
Friday, November 19, 2021

Friday, November 19

5:12 a.m. - As crazy as it sounds, the easy part of drug use/abuse is the detox phase.  Once a person has voluntarily or involuntarily entered a detox center, someone is paying for that care.  That someone is likely an insurance company, but that insurance company is likely some sort of state care agency, which means that someone is likely taxpayers.  Or in the case of wealthy individuals, they have the means to pay for that detox care.  And once that person is in detox, friends and family members have a bit of a peaceful waiting period while that person is cared for.  And the people that care for that person - the doctors and nurses and staff members and cooks and janitors - they all get paid a salary for working.  I'm sure their jobs aren't glamorous at times, but they earn a living.  So while the person is under detox care, he/she is getting monitored, getting fed, getting rest, has clothes, and is basically nursed back to some sort of health.  Keep in mind, that while that person is under detox care, he/she is not earning any money.  He/she is not acquiring a job or acquiring means of transportation.  He/she is not acquiring housing.

So when the recovering addict is released out of detox or walks out voluntarily, then what?  What does a person do with no money, no transportation, no housing, no means of toiletries or food or water?  He/she then must rely on other people to support those things, right.  The problem is that close family and friends are included in the collateral damage of the persons drug use/abuse.  Those close family and friends have been on the receiving end of the damage from the person's drug use/abuse in the first place.  Even if they themselves have the monetary means to offer financial help, they don't want to, and who can blame them?  It feels like throwing money down a rabbit hole.

So then the answer seems to be that the person coming out of detox needs to have housing within walking distance of employment, right?  At least that eliminates one need - transportation and insurance for that transportation and gas for that transportation.  And speaking of transportation, how many insurance companies are in a rush to provide coverage for a recovering drug addict who has a laundry list of vehicle tickets?  And, keep in mind, there are insurance coverage plans for those folks, but can you imagine the cost of such coverage?

So how does a person out of detox with NOTHING and NO ONE attempt to rise out of the ashes?  How does a person just not slip into finding the right junkie that will give a hit of more drugs or perhaps offer some work dealing drugs?

The answer is that someone - a friend or a family member has to pony up the start-up costs - insurance, food, housing, transportation, gas.  And that friend or family member has to realize that it's very likely that eventually all of that support will once again cycle around to more drug use/abuse and more destruction.  It's always possible that THIS TIME, THIS SUPPORT will be the turning point.  THIS TIME, THIS SUPPORT will be the final realization and the FINAL support needed.  THIS TIME...the person will turn away from the drug use and make it on his/her own.  This time, the person will build financially, support himself, perhaps rebuild or gain new relationships with people.

The problem is that right now, I don't have that additional dispensable income to be that support person.  And I don't want to ask someone else to be that person either.  So I'm stuck.  And I'm left so frustrated and bitter.  Living life isn't easy, but that doesn't mean it has to be so hard either.

English III

  • edit English III agenda on the Stream with the day's recording
  • create the English III next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
    • start scoring essays

Public Speaking

  • edit Public Speaking agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session if needed
  • create the Public Speaking next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed

Other Things To Do

  • get 1/15 figured out with JT
  • get water heater bill paid for
  • consider retaking Part 1 Exam
  • pay bills - middle of month - VISA and Verizon
Upcoming officiating/umpiring 
  • Nov. 18 - open
  • Nov. 19 - HSBBK at MonRose Scrimmage - 5:30 with Andrew and Devin
    • 50 min. from Edgington to Mon-Rose HS
    • I leave at 4 p.m.
  • Nov. 20 - HSGBK at ROWVA - 1:00 with Teel and DeSutter & 4:00 with Braeden and Randy
    • hour from Edgington to ROWVA HS
    • I leave at noon
  • Nov. 22 - HSGBK at Erie-Prophetstown - 5:30
  • Nov. 23 - HSBBK at Wethersfield 6:30
  • Nov. 25 - Thanksgiving
  • Nov. 26 - HSBBK at Wethersfield 9,10:30, noon & Geneseo 3:00 & 4:30 p.m.
  • Nov. 27 - HSBBK at BPC - 1:00
  • Nov. 29 - HSGBK at Bureau Valley - 6:00
  • Nov. 30 - HSGBK at Sterling - 7:00
  • Dec. 1 - open
  • Dec. 2 - HSGBK at Orion - 5:30
  • Dec. 3 - HSBBK at Riverdale - 5:30
  • Dec. 4 - HSBBK F/S at Erie 1:30 p.m.
  • Dec. 6 - HSGBK at Mercer County - 6:00
  • Dec. 7 - HSGBK at Assumption - 7:30
  • Dec. 8 - JHBBK at Orion - 5:30
  • Dec. 9 - HSGBK at North Fulton - 6:00 
  • Dec. 10 - HSBBK at West Central - 6:00
  • Dec. 11 - HSGBK at Clinton - 3:30
  • Dec. 13 - HSBBK at Mercer County - 5:30
  • Dec. 14 - HSGBK at Davenport North - 7:30
  • Dec. 15 - HSBBK at United - 7:30
  • Dec. 16 - open
  • Dec. 17 - HSGBK at Davenport Central - 7:30
  • Dec. 18 - HSGBK at Abingdon Great Western Shootout - 6:30
  • Dec. 20 - open
  • Dec. 21 - HSBBK at DeWitt - 7:30
  • Dec. 22 - HSGBK at Farmington - 6:00
  • Dec. 27 - HSGBK at Erie Tourney (P-Town) - 10:00
  • Dec. 28 - open
  • Dec. 29 - HSGBK at Erie Tourney - (Erie) - 6:00
  • Dec. 30 - open

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