
Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Tuesday, November 30

6:42 a.m. - Yesterday was a bad start to the officiating week.  We went overtime at Bureau Valley.  Now Shawn and I go to Sterling tonight, and our third partner isn't the strongest.  I'm not sure if I'm working Wednesday or not, and then I'm headed to Orion for more basketball that won't feature the best of teams.  Friday, I'm going to Riverdale; they play Mercer County, and it's going to be a hard game to officiate.  Saturday features two fresh/soph games with partners that again may not be the strongest.  It's just going to be a challenging officiating week.

Speaking of lesson plan today could be a challenge for a least one of my class periods.  Maybe I'll get lucky and have some absences.

English III

  • edit English III agenda on the Stream with the day's recording
  • create the English III next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
    • Understanding Black Hawk questions...(use for Socratic Seminar after returning)

Public Speaking

  • edit Public Speaking agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session if needed
  • create the Public Speaking next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed

Other Things To Do

  • Wed. - See Chase and Cole and possible get the music trailer moved.
  • pick up prescription

Upcoming officiating/umpiring 

    travel arrangements =
  • Nov. 30 - HSGBK at Sterling - 7:00 with Shawn and Tim Seward
  • Dec. 1 - open
  • Dec. 2 - HSGBK at Orion - 5:30 with Marcus and Les Huisingh
  • Dec. 3 - HSBBK at Riverdale - 5:30 with Shawn and C.J. Wade
  • Dec. 4 - HSBBK Freshman and then Sophs? at Erie ANNEX gym 1:30 p.m. with Tim Seward and Matt Hudgin
  • Dec. 5 - SUNDAY
  • Dec. 6 - HSGBK at Mercer County - 6:00 with Marcus and Matthew DeSutter
  • Dec. 7 - HSGBK at Assumption - 7:30 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 8 - JHBBK at Orion - 5:30 with Shawn
  • Dec. 9 - HSGBK at North Fulton - 6:00 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 10 - HSBBK at West Central - 6:00 with Shawn and not Marcus?
  • Dec. 11 - HSGBK at Clinton - 3:30 with Shawn and Marcus
  • Dec. 12 - SUNDAY
  • Dec. 13 - HSBBK at Mercer County - 5:30 with Marcus and Mike Pillen
  • Dec. 14 - HSGBK at Davenport North - 7:30 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 15 - HSBBK at United - 7:30 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 16 - JHBBK at Costa - 5:30 p.m.
  • Dec. 17 - HSGBK at Davenport Central - 7:30 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 18 - HSGBK at Abingdon Great Western Shootout - 6:30 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 19 - SUNDAY
  • Dec. 20 - open
  • Dec. 21 - HSBBK at DeWitt - 7:30 with Marcus and Todd Gillmore
  • Dec. 22 - HSGBK at Farmington - 6:00 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 27 - HSGBK at Erie Tourney (P-Town) - 10:00 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 28 - open
  • Dec. 29 - HSGBK at Erie Tourney - (Erie) - 6:00 with Rick Schaffer and Steve Kale
  • Dec. 30 - open

Monday, November 29, 2021

Monday, November 29th

5:49 a.m. - Yesterday was busier than I would have liked, and I didn't get all my schoolwork done.  And the day involved lots of time with grandchildren and no time with my children.  While it wasn't the day I anticipated, it was still a good day.  I just need to get to school today a little early with a mindset of getting the last of my schoolwork completed.  This afternoon we are headed to Manlius, Illinois for a girls officiating night, so it will be a late night.  I'm really not all that thrilled to head back to work today, but there are only 17 days until Christmas break!

English III

  • edit English III agenda on the Stream with the day's recording
  • create the English III next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
    • continue scoring essays -- all are finished
    • Understanding Black Hawk questions...(use for Socratic Seminar after returning)

Public Speaking

  • edit Public Speaking agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session if needed
  • create the Public Speaking next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed
    • score Chapter 16 speeches

Other Things To Do

Upcoming officiating/umpiring 

    travel arrangements =
  • Nov. 29 - HSGBK at Bureau Valley - 6:00 - with Marcus and Matthew DeSutter
    • meet Marcus at Walmart Aledo and then pick up Matthew in Lynn Center
  • Nov. 30 - HSGBK at Sterling - 7:00 with Shawn and Dave Sergeant
  • Dec. 1 - open
  • Dec. 2 - HSGBK at Orion - 5:30 with Marcus and Les Huisingh
  • Dec. 3 - HSBBK at Riverdale - 5:30 with Shawn and C.J. Wade
  • Dec. 4 - HSBBK Freshman and then Sophs? at Erie ANNEX gym 1:30 p.m. with Tim Seward and Matt Hudgin
  • Dec. 5 - SUNDAY
  • Dec. 6 - HSGBK at Mercer County - 6:00 with Marcus and Matthew DeSutter
  • Dec. 7 - HSGBK at Assumption - 7:30 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 8 - JHBBK at Orion - 5:30 with Shawn
  • Dec. 9 - HSGBK at North Fulton - 6:00 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 10 - HSBBK at West Central - 6:00 with Shawn and not Marcus?
  • Dec. 11 - HSGBK at Clinton - 3:30 with Shawn and Marcus
  • Dec. 12 - SUNDAY
  • Dec. 13 - HSBBK at Mercer County - 5:30 with Marcus and Mike Pillen
  • Dec. 14 - HSGBK at Davenport North - 7:30 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 15 - HSBBK at United - 7:30 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 16 - open
  • Dec. 17 - HSGBK at Davenport Central - 6 p.m. JV with Marcus & 7:30 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 18 - HSGBK at Abingdon Great Western Shootout - 6:30 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 19 - SUNDAY
  • Dec. 20 - open
  • Dec. 21 - HSBBK at DeWitt - 7:30 with Marcus and Todd Gillmore
  • Dec. 22 - HSGBK at Farmington - 6:00 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 27 - HSGBK at Erie Tourney (P-Town) - 10:00 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 28 - open
  • Dec. 29 - HSGBK at Erie Tourney - (Erie) - 6:00 with Rick Schaffer and Steve Kale
  • Dec. 30 - open

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Sunday, November 28

7:42 a.m. - No officiating today.  I'm hoping to get some rest, get some school work done, help Amber hang some pictures, and watch some Hallmark Channel.

English III

  • edit English III agenda on the Stream with the day's recording
  • create the English III next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
    • continue scoring essays -- periods 3,6,7 are finished
    • Understanding Black Hawk questions...(use for Socratic Seminar after returning)

Public Speaking

  • edit Public Speaking agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session if needed
  • create the Public Speaking next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed
    • score Chapter 16 speeches

Other Things To Do

  • send email to BPC and Illini Bluffs and West Prairie and Illini West

Upcoming officiating/umpiring 

    travel arrangements =
  • Nov. 29 - HSGBK at Bureau Valley - 6:00 - with Marcus and Matthew DeSutter
  • Nov. 30 - HSGBK at Sterling - 7:00 with Shawn and Dave Sergeant
  • Dec. 1 - open
  • Dec. 2 - HSGBK at Orion - 5:30 with Marcus and Les Huisingh
  • Dec. 3 - HSBBK at Riverdale - 5:30 with Shawn and C.J. Wade
  • Dec. 4 - HSBBK Freshman and then Sophs? at Erie ANNEX gym 1:30 p.m. with Tim Seward and Matt Hudgin
  • Dec. 5 - SUNDAY
  • Dec. 6 - HSGBK at Mercer County - 6:00 with Marcus and Matthew DeSutter
  • Dec. 7 - HSGBK at Assumption - 7:30 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 8 - JHBBK at Orion - 5:30 with Shawn
  • Dec. 9 - HSGBK at North Fulton - 6:00 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 10 - HSBBK at West Central - 6:00 with Shawn and not Marcus?
  • Dec. 11 - HSGBK at Clinton - 3:30 with Shawn and Marcus
  • Dec. 12 - SUNDAY
  • Dec. 13 - HSBBK at Mercer County - 5:30 with Marcus and Mike Pillen
  • Dec. 14 - HSGBK at Davenport North - 7:30 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 15 - HSBBK at United - 7:30 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 16 - open
  • Dec. 17 - HSGBK at Davenport Central - 6 p.m. JV with Marcus & 7:30 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 18 - HSGBK at Abingdon Great Western Shootout - 6:30 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 19 - SUNDAY
  • Dec. 20 - open
  • Dec. 21 - HSBBK at DeWitt - 7:30 with Marcus and Todd Gillmore
  • Dec. 22 - HSGBK at Farmington - 6:00 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 27 - HSGBK at Erie Tourney (P-Town) - 10:00 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 28 - open
  • Dec. 29 - HSGBK at Erie Tourney - (Erie) - 6:00 with Rick Schaffer and Steve Kale
  • Dec. 30 - open

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Saturday, November 27

8:09 a.m. - We survived yesterday's five games!  Whoop whoop!  Surprisingly, I'm not feeling horrible.  I am feeling my age, so the joints are a little sludged up, but I think I can make it through a couple of games today in Bushnell.

I'm a little concerned about Omicron; this is the new COVID variant that is causing a stir - at least in reports in the news.  The stock market took it seriously yesterday, and all the medical experts are being interviewed for their takes.  This news coupled with the growing number of schools that seem to be experiencing COVID related outbreaks seems to be bad signal for the upcoming winter.

English III

  • edit English III agenda on the Stream with the day's recording
  • create the English III next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
    • continue scoring essays -- periods 3,6,7 are finished
    • Understanding Black Hawk questions...(use for Socratic Seminar after returning)

Public Speaking

  • edit Public Speaking agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session if needed
  • create the Public Speaking next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed
    • score Chapter 16 speeches

Other Things To Do

  • send email to UTHS and Rock Falls coaches
  • send email to BPC and Illini Bluffs and West Prairie and Illini West

Upcoming officiating/umpiring 

    travel arrangements =
  • Nov. 27 - HSBBK at BPC - 1:00
    • Jay-Shawn meet Marcus at Aledo WalMart
    • 70 min. to BPC from WalMart - leave from there at 10:45 a.m
    • Shawn drives - Jay at Shawn's at 10:20 ish
  • Nov. 29 - HSGBK at Bureau Valley - 6:00 - with Marcus and Matthew DeSutter
  • Nov. 30 - HSGBK at Sterling - 7:00 with Shawn and Dave Sergeant
  • Dec. 1 - open
  • Dec. 2 - HSGBK at Orion - 5:30 with Marcus and Les Huisingh
  • Dec. 3 - HSBBK at Riverdale - 5:30 with Shawn and C.J. Wade
  • Dec. 4 - HSBBK Freshman and then Sophs? at Erie ANNEX gym 1:30 p.m. with Tim Seward and Matt Hudgin
  • Dec. 5 - SUNDAY
  • Dec. 6 - HSGBK at Mercer County - 6:00 with Marcus and Matthew DeSutter
  • Dec. 7 - HSGBK at Assumption - 7:30 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 8 - JHBBK at Orion - 5:30 with Shawn
  • Dec. 9 - HSGBK at North Fulton - 6:00 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 10 - HSBBK at West Central - 6:00 with Shawn and not Marcus?
  • Dec. 11 - HSGBK at Clinton - 3:30 with Shawn and Marcus
  • Dec. 12 - SUNDAY
  • Dec. 13 - HSBBK at Mercer County - 5:30 with Marcus and Mike Pillen
  • Dec. 14 - HSGBK at Davenport North - 7:30 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 15 - HSBBK at United - 7:30 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 16 - open
  • Dec. 17 - HSGBK at Davenport Central - 6 p.m. JV with Marcus & 7:30 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 18 - HSGBK at Abingdon Great Western Shootout - 6:30 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 19 - SUNDAY
  • Dec. 20 - open
  • Dec. 21 - HSBBK at DeWitt - 7:30 with Marcus and Todd Gillmore
  • Dec. 22 - HSGBK at Farmington - 6:00 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 27 - HSGBK at Erie Tourney (P-Town) - 10:00 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 28 - open
  • Dec. 29 - HSGBK at Erie Tourney - (Erie) - 6:00 with Rick Schaffer and Steve Kale
  • Dec. 30 - open

Friday, November 26, 2021

Friday, November 26

6:17 a.m. - The day has arrived.  Black Friday doesn't mean shopping in my world; it means officiating - a lot of officiating.  I'll be a tired pup by tomorrow morning at this time.  Yesterday was a picture perfect Thanksgiving with the Masseys - food, conversation, family, and more food.  The Bears won in a very unimpressive fashion over the Lions, but at least there was football to watch.  We went to the casino and contributed to Bally's - no Thanksgiving from the big casino.  

