • Nov. 5 - no school
  • Nov. 8 - JHGBK at Sherrard - 5:30
  • Nov. 9 - open
  • Nov. 10 - JHGBK at MerCo - 5:30
  • Nov. 11 - JHGBK at Costa - 5:30
  • Nov. 12 - HSGBK at MonRose Scrimmage - 6:30
  • Nov. 15 - HSGBK at ROWVA - 6:00
  • Nov. 16 - HSGBK at UTHS - 6:30
  • Nov. 17 - HSGBK at Geneseo - 6:00
  • Nov. 18 - open
  • Nov. 19 - HSBBK at MonRose Scrimmage - 5:30
  • Nov. 20 - HSGBK at ROWVA - 4:00
  • Nov. 22 - HSGBK at Erie-Prophetstown - 5:30
  • Nov. 23 - HSBBK at Wethersfield 6:30
  • Nov. 24 - open
  • Nov. 25 - Thanksgiving
  • Nov. 26 - HSBBK at Wethersfield and Geneseo 10:00 a.m. & 4:30 p.m.
  • Nov. 27 - HSBBK at BPC - 1:00
  • Nov. 29 - HSGBK at Bureau Valley - 6:00
  • Nov. 30 - HSGBK at Sterling - 7:00
  • Dec. 1 - open
  • Dec. 2 - HSGBK at Orion - 5:30
  • Dec. 3 - HSBBK at Mercer County - 5:30
  • Dec. 4 - open
  • Dec. 6 - HSGBK at Mercer County - 6:00
  • Dec. 7 - HSGBK at Assumption - 7:30
  • Dec. 8 - JHBBK at Orion - 5:30
  • Dec. 9 - HSGBK at North Fulton - 6:00 
  • Dec. 10 - HSBBK at West Central - 6:00
  • Dec. 11 - HSGBK at Clinton - 3:30
  • Dec. 13 - open
  • Dec. 14 - HSGBK at Davenport North - 7:30
  • Dec. 15 - HSBBK at United - 7:30
  • Dec. 16 - HSGBK at Sterling - 7:00
  • Dec. 17 - HSGBK at Davenport Central - 7:30
  • Dec. 18 - open
  • Dec. 20 - open
  • Dec. 21 - HSBBK at DeWitt - 7:30
  • Dec. 22 - HSGBK at Farmington - 6:00
  • Dec. 27 - HSGBK at Erie Tourney (P-Town) - 10:00
  • Dec. 28 - open
  • Dec. 29 - HSGBK at Erie Tourney - (Erie) - 6:00
  • Dec. 30 - open

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