Today's goal is to get A LOT of officiating experience for the new officiating crew of Bizarri, Bush, and Strachan.  I still have schoolwork to accomplish, but that will just have to wait.

English III

  • edit English III agenda on the Stream with the day's recording
  • create the English III next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
    • continue scoring essays -- periods 3,6,7 are finished
    • Understanding Black Hawk questions...(use for Socratic Seminar after returning)

Public Speaking

  • edit Public Speaking agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session if needed
  • create the Public Speaking next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed
    • score Chapter 16 speeches

Other Things To Do

Upcoming officiating/umpiring 

    travel arrangements =

  • Nov. 26 - HSBBK at Wethersfield 9,10:30, noon & Geneseo 3:00 & 4:30 p.m.
  • Nov. 27 - HSBBK at BPC - 1:00
    • Jay-Shawn meet Marcus at Aledo WalMart
    • 70 min. to BPC from WalMart - leave from there at 10:45 a.m
    • Shawn drives - Jay at Shawn's at 10:20 ish
  • Nov. 29 - HSGBK at Bureau Valley - 6:00 - with Marcus and Matthew DeSutter
  • Nov. 30 - HSGBK at Sterling - 7:00 with Shawn and Dave Sergeant
  • Dec. 1 - open
  • Dec. 2 - HSGBK at Orion - 5:30 with Marcus and Les Huisingh
  • Dec. 3 - HSBBK at Riverdale - 5:30 with Shawn and C.J. Wade
  • Dec. 4 - HSBBK Freshman and then Sophs? at Erie ANNEX gym 1:30 p.m. with Tim Seward and Matt Hudgin
  • Dec. 5 - SUNDAY
  • Dec. 6 - HSGBK at Mercer County - 6:00 with Marcus and Matthew DeSutter
  • Dec. 7 - HSGBK at Assumption - 7:30 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 8 - JHBBK at Orion - 5:30 with Shawn
  • Dec. 9 - HSGBK at North Fulton - 6:00 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 10 - HSBBK at West Central - 6:00 with Shawn and not Marcus?
  • Dec. 11 - HSGBK at Clinton - 3:30 with Shawn and Marcus
  • Dec. 12 - SUNDAY
  • Dec. 13 - HSBBK at Mercer County - 5:30 with Marcus and Mike Pillen
  • Dec. 14 - HSGBK at Davenport North - 7:30 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 15 - HSBBK at United - 7:30 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 16 - open
  • Dec. 17 - HSGBK at Davenport Central - 6 p.m. JV with Marcus & 7:30 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 18 - HSGBK at Abingdon Great Western Shootout - 6:30 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 19 - SUNDAY
  • Dec. 20 - open
  • Dec. 21 - HSBBK at DeWitt - 7:30 with Marcus and Todd Gillmore
  • Dec. 22 - HSGBK at Farmington - 6:00 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 27 - HSGBK at Erie Tourney (P-Town) - 10:00 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 28 - open
  • Dec. 29 - HSGBK at Erie Tourney - (Erie) - 6:00 with Rick Schaffer and Steve Kale
  • Dec. 30 - open

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Thursday, November 25th - Happy Thanksgiving!

7:22 a.m. - Happy, Happy Thanksgiving Day!  I did get to the chiro appointment yesterday, and I did get to my game last night back at the Wethersfield Tournament.  I worked with a different couple of guys as a crew that I'd never worked with, which made it almost feel like a post-season game.  Last night I slept a little better, which was nice.  I hope to get in a little exercise this morning in anticipation of "healthy" eating later today at Jack and Rhonda's.  I'm not sure if I'll grade any papers, but if I don't that's okay.  I'm guessing maybe Amber and I will spend a little time together at the casino later on this evening.  I also hope to just sit and relax and watch a little of the Thanksgiving Day Parade on television!  And I finally, I hope to stay off my legs as much as possible since tomorrow it's back to the court for five games!  There truly is no rest for the wicked.

English III

  • edit English III agenda on the Stream with the day's recording
  • create the English III next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
    • continue scoring essays -- periods 3,6,7 are finished
    • Understanding Black Hawk questions...(use for Socratic Seminar after returning)

Public Speaking

  • edit Public Speaking agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session if needed
  • create the Public Speaking next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed
    • score Chapter 16 speeches

Other Things To Do

Upcoming officiating/umpiring 

    travel arrangements =

  • Nov. 26 - HSBBK at Wethersfield 9,10:30, noon & Geneseo 3:00 & 4:30 p.m.
  • Nov. 27 - HSBBK at BPC - 1:00
    • Jay-Shawn meet Marcus at Aledo WalMart
    • 70 min. to BPC from WalMart - leave from there at 10:45 a.m
    • Shawn drives - Jay at Shawn's at 10:20 ish
  • Nov. 29 - HSGBK at Bureau Valley - 6:00 - with Marcus and Matthew DeSutter
  • Nov. 30 - HSGBK at Sterling - 7:00 with Shawn and Dave Sergeant
  • Dec. 1 - open
  • Dec. 2 - HSGBK at Orion - 5:30 with Marcus and Les Huisingh
  • Dec. 3 - HSBBK at Riverdale - 5:30 with Shawn and C.J. Wade
  • Dec. 4 - HSBBK Freshman and then Sophs? at Erie ANNEX gym 1:30 p.m. with Tim Seward and Matt Hudgin
  • Dec. 5 - SUNDAY
  • Dec. 6 - HSGBK at Mercer County - 6:00 with Marcus and Matthew DeSutter
  • Dec. 7 - HSGBK at Assumption - 7:30 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 8 - JHBBK at Orion - 5:30 with Shawn
  • Dec. 9 - HSGBK at North Fulton - 6:00 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 10 - HSBBK at West Central - 6:00 with Shawn and not Marcus?
  • Dec. 11 - HSGBK at Clinton - 3:30 with Shawn and Marcus
  • Dec. 12 - SUNDAY
  • Dec. 13 - HSBBK at Mercer County - 5:30 with Marcus and Mike Pillen
  • Dec. 14 - HSGBK at Davenport North - 7:30 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 15 - HSBBK at United - 7:30 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 16 - open
  • Dec. 17 - HSGBK at Davenport Central - 6 p.m. JV with Marcus & 7:30 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 18 - HSGBK at Abingdon Great Western Shootout - 6:30 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 19 - SUNDAY
  • Dec. 20 - open
  • Dec. 21 - HSBBK at DeWitt - 7:30 with Marcus and Todd Gillmore
  • Dec. 22 - HSGBK at Farmington - 6:00 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 27 - HSGBK at Erie Tourney (P-Town) - 10:00 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 28 - open
  • Dec. 29 - HSGBK at Erie Tourney - (Erie) - 6:00 with Rick Schaffer and Steve Kale
  • Dec. 30 - open

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Wednesday, November 24th

4:22 a.m. - Yes, it's the first day of Thanksgiving break, and I'm up at 4:22 because I woke up and can't get back to sleep.  So I got up and sent out an email and a couple of SAWA reports to the IHSA because we had a really, really good game of officiating last night.  Elmwood played Bureau Valley, and this was the first night of our new crew for a boys game.  The game was intense and close and came down to a last second field goal attempt.  It was really a lot of fun.  Our new crew was a little shaky at times, but we had a blast.  If every night was like last night, there would be a lot more officials available.

So now the cat is talking with me, and I'll need to go feed her.

Today I have a chiro appointment, and I may be helping to get the music trailer into my parents barn.  Then I have to sub for another crew back at the same place I was at last night.  In between, perhaps I'll get a nap to make up for not being able to get back to sleep.

English III

  • edit English III agenda on the Stream with the day's recording
  • create the English III next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
    • continue scoring essays -- periods 3,6,7 are finished
    • Understanding Black Hawk questions...(use for Socratic Seminar after returning)

Public Speaking

  • edit Public Speaking agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session if needed
  • create the Public Speaking next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed
    • score Chapter 16 speeches

Other Things To Do

  • chiro appointment - 9:30 a.m.

Upcoming officiating/umpiring 

    travel arrangements =
  • Nov. 24 - 5 p.m. at Wethersfield - working with a different crew
  • Nov. 25 - Thanksgiving
  • Nov. 26 - HSBBK at Wethersfield 9,10:30, noon & Geneseo 3:00 & 4:30 p.m.
  • Nov. 27 - HSBBK at BPC - 1:00
    • Jay-Shawn meet Marcus at Aledo WalMart
    • 70 min. to BPC from WalMart - leave from there at 10:45 a.m
    • Shawn drives - Jay at Shawn's at 10:20 ish
  • Nov. 29 - HSGBK at Bureau Valley - 6:00 - with Marcus and Matthew DeSutter
  • Nov. 30 - HSGBK at Sterling - 7:00 with Shawn and Dave Sergeant
  • Dec. 1 - open
  • Dec. 2 - HSGBK at Orion - 5:30 with Marcus and Les Huisingh
  • Dec. 3 - HSBBK at Riverdale - 5:30 with Shawn and C.J. Wade
  • Dec. 4 - HSBBK Freshman and then Sophs? at Erie ANNEX gym 1:30 p.m. with Tim Seward and Matt Hudgin
  • Dec. 5 - SUNDAY
  • Dec. 6 - HSGBK at Mercer County - 6:00 with Marcus and Matthew DeSutter
  • Dec. 7 - HSGBK at Assumption - 7:30 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 8 - JHBBK at Orion - 5:30 with Shawn
  • Dec. 9 - HSGBK at North Fulton - 6:00 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 10 - HSBBK at West Central - 6:00 with Shawn and not Marcus?
  • Dec. 11 - HSGBK at Clinton - 3:30 with Shawn and Marcus
  • Dec. 12 - SUNDAY
  • Dec. 13 - HSBBK at Mercer County - 5:30 with Marcus and Mike Pillen
  • Dec. 14 - HSGBK at Davenport North - 7:30 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 15 - HSBBK at United - 7:30 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 16 - open
  • Dec. 17 - HSGBK at Davenport Central - 6 p.m. JV with Marcus & 7:30 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 18 - HSGBK at Abingdon Great Western Shootout - 6:30 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 19 - SUNDAY
  • Dec. 20 - open
  • Dec. 21 - HSBBK at DeWitt - 7:30 with Marcus and Todd Gillmore
  • Dec. 22 - HSGBK at Farmington - 6:00 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 27 - HSGBK at Erie Tourney (P-Town) - 10:00 with Marcus and Shawn
  • Dec. 28 - open
  • Dec. 29 - HSGBK at Erie Tourney - (Erie) - 6:00 with Rick Schaffer and Steve Kale
  • Dec. 30 - open

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Tuesday, November 23

8:27 a.m. - I'd just like to get through today quietly.  I've responded to a couple of parent emails; I've responded to a student email; I've made some coffee.  It's a little quiet today, which is a good thing.  I think I'm now going to try to score a few essays.

English III

  • edit English III agenda on the Stream with the day's recording
  • create the English III next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
    • continue scoring essays -- periods 3,6,7 are finished
    • Understanding Black Hawk questions...(use for Socratic Seminar after returning)

Public Speaking

  • edit Public Speaking agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session if needed
  • create the Public Speaking next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed

Other Things To Do

  • chiro appointment - 9:30 a.m.

Upcoming officiating/umpiring 

    travel arrangements =
  • Nov. 24 - 5 p.m. at Wethersfield - working with a different crew
  • Nov. 25 - Thanksgiving
  • Nov. 26 - HSBBK at Wethersfield 9,10:30, noon & Geneseo 3:00 & 4:30 p.m.
    • Jay and Shawn ride together - Marcus drives separately--Yes, I will be in Erie for Thanksgiving
    • Jay drives - picks up Shawn at 7:15 a.m. - man that's going to be a long day.
  • Nov. 27 - HSBBK at BPC - 1:00
    • Jay-Shawn meet Marcus at Aledo WalMart
    • 70 min. to BPC from WalMart - leave from there at 10:45 a.m
    • Shawn drives - Jay at Shawn's at 10:20 ish
  • Nov. 29 - HSGBK at Bureau Valley - 6:00 - with Marcus and Matthew DeSutter
  • Nov. 30 - HSGBK at Sterling - 7:00 with Shawn and Dave Sergeant
  • Dec. 1 - open
  • Dec. 2 - HSGBK at Orion - 5:30 with Marcus and Les Huisingh
  • Dec. 3 - HSBBK at Riverdale - 5:30 with Shawn and C.J. Wade
  • Dec. 4 - HSBBK Freshman and then Sophs? at Erie ANNEX gym 1:30 p.m. with Tim Seward and Matt Hudgin
  • Dec. 6 - HSGBK at Mercer County - 6:00
  • Dec. 7 - HSGBK at Assumption - 7:30
  • Dec. 8 - JHBBK at Orion - 5:30
  • Dec. 9 - HSGBK at North Fulton - 6:00 
  • Dec. 10 - HSBBK at West Central - 6:00
  • Dec. 11 - HSGBK at Clinton - 3:30
  • Dec. 13 - HSBBK at Mercer County - 5:30
  • Dec. 14 - HSGBK at Davenport North - 7:30
  • Dec. 15 - HSBBK at United - 7:30
  • Dec. 16 - open
  • Dec. 17 - HSGBK at Davenport Central - 7:30
  • Dec. 18 - HSGBK at Abingdon Great Western Shootout - 6:30
  • Dec. 20 - open
  • Dec. 21 - HSBBK at DeWitt - 7:30
  • Dec. 22 - HSGBK at Farmington - 6:00
  • Dec. 27 - HSGBK at Erie Tourney (P-Town) - 10:00
  • Dec. 28 - open
  • Dec. 29 - HSGBK at Erie Tourney - (Erie) - 6:00
  • Dec. 30 - open

Monday, November 22, 2021

Monday, November 22

5:26 a.m. - Yesterday was a bit frantic.  We had Thanksgiving at my mom's, but that included the Harrison kids, and Carmen and Tyler, and then I went and picked up Chase.  After spending a little time there, including getting something out of the camper and checking in with all the animals, Carmen, Tyler, and Chase and I came back to our house with the Harrison kids.  Then Kenzie and Darren arrived to pick up the Harrison kids.  Then I decided to just have Chase stay with us for the night, so now I'm going to take him back to his place this morning before school.  So yesterday was definitely a bit frantic.  Late last night I had a text message conversation with Cole too, so I was able to connect with all the Bizarri kids last yesterday some time, which was great.  

Today (and tomorrow), I just want students to chill out, watch a documentary, let me score essays, and be on our Happy Thanksgiving way.  I have officiating all week except Thursday, which is fine, but I just really don't want any headaches from students.  I know that sounds bad coming from an educator, but I just want to head into Thanksgiving without the next two days being stressful.

English III

  • edit English III agenda on the Stream with the day's recording
  • create the English III next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
    • continue scoring essays
    • Understanding Black Hawk questions...(use for Socratic Seminar after returning)

Public Speaking

  • edit Public Speaking agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session if needed
  • create the Public Speaking next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed

Other Things To Do

Upcoming officiating/umpiring 

    travel arrangements =
  • Nov. 22 - HSGBK at Erie-Prophetstown - 5:30 2 games FS/Varsity
    • Marcus picks up Shawn and Jay at 4:10ish and drives
    • Shawn will just go to Jay’s house after my bus route.
    • (about an hour from Edgington - we won't exactly be early)
  • Nov. 23 - HSBBK at Wethersfield 6:30 1 game
    • Jay-Shawn to Aledo WalMart - meet at Aledo WalMart at 4:45
    • Shawn drives
  • Nov. 24 - 5 p.m. at Wethersfield - working with a different crew
  • Nov. 25 - Thanksgiving
  • Nov. 26 - HSBBK at Wethersfield 9,10:30, noon & Geneseo 3:00 & 4:30 p.m.
    • Jay and Shawn ride together - Marcus drives separately--Yes, I will be in Erie for Thanksgiving
    • Jay drives - picks up Shawn at 7:15 a.m. - man that's going to be a long day.
  • Nov. 27 - HSBBK at BPC - 1:00
    • Jay-Shawn meet Marcus at Aledo WalMart
    • 70 min. to BPC from WalMart - leave from there at 10:45 a.m
    • Shawn drives - Jay at Shawn's at 10:20 ish
  • Nov. 29 - HSGBK at Bureau Valley - 6:00
  • Nov. 30 - HSGBK at Sterling - 7:00
  • Dec. 1 - open
  • Dec. 2 - HSGBK at Orion - 5:30
  • Dec. 3 - HSBBK at Riverdale - 5:30
  • Dec. 4 - HSBBK F/S at Erie 1:30 p.m.
  • Dec. 6 - HSGBK at Mercer County - 6:00
  • Dec. 7 - HSGBK at Assumption - 7:30
  • Dec. 8 - JHBBK at Orion - 5:30
  • Dec. 9 - HSGBK at North Fulton - 6:00 
  • Dec. 10 - HSBBK at West Central - 6:00
  • Dec. 11 - HSGBK at Clinton - 3:30
  • Dec. 13 - HSBBK at Mercer County - 5:30
  • Dec. 14 - HSGBK at Davenport North - 7:30
  • Dec. 15 - HSBBK at United - 7:30
  • Dec. 16 - open
  • Dec. 17 - HSGBK at Davenport Central - 7:30
  • Dec. 18 - HSGBK at Abingdon Great Western Shootout - 6:30
  • Dec. 20 - open
  • Dec. 21 - HSBBK at DeWitt - 7:30
  • Dec. 22 - HSGBK at Farmington - 6:00
  • Dec. 27 - HSGBK at Erie Tourney (P-Town) - 10:00
  • Dec. 28 - open
  • Dec. 29 - HSGBK at Erie Tourney - (Erie) - 6:00
  • Dec. 30 - open

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Sunday, November 21

7:28 a.m. - Thanksgiving at the Bizarris' is today.  We'll be going to the farm to celebrate.  I know Cole won't be there, and I'm not sure about Chase.  Carmen and her boyfriend Tyler will be there.  I get to make mashed potatoes.  Oh, and it's possible that the Harrison kids will be going with us.  I think I'd like to get in a ski-walk today...maybe try to get my metabolism going before eating later today.  Yesterday, I officiated two games at the ROWVA tournament.  The first game was with two former players of mine; the second was the championship game.  I hope it doesn't sound arrogant when I say I feel good that I was selected to work the championship game.  I thought we did a really good job, as it was a pretty intense game, and there was a good crowd.

English III

  • edit English III agenda on the Stream with the day's recording
  • create the English III next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
    • continue scoring essays

Public Speaking

  • edit Public Speaking agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session if needed
  • create the Public Speaking next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed

Other Things To Do

  • Send emails to BPC, Orion, ATown, and MonRose girls coaches

Upcoming officiating/umpiring 

    travel arrangements =

  • Nov. 22 - HSGBK at Erie-Prophetstown - 5:30 2 games FS/Varsity
    • Marcus picks up Shawn and Jay at 4:10ish and drives
    • Shawn will just go to Jay’s house after my bus route.
    • (about an hour from Edgington - we won't exactly be early)
  • Nov. 23 - HSBBK at Wethersfield 6:30 1 game
    • Jay-Shawn to Aledo WalMart - meet at Aledo WalMart at 4:45
    • Shawn drives
  • Nov. 24 - open
  • Nov. 25 - Thanksgiving
  • Nov. 26 - HSBBK at Wethersfield 9,10:30, noon & Geneseo 3:00 & 4:30 p.m.
    • Jay and Shawn ride together - Marcus drives separately--Yes, I will be in Erie for Thanksgiving
    • Jay drives - picks up Shawn at 7:15 a.m. - man that's going to be a long day.
  • Nov. 27 - HSBBK at BPC - 1:00
    • Jay-Shawn meet Marcus at Aledo WalMart
    • 70 min. to BPC from WalMart - leave from there at 10:45 a.m.

    Shawn drives - Jay at Shawn's at 10:20 ish
  • Nov. 29 - HSGBK at Bureau Valley - 6:00
  • Nov. 30 - HSGBK at Sterling - 7:00
  • Dec. 1 - open
  • Dec. 2 - HSGBK at Orion - 5:30
  • Dec. 3 - HSBBK at Riverdale - 5:30
  • Dec. 4 - HSBBK F/S at Erie 1:30 p.m.
  • Dec. 6 - HSGBK at Mercer County - 6:00
  • Dec. 7 - HSGBK at Assumption - 7:30
  • Dec. 8 - JHBBK at Orion - 5:30
  • Dec. 9 - HSGBK at North Fulton - 6:00 
  • Dec. 10 - HSBBK at West Central - 6:00
  • Dec. 11 - HSGBK at Clinton - 3:30
  • Dec. 13 - HSBBK at Mercer County - 5:30
  • Dec. 14 - HSGBK at Davenport North - 7:30
  • Dec. 15 - HSBBK at United - 7:30
  • Dec. 16 - open
  • Dec. 17 - HSGBK at Davenport Central - 7:30
  • Dec. 18 - HSGBK at Abingdon Great Western Shootout - 6:30
  • Dec. 20 - open
  • Dec. 21 - HSBBK at DeWitt - 7:30
  • Dec. 22 - HSGBK at Farmington - 6:00
  • Dec. 27 - HSGBK at Erie Tourney (P-Town) - 10:00
  • Dec. 28 - open
  • Dec. 29 - HSGBK at Erie Tourney - (Erie) - 6:00
  • Dec. 30 - open

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Saturday, November 20

6:27 a.m. - I woke up this morning, and I remembered it's Saturday, and it felt great!  I know that sounds weird, but realizing there is no work today is amazing!  Last night, I had a scrimmage at MonRose.  I wasn't with regular partners, but it was good to get on the floor with a varsity boys group...there are fewer whistles, but the game is stronger and faster.  It was nice to get $95 too, and I went to Papa's and had some ribs again, which is great.  Today, I'm going to try to look for a car for Chase, and then I'm headed to Oneida for a couple of girls basketball games.  My second game is at 4 p.m., so I won't be back home until this evening.  

English III

  • edit English III agenda on the Stream with the day's recording
  • create the English III next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
    • start scoring essays

Public Speaking

  • edit Public Speaking agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session if needed
  • create the Public Speaking next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed

Other Things To Do

  • get water heater bill paid for
  • consider retaking Part 1 Exam
Upcoming officiating/umpiring 
  • Nov. 20 - HSGBK at ROWVA - 1:00 with Teel and DeSutter & 4:00 with Braeden and Randy
    • hour from Edgington to ROWVA HS
    • I leave at noon
  • Nov. 22 - HSGBK at Erie-Prophetstown - 5:30
  • Nov. 23 - HSBBK at Wethersfield 6:30
  • Nov. 25 - Thanksgiving
  • Nov. 26 - HSBBK at Wethersfield 9,10:30, noon & Geneseo 3:00 & 4:30 p.m.
  • Nov. 27 - HSBBK at BPC - 1:00
  • Nov. 29 - HSGBK at Bureau Valley - 6:00
  • Nov. 30 - HSGBK at Sterling - 7:00
  • Dec. 1 - open
  • Dec. 2 - HSGBK at Orion - 5:30
  • Dec. 3 - HSBBK at Riverdale - 5:30
  • Dec. 4 - HSBBK F/S at Erie 1:30 p.m.
  • Dec. 6 - HSGBK at Mercer County - 6:00
  • Dec. 7 - HSGBK at Assumption - 7:30
  • Dec. 8 - JHBBK at Orion - 5:30
  • Dec. 9 - HSGBK at North Fulton - 6:00 
  • Dec. 10 - HSBBK at West Central - 6:00
  • Dec. 11 - HSGBK at Clinton - 3:30
  • Dec. 13 - HSBBK at Mercer County - 5:30
  • Dec. 14 - HSGBK at Davenport North - 7:30
  • Dec. 15 - HSBBK at United - 7:30
  • Dec. 16 - open
  • Dec. 17 - HSGBK at Davenport Central - 7:30
  • Dec. 18 - HSGBK at Abingdon Great Western Shootout - 6:30
  • Dec. 20 - open
  • Dec. 21 - HSBBK at DeWitt - 7:30
  • Dec. 22 - HSGBK at Farmington - 6:00
  • Dec. 27 - HSGBK at Erie Tourney (P-Town) - 10:00
  • Dec. 28 - open
  • Dec. 29 - HSGBK at Erie Tourney - (Erie) - 6:00
  • Dec. 30 - open

Friday, November 19, 2021

Friday, November 19

5:12 a.m. - As crazy as it sounds, the easy part of drug use/abuse is the detox phase.  Once a person has voluntarily or involuntarily entered a detox center, someone is paying for that care.  That someone is likely an insurance company, but that insurance company is likely some sort of state care agency, which means that someone is likely taxpayers.  Or in the case of wealthy individuals, they have the means to pay for that detox care.  And once that person is in detox, friends and family members have a bit of a peaceful waiting period while that person is cared for.  And the people that care for that person - the doctors and nurses and staff members and cooks and janitors - they all get paid a salary for working.  I'm sure their jobs aren't glamorous at times, but they earn a living.  So while the person is under detox care, he/she is getting monitored, getting fed, getting rest, has clothes, and is basically nursed back to some sort of health.  Keep in mind, that while that person is under detox care, he/she is not earning any money.  He/she is not acquiring a job or acquiring means of transportation.  He/she is not acquiring housing.

So when the recovering addict is released out of detox or walks out voluntarily, then what?  What does a person do with no money, no transportation, no housing, no means of toiletries or food or water?  He/she then must rely on other people to support those things, right.  The problem is that close family and friends are included in the collateral damage of the persons drug use/abuse.  Those close family and friends have been on the receiving end of the damage from the person's drug use/abuse in the first place.  Even if they themselves have the monetary means to offer financial help, they don't want to, and who can blame them?  It feels like throwing money down a rabbit hole.

So then the answer seems to be that the person coming out of detox needs to have housing within walking distance of employment, right?  At least that eliminates one need - transportation and insurance for that transportation and gas for that transportation.  And speaking of transportation, how many insurance companies are in a rush to provide coverage for a recovering drug addict who has a laundry list of vehicle tickets?  And, keep in mind, there are insurance coverage plans for those folks, but can you imagine the cost of such coverage?

So how does a person out of detox with NOTHING and NO ONE attempt to rise out of the ashes?  How does a person just not slip into finding the right junkie that will give a hit of more drugs or perhaps offer some work dealing drugs?

The answer is that someone - a friend or a family member has to pony up the start-up costs - insurance, food, housing, transportation, gas.  And that friend or family member has to realize that it's very likely that eventually all of that support will once again cycle around to more drug use/abuse and more destruction.  It's always possible that THIS TIME, THIS SUPPORT will be the turning point.  THIS TIME, THIS SUPPORT will be the final realization and the FINAL support needed.  THIS TIME...the person will turn away from the drug use and make it on his/her own.  This time, the person will build financially, support himself, perhaps rebuild or gain new relationships with people.

The problem is that right now, I don't have that additional dispensable income to be that support person.  And I don't want to ask someone else to be that person either.  So I'm stuck.  And I'm left so frustrated and bitter.  Living life isn't easy, but that doesn't mean it has to be so hard either.

English III

  • edit English III agenda on the Stream with the day's recording
  • create the English III next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
    • start scoring essays

Public Speaking

  • edit Public Speaking agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session if needed
  • create the Public Speaking next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed

Other Things To Do

  • get 1/15 figured out with JT
  • get water heater bill paid for
  • consider retaking Part 1 Exam
  • pay bills - middle of month - VISA and Verizon
Upcoming officiating/umpiring 
  • Nov. 18 - open
  • Nov. 19 - HSBBK at MonRose Scrimmage - 5:30 with Andrew and Devin
    • 50 min. from Edgington to Mon-Rose HS
    • I leave at 4 p.m.
  • Nov. 20 - HSGBK at ROWVA - 1:00 with Teel and DeSutter & 4:00 with Braeden and Randy
    • hour from Edgington to ROWVA HS
    • I leave at noon
  • Nov. 22 - HSGBK at Erie-Prophetstown - 5:30
  • Nov. 23 - HSBBK at Wethersfield 6:30
  • Nov. 25 - Thanksgiving
  • Nov. 26 - HSBBK at Wethersfield 9,10:30, noon & Geneseo 3:00 & 4:30 p.m.
  • Nov. 27 - HSBBK at BPC - 1:00
  • Nov. 29 - HSGBK at Bureau Valley - 6:00
  • Nov. 30 - HSGBK at Sterling - 7:00
  • Dec. 1 - open
  • Dec. 2 - HSGBK at Orion - 5:30
  • Dec. 3 - HSBBK at Riverdale - 5:30
  • Dec. 4 - HSBBK F/S at Erie 1:30 p.m.
  • Dec. 6 - HSGBK at Mercer County - 6:00
  • Dec. 7 - HSGBK at Assumption - 7:30
  • Dec. 8 - JHBBK at Orion - 5:30
  • Dec. 9 - HSGBK at North Fulton - 6:00 
  • Dec. 10 - HSBBK at West Central - 6:00
  • Dec. 11 - HSGBK at Clinton - 3:30
  • Dec. 13 - HSBBK at Mercer County - 5:30
  • Dec. 14 - HSGBK at Davenport North - 7:30
  • Dec. 15 - HSBBK at United - 7:30
  • Dec. 16 - open
  • Dec. 17 - HSGBK at Davenport Central - 7:30
  • Dec. 18 - HSGBK at Abingdon Great Western Shootout - 6:30
  • Dec. 20 - open
  • Dec. 21 - HSBBK at DeWitt - 7:30
  • Dec. 22 - HSGBK at Farmington - 6:00
  • Dec. 27 - HSGBK at Erie Tourney (P-Town) - 10:00
  • Dec. 28 - open
  • Dec. 29 - HSGBK at Erie Tourney - (Erie) - 6:00
  • Dec. 30 - open

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Thursday, November 18

6:18 a.m. - No officiating is scheduled for tonight, but I may be asked by my son to help him move some of his stuff out of his mom's.  Being with him will be awkward, but it will be nice to see him.  I continue to worry about him.  The climate at school isn't so good.  Let's just say everything is a mess, and I really don't know how we are going to get out of it other than just surviving each class period.  John Deere's strike is over, so that's good news for the community.

English III

  • edit English III agenda on the Stream with the day's recording
  • create the English III next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
    • start scoring essays
    • THURSDAY - Enter scores in the Google Form over questions over the text.

Public Speaking

  • edit Public Speaking agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session if needed
  • create the Public Speaking next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed
    • enter quiz grades for Chapter 16 after tomorrow's quiz

Other Things To Do

  • consider retaking Part 1 Exam
  • pay bills - middle of month - VISA and Verizon
  • send email to Annawan and Geneseo
Upcoming officiating/umpiring 
  • Nov. 18 - open
  • Nov. 19 - HSBBK at MonRose Scrimmage - 5:30 with Andrew and Devin
    • 50 min. from Edgington to Mon-Rose HS
    • I leave at 4 p.m.
  • Nov. 20 - HSGBK at ROWVA - 1:00 with Teel and DeSutter & 4:00 with Braeden and Randy
    • hour from Edgington to ROWVA HS
    • I leave at noon
  • Nov. 22 - HSGBK at Erie-Prophetstown - 5:30
  • Nov. 23 - HSBBK at Wethersfield 6:30
  • Nov. 25 - Thanksgiving
  • Nov. 26 - HSBBK at Wethersfield 9,10:30, noon & Geneseo 3:00 & 4:30 p.m.
  • Nov. 27 - HSBBK at BPC - 1:00
  • Nov. 29 - HSGBK at Bureau Valley - 6:00
  • Nov. 30 - HSGBK at Sterling - 7:00
  • Dec. 1 - open
  • Dec. 2 - HSGBK at Orion - 5:30
  • Dec. 3 - HSBBK at Riverdale - 5:30
  • Dec. 4 - HSBBK F/S at Erie 1:30 p.m.
  • Dec. 6 - HSGBK at Mercer County - 6:00
  • Dec. 7 - HSGBK at Assumption - 7:30
  • Dec. 8 - JHBBK at Orion - 5:30
  • Dec. 9 - HSGBK at North Fulton - 6:00 
  • Dec. 10 - HSBBK at West Central - 6:00
  • Dec. 11 - HSGBK at Clinton - 3:30
  • Dec. 13 - HSBBK at Mercer County - 5:30
  • Dec. 14 - HSGBK at Davenport North - 7:30
  • Dec. 15 - HSBBK at United - 7:30
  • Dec. 16 - open
  • Dec. 17 - HSGBK at Davenport Central - 7:30
  • Dec. 18 - HSGBK at Abingdon Great Western Shootout - 4:30
  • Dec. 20 - open
  • Dec. 21 - HSBBK at DeWitt - 7:30
  • Dec. 22 - HSGBK at Farmington - 6:00
  • Dec. 27 - HSGBK at Erie Tourney (P-Town) - 10:00
  • Dec. 28 - open
  • Dec. 29 - HSGBK at Erie Tourney - (Erie) - 6:00
  • Dec. 30 - open

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Wednesday, November 17

5:43 am. - Last night we had a blowout game at UT girls.  This was the first game with Shawn and Marcus and I as the "new crew".  With a game like that, it's hard to judge how well or how poorly we may have done, but even with the lopsided game, I felt like there wasn't any real problem that through us off balance as a crew.  Plus, I felt confident and comfortable in our demeanor.  I really think we have an opportunity to be really, really good.  I don't know how long we'll be together, but I think while we are together we are going to have a good run.

English III

  • edit English III agenda on the Stream with the day's recording
  • create the English III next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
    • start scoring essays
    • THURSDAY - Enter scores in the Google Form over questions over the text.

Public Speaking

  • edit Public Speaking agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session if needed
  • create the Public Speaking next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed
    • enter quiz grades for Chapter 16 after tomorrow's quiz

Other Things To Do

  • consider retaking Part 1 Exam
  • pay bills - middle of month - VISA and Verizon
  • send email to UTHS and PND
  • get pricing from Jason Martin for work on the house - called 11-12-21
Upcoming officiating/umpiring 
  • Nov. 17 - HSGBK at Geneseo - 6:00 with Tad and Rocky
    • 45 min. from Edgington to Geneseo
    • I leave at 4:30 p.m.
  • Nov. 18 - open
  • Nov. 19 - HSBBK at MonRose Scrimmage - 5:30 with Andrew and Devin
    • 50 min. from Edgington to Mon-Rose HS
    • I leave at 4 p.m.
  • Nov. 20 - HSGBK at ROWVA - 1:00 with Teel and DeSutter & 4:00 with Braeden and Randy
    • hour from Edgington to ROWVA HS
    • I leave at noon
  • Nov. 22 - HSGBK at Erie-Prophetstown - 5:30
  • Nov. 23 - HSBBK at Wethersfield 6:30
  • Nov. 25 - Thanksgiving
  • Nov. 26 - HSBBK at Wethersfield 9,10:30, noon & Geneseo 3:00 & 4:30 p.m.
  • Nov. 27 - HSBBK at BPC - 1:00
  • Nov. 29 - HSGBK at Bureau Valley - 6:00
  • Nov. 30 - HSGBK at Sterling - 7:00
  • Dec. 1 - open
  • Dec. 2 - HSGBK at Orion - 5:30
  • Dec. 3 - HSBBK at Riverdale - 5:30
  • Dec. 4 - HSBBK F/S at Erie 1:30 p.m.
  • Dec. 6 - HSGBK at Mercer County - 6:00
  • Dec. 7 - HSGBK at Assumption - 7:30
  • Dec. 8 - JHBBK at Orion - 5:30
  • Dec. 9 - HSGBK at North Fulton - 6:00 
  • Dec. 10 - HSBBK at West Central - 6:00
  • Dec. 11 - HSGBK at Clinton - 3:30
  • Dec. 13 - HSBBK at Mercer County - 5:30
  • Dec. 14 - HSGBK at Davenport North - 7:30
  • Dec. 15 - HSBBK at United - 7:30
  • Dec. 16 - open
  • Dec. 17 - HSGBK at Davenport Central - 7:30
  • Dec. 18 - HSGBK at Abingdon Great Western Shootout - 4:30
  • Dec. 20 - open
  • Dec. 21 - HSBBK at DeWitt - 7:30
  • Dec. 22 - HSGBK at Farmington - 6:00
  • Dec. 27 - HSGBK at Erie Tourney (P-Town) - 10:00
  • Dec. 28 - open
  • Dec. 29 - HSGBK at Erie Tourney - (Erie) - 6:00
  • Dec. 30 - open

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Tuesday, November 16

5:54 a.m. - Games 1 & 2 of night 1 for the high school basketball officiating schedule.  The teams weren't real strong, and play was a little rough at times, but it was the first game of the season for them, too.  All-in-all not a bad night.  And I was able to see Tad, whom I hadn't seen in awhile, so that was a good thing.  Tonight, the "new crew" is on the floor, and that will be fun.

Yesterday, at school we received a memo from our superintendent.  I don't want to go into it now, but it bothered me a bit.  I'm worried that the decision will only further enhance the difficulty that this year is.  The topic of the memo is actually related to the transition of content I'm going to in English III.  The struggle for people to accept other people is real.  I'm hoping I can gain some ground.  Today, we will continue on that path.

English III

  • edit English III agenda on the Stream with the day's recording
  • create the English III next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
      • start scoring essays

Public Speaking

  • edit Public Speaking agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session if needed
  • create the Public Speaking next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed
    • score Chapter 16 questions

Other Things To Do

  • enter games into IHSA
  • send email to last night's coaches GBK - West Central, Orion, R-W, Galva
  • get pricing from Jason Martin for work on the house - called 11-12-21
Upcoming officiating/umpiring 
  • Nov. 16 - HSGBK at UTHS - 6:30 with Shawn and Marcus
    • 30 min. from Edgington to UTHS
    • Jay picks Shawn up at 5:00; Jay drives; Marcus drives himself.
  • Nov. 17 - HSGBK at Geneseo - 6:00 with Tad and Rocky
    • 45 min. from Edgington to Geneseo
    • I leave at 4:30 p.m.
  • Nov. 18 - open
  • Nov. 19 - HSBBK at MonRose Scrimmage - 5:30 with Andrew and Devin
    • 50 min. from Edgington to Mon-Rose HS
    • I leave at 4 p.m.
  • Nov. 20 - HSGBK at ROWVA - 4:00 with Braeden and Randy
    • hour from Edgington to ROWVA HS
    • I leave at 2 p.m.
  • Nov. 22 - HSGBK at Erie-Prophetstown - 5:30
  • Nov. 23 - HSBBK at Wethersfield 6:30
  • Nov. 24 - open
  • Nov. 25 - Thanksgiving
  • Nov. 26 - HSBBK at Wethersfield 9,10:30, noon & Geneseo 3:00 & 4:30 p.m.
  • Nov. 27 - HSBBK at BPC - 1:00
  • Nov. 29 - HSGBK at Bureau Valley - 6:00
  • Nov. 30 - HSGBK at Sterling - 7:00
  • Dec. 1 - open
  • Dec. 2 - HSGBK at Orion - 5:30
  • Dec. 3 - HSBBK at Riverdale - 5:30
  • Dec. 4 - HSBBK F/S at Erie 1:30 p.m.
  • Dec. 6 - HSGBK at Mercer County - 6:00
  • Dec. 7 - HSGBK at Assumption - 7:30
  • Dec. 8 - JHBBK at Orion - 5:30
  • Dec. 9 - HSGBK at North Fulton - 6:00 
  • Dec. 10 - HSBBK at West Central - 6:00
  • Dec. 11 - HSGBK at Clinton - 3:30
  • Dec. 13 - HSBBK at Mercer County - 5:30
  • Dec. 14 - HSGBK at Davenport North - 7:30
  • Dec. 15 - HSBBK at United - 7:30
  • Dec. 16 - open
  • Dec. 17 - HSGBK at Davenport Central - 7:30
  • Dec. 18 - HSGBK at Abingdon Great Western Shootout - 4:30
  • Dec. 20 - open
  • Dec. 21 - HSBBK at DeWitt - 7:30
  • Dec. 22 - HSGBK at Farmington - 6:00
  • Dec. 27 - HSGBK at Erie Tourney (P-Town) - 10:00
  • Dec. 28 - open
  • Dec. 29 - HSGBK at Erie Tourney - (Erie) - 6:00
  • Dec. 30 - open

Monday, November 15, 2021

Monday, November 15

6:03 a.m. - Today is a Monday, but it's the 15th, so it's pay day.  I guess, then, Monday is a little brighter knowing that I'll make the payments I need to make for another month.  Yesterday was a bit of a hodge-podge.  Amber and I went to have lunch at the casino and then gambled a little; prior to that we went to WalMart for a couple of items - I needed a new suitcase for my basketball officiating stuff.  I guess before that I did go to church service in Taylor Ridge and had a chance to visit with mom and other member of the Westpfahl clan.  In the afternoon I worked on school work and then had a conversation with Chase, which didn't go all that well.  It wasn't a bad conversation - just didn't go the direction I had hoped.  The evening was just some time watching television, and then I went to bed.

English III

  • edit English III agenda on the Stream with the day's recording
    • proceeding to Indigenous Americans contributions
  • create the English III next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
    • enter final scores of Khan Academy Grammar Review - usage and style
    • send out congrats for Grammar Unit "experts"
    • stalk/scan essay assignments
    • enter zeros for missing essay 8 a.m. Monday
      • start scoring essays

Public Speaking

  • edit Public Speaking agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session if needed
  • create the Public Speaking next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed

Other Things To Do

  • get pricing from Jason Martin for work on the house - called 11-12-21
Upcoming officiating/umpiring 
  • Nov. 15 - HSGBK at ROWVA - 6:00 with Marcus and Tad
    • 50 min. from Aledo to Oneida
    • meet at Aledo WalMart at 4:15 - Marcus drives
  • Nov. 16 - HSGBK at UTHS - 6:30 with Shawn and Marcus
    • 30 min. from Edgington to UTHS
    • Jay picks Shawn up at 5:00; Jay drives; Marcus drives himself.
  • Nov. 17 - HSGBK at Geneseo - 6:00 with Tad and Rocky
    • 45 min. from Edgington to Geneseo
    • I leave at 4:30 p.m.
  • Nov. 18 - open
  • Nov. 19 - HSBBK at MonRose Scrimmage - 5:30 with Andrew and Devin
    • 50 min. from Edgington to Mon-Rose HS
    • I leave at 4 p.m.
  • Nov. 20 - HSGBK at ROWVA - 4:00 with Braeden and Randy
    • hour from Edgington to ROWVA HS
    • I leave at 2 p.m.
  • Nov. 22 - HSGBK at Erie-Prophetstown - 5:30
  • Nov. 23 - HSBBK at Wethersfield 6:30
  • Nov. 24 - open
  • Nov. 25 - Thanksgiving
  • Nov. 26 - HSBBK at Wethersfield 9,10:30, noon & Geneseo 3:00 & 4:30 p.m.
  • Nov. 27 - HSBBK at BPC - 1:00
  • Nov. 29 - HSGBK at Bureau Valley - 6:00
  • Nov. 30 - HSGBK at Sterling - 7:00
  • Dec. 1 - open
  • Dec. 2 - HSGBK at Orion - 5:30
  • Dec. 3 - HSBBK at Riverdale - 5:30
  • Dec. 4 - HSBBK F/S at Erie 1:30 p.m.
  • Dec. 6 - HSGBK at Mercer County - 6:00
  • Dec. 7 - HSGBK at Assumption - 7:30
  • Dec. 8 - JHBBK at Orion - 5:30
  • Dec. 9 - HSGBK at North Fulton - 6:00 
  • Dec. 10 - HSBBK at West Central - 6:00
  • Dec. 11 - HSGBK at Clinton - 3:30
  • Dec. 13 - HSBBK at Mercer County - 5:30
  • Dec. 14 - HSGBK at Davenport North - 7:30
  • Dec. 15 - HSBBK at United - 7:30
  • Dec. 16 - open
  • Dec. 17 - HSGBK at Davenport Central - 7:30
  • Dec. 18 - HSGBK at Abingdon Great Western Shootout - 4:30
  • Dec. 20 - open
  • Dec. 21 - HSBBK at DeWitt - 7:30
  • Dec. 22 - HSGBK at Farmington - 6:00
  • Dec. 27 - HSGBK at Erie Tourney (P-Town) - 10:00
  • Dec. 28 - open
  • Dec. 29 - HSGBK at Erie Tourney - (Erie) - 6:00
  • Dec. 30 - open

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Sunday, November 14

6:26 a.m. - This morning's weather is dark, blustery, and cold.  Yesterday was a long day with grandkids and projects around the house.  The day did end with roast beef for supper, a haircut, and a Notre Dame football win, so those things were nice.  This day is "officiating eve day" - the day before I attempt to survive another basketball officiating season, and unless COVID takes hold or we have a lot of weather cancellations, it's going to be a full schedule.

Today, I have some school work I need to complete, but I think I'm going to start the day with church service, and then I may run out and try to find a new suitcase to use for basketball officiating.  On that adventure, I might also do a little Christmas shopping and/or drop something off to Chase.

English III

  • edit English III agenda on the Stream with the day's recording
    • proceeding to Indigenous Americans contributions
  • create the English III next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
    • enter final scores of Khan Academy Grammar Review - usage and style
    • send out congrats for Grammar Unit "experts"
    • stalk/scan essay assignments
    • enter zeros for missing essay 8 a.m. Monday
      • start scoring essays

Public Speaking

  • edit Public Speaking agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session if needed
  • create the Public Speaking next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed

Other Things To Do

  • get shoe laces for umpiring plate shoes
  • get pricing from Jason Martin for work on the house - called 11-12-21
Upcoming officiating/umpiring 
  • Fri., Nov. 12 - HSGBK at MonRose Scrimmage - 6:30
  • Nov. 15 - HSGBK at ROWVA - 6:00
  • Nov. 16 - HSGBK at UTHS - 6:30
  • Nov. 17 - HSGBK at Geneseo - 6:00
  • Nov. 18 - open
  • Nov. 19 - HSBBK at MonRose Scrimmage - 5:30
  • Nov. 20 - HSGBK at ROWVA - 4:00
  • Nov. 22 - HSGBK at Erie-Prophetstown - 5:30
  • Nov. 23 - HSBBK at Wethersfield 6:30
  • Nov. 24 - open
  • Nov. 25 - Thanksgiving
  • Nov. 26 - HSBBK at Wethersfield 9,10:30, noon & Geneseo 3:00 & 4:30 p.m.
  • Nov. 27 - HSBBK at BPC - 1:00
  • Nov. 29 - HSGBK at Bureau Valley - 6:00
  • Nov. 30 - HSGBK at Sterling - 7:00
  • Dec. 1 - open
  • Dec. 2 - HSGBK at Orion - 5:30
  • Dec. 3 - HSBBK at Riverdale - 5:30
  • Dec. 4 - HSBBK F/S at Erie 1:30 p.m.
  • Dec. 6 - HSGBK at Mercer County - 6:00
  • Dec. 7 - HSGBK at Assumption - 7:30
  • Dec. 8 - JHBBK at Orion - 5:30
  • Dec. 9 - HSGBK at North Fulton - 6:00 
  • Dec. 10 - HSBBK at West Central - 6:00
  • Dec. 11 - HSGBK at Clinton - 3:30
  • Dec. 13 - HSBBK at Mercer County - 5:30
  • Dec. 14 - HSGBK at Davenport North - 7:30
  • Dec. 15 - HSBBK at United - 7:30
  • Dec. 16 - open
  • Dec. 17 - HSGBK at Davenport Central - 7:30
  • Dec. 18 - HSGBK at Abingdon Great Western Shootout - 4:30
  • Dec. 20 - open
  • Dec. 21 - HSBBK at DeWitt - 7:30
  • Dec. 22 - HSGBK at Farmington - 6:00
  • Dec. 27 - HSGBK at Erie Tourney (P-Town) - 10:00
  • Dec. 28 - open
  • Dec. 29 - HSGBK at Erie Tourney - (Erie) - 6:00
  • Dec. 30 - open

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Saturday, November 13

6:01 a.m. - The Harrison kids spent the night, so I'm typing quietly.  I got home after everyone was sleeping, so I'm sure Amber didn't get a good night's sleep.  I'm not sure how long they will be with us today, so I'm glad I don't have any officiating.

Yesterday went well.  I did my best to encourage students to finish their essays.  I bet I still have 10-20 who do nothing over the weekend, but at least I tried. 

Officiating went well last night.  Marcus, Shawn, and I are going to be a good crew eventually, and we will have some fun with our journey.  I just hope we can all stay healthy.  I'm more worried about me than them, but all of us need to be healthy.  

I'd like to get a haircut today, and I'd like to do a little shopping for a new suitcase for my basketball stuff.  I'm not sure what else I will accomplish.  I think the painting job in the upstairs is finished, so I might be moving some furniture around.

English III

  • edit English III agenda on the Stream with the day's recording
  • create the English III next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
    • enter final scores of Khan Academy Grammar Review - usage and style
    • send out congrats for Grammar Unit "experts"

Public Speaking

  • edit Public Speaking agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session if needed
  • create the Public Speaking next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed

Other Things To Do

  • get shoe laces for umpiring plate shoes
  • get pricing from Jason Martin for work on the house - called 11-12-21
Upcoming officiating/umpiring 
  • Fri., Nov. 12 - HSGBK at MonRose Scrimmage - 6:30
  • Nov. 15 - HSGBK at ROWVA - 6:00
  • Nov. 16 - HSGBK at UTHS - 6:30
  • Nov. 17 - HSGBK at Geneseo - 6:00
  • Nov. 18 - open
  • Nov. 19 - HSBBK at MonRose Scrimmage - 5:30
  • Nov. 20 - HSGBK at ROWVA - 4:00
  • Nov. 22 - HSGBK at Erie-Prophetstown - 5:30
  • Nov. 23 - HSBBK at Wethersfield 6:30
  • Nov. 24 - open
  • Nov. 25 - Thanksgiving
  • Nov. 26 - HSBBK at Wethersfield 9,10:30, noon & Geneseo 3:00 & 4:30 p.m.
  • Nov. 27 - HSBBK at BPC - 1:00
  • Nov. 29 - HSGBK at Bureau Valley - 6:00
  • Nov. 30 - HSGBK at Sterling - 7:00
  • Dec. 1 - open
  • Dec. 2 - HSGBK at Orion - 5:30
  • Dec. 3 - HSBBK at Riverdale - 5:30
  • Dec. 4 - HSBBK F/S at Erie 1:30 p.m.
  • Dec. 6 - HSGBK at Mercer County - 6:00
  • Dec. 7 - HSGBK at Assumption - 7:30
  • Dec. 8 - JHBBK at Orion - 5:30
  • Dec. 9 - HSGBK at North Fulton - 6:00 
  • Dec. 10 - HSBBK at West Central - 6:00
  • Dec. 11 - HSGBK at Clinton - 3:30
  • Dec. 13 - HSBBK at Mercer County - 5:30
  • Dec. 14 - HSGBK at Davenport North - 7:30
  • Dec. 15 - HSBBK at United - 7:30
  • Dec. 16 - open
  • Dec. 17 - HSGBK at Davenport Central - 7:30
  • Dec. 18 - HSGBK at Abingdon Great Western Shootout - 4:30
  • Dec. 20 - open
  • Dec. 21 - HSBBK at DeWitt - 7:30
  • Dec. 22 - HSGBK at Farmington - 6:00
  • Dec. 27 - HSGBK at Erie Tourney (P-Town) - 10:00
  • Dec. 28 - open
  • Dec. 29 - HSGBK at Erie Tourney - (Erie) - 6:00
  • Dec. 30 - open

Friday, November 12, 2021

Friday, November 12

5:19 a.m. - I had to send a student out of my room yesterday because he had exhausted my patience.  That usually doesn't happen, but it did yesterday.  It's a failure on my part, but it's more of a failure on the student's part.  I'm going to try to do better today.

Today marks a weeks since I was with Chase.  I'm sending cards daily trying to offer encouragement and support.  I don't know how things are going because that's how the system works.  I hope to call him this weekend and speak with him.

Later today, Shawn, Marcus, and I are working a girls basketball scrimmage at Monmouth-Roseville.  This will be our first chance to work high school girls basketball this season.  The three of us spent a little time working together over the summer, and we also had one junior high game together on Wednesday.  We are going to need a little time to work together and gain some experience, but I think eventually we are going to be pretty solid.

The new water heater was installed yesterday, which was nice to see.  I know I paid a little extra money to have it installed by a professional, but the peace of mind to have it done quickly and safely is worth some value.  Of course I won't enjoy writing the check when the invoice arrives, but a fully functioning water heater is really a must have.

Yesterday's concert for Veterans' Day hosted by the choir and FFA groups was a nice tribute.  I wish the livestreaming of the event would have been a little better quality for us to view it in our classrooms, but perhaps post-COVID, we will all be able to attend in person.

English III

  • edit English III agenda on the Stream with the day's recording
  • create the English III next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
    • enter final scores of Khan Academy Grammar Review - usage and style
    • send out congrats for Grammar Unit "experts"

Public Speaking

  • edit Public Speaking agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session if needed
  • create the Public Speaking next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed
    • finish making Chapter 16 Quiz

Other Things To Do

  • get shoe laces for umpiring plate shoes
  • get pricing from Jason Martin for work on the house - called 11-12-21
Upcoming officiating/umpiring 
  • Fri., Nov. 12 - HSGBK at MonRose Scrimmage - 6:30
  • Nov. 15 - HSGBK at ROWVA - 6:00
  • Nov. 16 - HSGBK at UTHS - 6:30
  • Nov. 17 - HSGBK at Geneseo - 6:00
  • Nov. 18 - open
  • Nov. 19 - HSBBK at MonRose Scrimmage - 5:30
  • Nov. 20 - HSGBK at ROWVA - 4:00
  • Nov. 22 - HSGBK at Erie-Prophetstown - 5:30
  • Nov. 23 - HSBBK at Wethersfield 6:30
  • Nov. 24 - open
  • Nov. 25 - Thanksgiving
  • Nov. 26 - HSBBK at Wethersfield 9,10:30, noon & Geneseo 3:00 & 4:30 p.m.
  • Nov. 27 - HSBBK at BPC - 1:00
  • Nov. 29 - HSGBK at Bureau Valley - 6:00
  • Nov. 30 - HSGBK at Sterling - 7:00
  • Dec. 1 - open
  • Dec. 2 - HSGBK at Orion - 5:30
  • Dec. 3 - HSBBK at Riverdale - 5:30
  • Dec. 4 - HSBBK F/S at Erie 1:30 p.m.
  • Dec. 6 - HSGBK at Mercer County - 6:00
  • Dec. 7 - HSGBK at Assumption - 7:30
  • Dec. 8 - JHBBK at Orion - 5:30
  • Dec. 9 - HSGBK at North Fulton - 6:00 
  • Dec. 10 - HSBBK at West Central - 6:00
  • Dec. 11 - HSGBK at Clinton - 3:30
  • Dec. 13 - HSBBK at Mercer County - 5:30
  • Dec. 14 - HSGBK at Davenport North - 7:30
  • Dec. 15 - HSBBK at United - 7:30
  • Dec. 16 - open
  • Dec. 17 - HSGBK at Davenport Central - 7:30
  • Dec. 18 - HSGBK at Abingdon Great Western Shootout - 4:30
  • Dec. 20 - open
  • Dec. 21 - HSBBK at DeWitt - 7:30
  • Dec. 22 - HSGBK at Farmington - 6:00
  • Dec. 27 - HSGBK at Erie Tourney (P-Town) - 10:00
  • Dec. 28 - open
  • Dec. 29 - HSGBK at Erie Tourney - (Erie) - 6:00
  • Dec. 30 - open

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Thursday, November 11 - Happy Veteran's Day

6:13 a.m. - The weather includes cold temps, wind, and rain today - not exactly weather that is nice for Veterans' Day.  There is some sort of celebration at RHS today, but students and staff are watching the ceremony from the classrooms rather than in person - maybe it's COVID related; maybe it's over concerns about the potential conduct of our students.  In English III, we have writers' workshop time to work on essays.  I'm always concerned about the effort of students, but at least I'm trying to give them time in class to work.  In Public Speaking, there will also be time to work on speeches.  I have some things I want to get done to, but they aren't too taxing.  

English III

  • edit English III agenda on the Stream with the day's recording
  • create the English III next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
    • enter Devil and Tom Walker scores
    • enter FRW scores

Public Speaking

  • edit Public Speaking agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session if needed
  • create the Public Speaking next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed
    • finish making Chapter 16 Quiz
    • enter Podcast Wednesday scores

Other Things To Do

  • Nov. 11 8:30 a.m. - new water heater
  • get shoe laces for umpiring plate shoes
  • get better system of electricity outlet to the trailer on the east side of the garage
  • weed wack the swamp
  • get pricing from Jason Martin for work on the house
Upcoming officiating/umpiring 
  • Thurs., Nov. 11 - JHGBK at Costa - 5:30
  • Fri., Nov. 12 - HSGBK at MonRose Scrimmage - 6:30
  • Nov. 15 - HSGBK at ROWVA - 6:00
  • Nov. 16 - HSGBK at UTHS - 6:30
  • Nov. 17 - HSGBK at Geneseo - 6:00
  • Nov. 18 - open
  • Nov. 19 - HSBBK at MonRose Scrimmage - 5:30
  • Nov. 20 - HSGBK at ROWVA - 4:00
  • Nov. 22 - HSGBK at Erie-Prophetstown - 5:30
  • Nov. 23 - HSBBK at Wethersfield 6:30
  • Nov. 24 - open
  • Nov. 25 - Thanksgiving
  • Nov. 26 - HSBBK at Wethersfield and Geneseo 9:00 a.m. & 4:30 p.m.
  • Nov. 27 - HSBBK at BPC - 1:00
  • Nov. 29 - HSGBK at Bureau Valley - 6:00
  • Nov. 30 - HSGBK at Sterling - 7:00
  • Dec. 1 - open
  • Dec. 2 - HSGBK at Orion - 5:30
  • Dec. 3 - open
  • Dec. 4 - open
  • Dec. 6 - HSGBK at Mercer County - 6:00
  • Dec. 7 - HSGBK at Assumption - 7:30
  • Dec. 8 - JHBBK at Orion - 5:30
  • Dec. 9 - HSGBK at North Fulton - 6:00 
  • Dec. 10 - HSBBK at West Central - 6:00
  • Dec. 11 - HSGBK at Clinton - 3:30
  • Dec. 13 - HSBBK at Mercer County - 5:30
  • Dec. 14 - HSGBK at Davenport North - 7:30
  • Dec. 15 - HSBBK at United - 7:30
  • Dec. 16 - open (was scheduled to be at Sterling)
  • Dec. 17 - HSGBK at Davenport Central - 7:30
  • Dec. 18 - open
  • Dec. 20 - open
  • Dec. 21 - HSBBK at DeWitt - 7:30
  • Dec. 22 - HSGBK at Farmington - 6:00
  • Dec. 27 - HSGBK at Erie Tourney (P-Town) - 10:00
  • Dec. 28 - open
  • Dec. 29 - HSGBK at Erie Tourney - (Erie) - 6:00
  • Dec. 30 - open

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Wednesday, November 10

5:29 a.m. - This morning I'll be watching the morning news downstairs.  Amber is having some painting done to the upstairs, so everything that had been previously on or near a wall is now pulled out.  It's a mess, but hopefully all the effort will be rewarded with a fresh look to the house.  I honestly didn't do much; it was Amber and her dad that did most of the work.

At our most recent BOE meeting this week, there was again parental attack...this time about books and upcoming sex education directives.  I do think parents should have room to have their input considered; I'm just so tired of the approach - come in with both ears laid back and lash out and get your applause from the rest of the mob in the audience.  The school district each month is reminded how it's just not good enough for folks and the school district needs to do more - all the while the overall attitude of students gets less cooperative and the overall hope of the staff decreases by the minute.

English III

  • edit English III agenda on the Stream with the day's recording
  • create the English III next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
    • enter Devil and Tom Walker scores
    • enter FRW scores

Public Speaking

  • edit Public Speaking agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session if needed
  • create the Public Speaking next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed
    • finish making Chapter 16 Quiz
    • enter Podcast Wednesday scores

Other Things To Do

  • Nov. 11 8:30 a.m. - new water heater
  • get shoe laces for umpiring plate shoes
  • get better system of electricity outlet to the trailer on the east side of the garage
  • weed wack the swamp
  • get pricing from Jason Martin for work on the house
Upcoming officiating/umpiring 
  • Wed., Nov. 10 - JHGBK at MerCo - 5:30
  • Thurs., Nov. 11 - JHGBK at Costa - 5:30
  • Fri., Nov. 12 - HSGBK at MonRose Scrimmage - 6:30
  • Nov. 15 - HSGBK at ROWVA - 6:00 
  • Nov. 16 - HSGBK at UTHS - 6:30
  • Nov. 17 - HSGBK at Geneseo - 6:00
  • Nov. 18 - open
  • Nov. 19 - HSBBK at MonRose Scrimmage - 5:30
  • Nov. 20 - HSGBK at ROWVA - 4:00
  • Nov. 22 - HSGBK at Erie-Prophetstown - 5:30
  • Nov. 23 - HSBBK at Wethersfield 6:30
  • Nov. 24 - open
  • Nov. 25 - Thanksgiving
  • Nov. 26 - HSBBK at Wethersfield and Geneseo 9:00 a.m. & 4:30 p.m.
  • Nov. 27 - HSBBK at BPC - 1:00
  • Nov. 29 - HSGBK at Bureau Valley - 6:00
  • Nov. 30 - HSGBK at Sterling - 7:00
  • Dec. 1 - open
  • Dec. 2 - HSGBK at Orion - 5:30
  • Dec. 3 - open
  • Dec. 4 - open
  • Dec. 6 - HSGBK at Mercer County - 6:00
  • Dec. 7 - HSGBK at Assumption - 7:30
  • Dec. 8 - JHBBK at Orion - 5:30
  • Dec. 9 - HSGBK at North Fulton - 6:00 
  • Dec. 10 - HSBBK at West Central - 6:00
  • Dec. 11 - HSGBK at Clinton - 3:30
  • Dec. 13 - HSBBK at Mercer County - 5:30
  • Dec. 14 - HSGBK at Davenport North - 7:30
  • Dec. 15 - HSBBK at United - 7:30
  • Dec. 16 - open (was scheduled to be at Sterling)
  • Dec. 17 - HSGBK at Davenport Central - 7:30
  • Dec. 18 - open
  • Dec. 20 - open
  • Dec. 21 - HSBBK at DeWitt - 7:30
  • Dec. 22 - HSGBK at Farmington - 6:00
  • Dec. 27 - HSGBK at Erie Tourney (P-Town) - 10:00
  • Dec. 28 - open
  • Dec. 29 - HSGBK at Erie Tourney - (Erie) - 6:00
  • Dec. 30 - open

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Tuesday, November 9

5:38 a.m. - Today is what appears to be just another Tuesday.  This is the one night this week I'm not officiating any basketball, but I have some work to do at home after school.  Amber is getting some painting done in the house, and I need to get the furnace room ready for a water heater replacement project that is scheduled for Thursday.  To be honest, I don't think we need the paining job, but home decor isn't really my thing.  We do need the water heater, as it's leaking out of the bottom and is on borrowed time of existence.

I heard on the news this morning that COVID cases and hospitalizations are on the rise in our area.  Geez.  I really thought the vaccine would speed up the process of recovery and removal of social distancing and mask guidelines.  It seems like we humans sure get in the way of our own health and progress sometimes.  I wonder if reverse psychology was used that we would get the naysayers on board.  I wonder if we just had a media campaign that told people they weren't allowed to get a vaccine anymore if people would then just bitch and complain about that.  I truly think a lot of our difficulty is that a certain percentage of the population just wants to be difficult - to swim up current just to go against the current.

English III

  • edit English III agenda on the Stream with the day's recording
  • create the English III next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a

Public Speaking

  • edit Public Speaking agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session if needed
  • create the Public Speaking next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed
    • Make Chapter 16 Quiz

Other Things To Do

  • Nov. 11 8:30 a.m. - new water heater
  • get shoe laces for umpiring plate shoes
  • get better system of electricity outlet to the trailer on the east side of the garage
  • weed wack the swamp
  • get pricing from Jason Martin for work on the house
Upcoming officiating/umpiring 
  • Tues., Nov. 9 - open
  • Wed., Nov. 10 - JHGBK at MerCo - 5:30
  • Thurs., Nov. 11 - JHGBK at Costa - 5:30
  • Fri., Nov. 12 - HSGBK at MonRose Scrimmage - 6:30
  • Nov. 15 - HSGBK at ROWVA - 6:00
  • Nov. 16 - HSGBK at UTHS - 6:30
  • Nov. 17 - HSGBK at Geneseo - 6:00
  • Nov. 18 - open
  • Nov. 19 - HSBBK at MonRose Scrimmage - 5:30
  • Nov. 20 - HSGBK at ROWVA - 4:00
  • Nov. 22 - HSGBK at Erie-Prophetstown - 5:30
  • Nov. 23 - HSBBK at Wethersfield 6:30
  • Nov. 24 - open
  • Nov. 25 - Thanksgiving
  • Nov. 26 - HSBBK at Wethersfield and Geneseo 9:00 a.m. & 4:30 p.m.
  • Nov. 27 - HSBBK at BPC - 1:00
  • Nov. 29 - HSGBK at Bureau Valley - 6:00
  • Nov. 30 - HSGBK at Sterling - 7:00
  • Dec. 1 - open
  • Dec. 2 - HSGBK at Orion - 5:30
  • Dec. 3 - open
  • Dec. 4 - open
  • Dec. 6 - HSGBK at Mercer County - 6:00
  • Dec. 7 - HSGBK at Assumption - 7:30
  • Dec. 8 - JHBBK at Orion - 5:30
  • Dec. 9 - HSGBK at North Fulton - 6:00 
  • Dec. 10 - HSBBK at West Central - 6:00
  • Dec. 11 - HSGBK at Clinton - 3:30
  • Dec. 13 - HSBBK at Mercer County - 5:30
  • Dec. 14 - HSGBK at Davenport North - 7:30
  • Dec. 15 - HSBBK at United - 7:30
  • Dec. 16 - open (was scheduled to be at Sterling)
  • Dec. 17 - HSGBK at Davenport Central - 7:30
  • Dec. 18 - open
  • Dec. 20 - open
  • Dec. 21 - HSBBK at DeWitt - 7:30
  • Dec. 22 - HSGBK at Farmington - 6:00
  • Dec. 27 - HSGBK at Erie Tourney (P-Town) - 10:00
  • Dec. 28 - open
  • Dec. 29 - HSGBK at Erie Tourney - (Erie) - 6:00
  • Dec. 30 - open

Monday, November 8, 2021

Monday, November 8

6:05 a.m. - And so it begins.  I have four basketball officiating evenings this week.  This is a final tune-up week to the officiating season.  I have new shoes that I tried out on Saturday morning, and I liked them.  My knee is feeling better than it did a couple of weeks ago, but I'm too heavy, which is a concern.  This week will probably determine whether or not I go in for a cortisone shot early in the season and hope like hell it lasts or try to get through the first part of the season until the holidays and then get the shot to get me through the rest of the season.  

Yesterday, I dropped off a card and a magazine for Chase.  I also had an opportunity to learn a few more of the "do's and don'ts" of the facility, and I had a chance to speak with a nurse that is caring for Chase.  On the way home I was called by another caregiver - a doctor that is working with his mental health.  I learned a lot, some of which helped me.  Other news produced more concerns and worries.  I didn't sleep well last night.

The weather is supposed to be very nice again...perhaps the last day of the year near a temperature of seventy degrees.  Later this week, the weather guy was talking temps in the thirties and a chance for some snowflakes.

Today at school, students are working with a short story, and we are all set to resume the essay we started the previous week.  I think finishing that essay is a priority this week.  The students need another test grade before we switch content over to contributions of Indigenous Americans.  

English III

  • edit English III agenda on the Stream with the day's recording
  • create the English III next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a

Public Speaking

  • edit Public Speaking agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session if needed
  • create the Public Speaking next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed
    • Make Chapter 16 Quiz

Other Things To Do

  • block arbiter Sept 19 for Wethersfield VB
  • Nov. 11 8:30 a.m. - new water heater
  • get shoe laces for umpiring plate shoes
  • get better system of electricity outlet to the trailer on the east side of the garage
  • weed wack the swamp
  • get pricing from Jason Martin for work on the house
Upcoming officiating/umpiring 
  • Tues., Nov. 9 - open
  • Wed., Nov. 10 - JHGBK at MerCo - 5:30
  • Thurs., Nov. 11 - JHGBK at Costa - 5:30
  • Fri., Nov. 12 - HSGBK at MonRose Scrimmage - 6:30
  • Nov. 15 - HSGBK at ROWVA - 6:00
  • Nov. 16 - HSGBK at UTHS - 6:30
  • Nov. 17 - HSGBK at Geneseo - 6:00
  • Nov. 18 - open
  • Nov. 19 - HSBBK at MonRose Scrimmage - 5:30
  • Nov. 20 - HSGBK at ROWVA - 4:00
  • Nov. 22 - HSGBK at Erie-Prophetstown - 5:30
  • Nov. 23 - HSBBK at Wethersfield 6:30
  • Nov. 24 - open
  • Nov. 25 - Thanksgiving
  • Nov. 26 - HSBBK at Wethersfield and Geneseo 9:00 a.m. & 4:30 p.m.
  • Nov. 27 - HSBBK at BPC - 1:00
  • Nov. 29 - HSGBK at Bureau Valley - 6:00
  • Nov. 30 - HSGBK at Sterling - 7:00
  • Dec. 1 - open
  • Dec. 2 - HSGBK at Orion - 5:30
  • Dec. 3 - open
  • Dec. 4 - open
  • Dec. 6 - HSGBK at Mercer County - 6:00
  • Dec. 7 - HSGBK at Assumption - 7:30
  • Dec. 8 - JHBBK at Orion - 5:30
  • Dec. 9 - HSGBK at North Fulton - 6:00 
  • Dec. 10 - HSBBK at West Central - 6:00
  • Dec. 11 - HSGBK at Clinton - 3:30
  • Dec. 13 - HSBBK at Mercer County - 5:30
  • Dec. 14 - HSGBK at Davenport North - 7:30
  • Dec. 15 - HSBBK at United - 7:30
  • Dec. 16 - open (was scheduled to be at Sterling)
  • Dec. 17 - HSGBK at Davenport Central - 7:30
  • Dec. 18 - open
  • Dec. 20 - open
  • Dec. 21 - HSBBK at DeWitt - 7:30
  • Dec. 22 - HSGBK at Farmington - 6:00
  • Dec. 27 - HSGBK at Erie Tourney (P-Town) - 10:00
  • Dec. 28 - open
  • Dec. 29 - HSGBK at Erie Tourney - (Erie) - 6:00
  • Dec. 30 - open

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Sunday, November 7

7:06 a.m. - Welcome to the time change!  We lost an hour last night, which means I guess that we gained an hour of sleep.  On the morning news this morning, there was a report about how COVID is surging in Europe again, but the vaccination rates are very low.  In this country a certain percentage of the population still is hesitant.  My hope is that there are enough willing participants to outweigh the hesitant folks.  Yesterday, I officiated at Rockridge, and I visited with mom and dad a bit, and then I went and had lunch with Darren.  Then I watched a little football, and after that I accompanied Amber to the Southwells to help watch over Ava, Tucker, and Rosie.  I finished up the end of a Hallmark movie and turned in for the night.  That is the exciting life on a Saturday night for me.

Today, I'd like to get a card and some books over to Chase at Eagleview.  I might also throw in some pictures.  I think about him often, and I know detox is probably very hard on him right now, and I'd like him to know that he's not alone.  My chest hurts just thinking about it.  I think later today the whole Massey clan is coming over to celebrate Kenzie's birthday,  I may attend a church service today too.

English III

  • edit English III agenda on the Stream with the day's recording
  • create the English III next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a

Public Speaking

  • edit Public Speaking agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session if needed
  • create the Public Speaking next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed

Other Things To Do

  • Nov. 11 8:30 a.m. - new water heater
  • get shoe laces for umpiring plate shoes
  • get better system of electricity outlet to the trailer on the east side of the garage
  • weed wack the swamp
  • get pricing from Jason Martin for work on the house
Upcoming officiating/umpiring 
  • Mon., Nov. 8 - JHGBK at Sherrard - 5:30
  • Tues., Nov. 9 - open
  • Wed., Nov. 10 - JHGBK at MerCo - 5:30
  • Thurs., Nov. 11 - JHGBK at Costa - 5:30
  • Fri., Nov. 12 - HSGBK at MonRose Scrimmage - 6:30
  • Nov. 15 - HSGBK at ROWVA - 6:00
  • Nov. 16 - HSGBK at UTHS - 6:30
  • Nov. 17 - HSGBK at Geneseo - 6:00
  • Nov. 18 - open
  • Nov. 19 - HSBBK at MonRose Scrimmage - 5:30
  • Nov. 20 - HSGBK at ROWVA - 4:00
  • Nov. 22 - HSGBK at Erie-Prophetstown - 5:30
  • Nov. 23 - HSBBK at Wethersfield 6:30
  • Nov. 24 - open
  • Nov. 25 - Thanksgiving
  • Nov. 26 - HSBBK at Wethersfield and Geneseo 9:00 a.m. & 4:30 p.m.
  • Nov. 27 - HSBBK at BPC - 1:00
  • Nov. 29 - HSGBK at Bureau Valley - 6:00
  • Nov. 30 - HSGBK at Sterling - 7:00
  • Dec. 1 - open
  • Dec. 2 - HSGBK at Orion - 5:30
  • Dec. 3 - HSBBK at Mercer County - 5:30
  • Dec. 4 - open
  • Dec. 6 - HSGBK at Mercer County - 6:00
  • Dec. 7 - HSGBK at Assumption - 7:30
  • Dec. 8 - JHBBK at Orion - 5:30
  • Dec. 9 - HSGBK at North Fulton - 6:00 
  • Dec. 10 - HSBBK at West Central - 6:00
  • Dec. 11 - HSGBK at Clinton - 3:30
  • Dec. 13 - open
  • Dec. 14 - HSGBK at Davenport North - 7:30
  • Dec. 15 - HSBBK at United - 7:30
  • Dec. 16 - open (was scheduled to be at Sterling)
  • Dec. 17 - HSGBK at Davenport Central - 7:30
  • Dec. 18 - open
  • Dec. 20 - open
  • Dec. 21 - HSBBK at DeWitt - 7:30
  • Dec. 22 - HSGBK at Farmington - 6:00
  • Dec. 27 - HSGBK at Erie Tourney (P-Town) - 10:00
  • Dec. 28 - open
  • Dec. 29 - HSGBK at Erie Tourney - (Erie) - 6:00
  • Dec. 30 - open

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Saturday, Nov. 6

7:41 a.m - Yesterday was a tough day.  My oldest son had an incident the night before, which required hospitalization overnight.  Then I had to find him and assist him in entering Eagleview Behavior Health, which is a facility to assist mental health issues, including substance use/abuse issues.  I ended up getting home around 3:00 p.m., and the day was filled with conversation, some laughs, some worries, some tears, and just about everything in between.  Chemical dependency is so challenging; any family that has experienced this situation knows the gut wrenching difficulty that reaches so many levels.  I love my son; he's got a wonderful heart; I know he has to make the decisions necessary to successfully beat addiction and hold it back.  It's such a hard, hard journey for so many people.  As a parent I really struggle with regrets of what I may have done wrong; as a parent I really struggle with my inability to assist in the detox and recovery process.  I didn't sleep well last night; I wish there was a way I could transfer all my strength and love and  and determination I have towards him to battle his battle.  I wish I could trade places and take on his battle and make his world more peaceful and fulfilling.  Unfortunately this week is a repetition of a cycle that has occurred now for several years.  And the thing difficult as things might be in the treatment facility, the difficult part is truly the weeks after his stay and recovery efforts in the facility.  I am thankful for the dollars that are used from insurance or the government or wherever to get the medical and psychological treatment he needs now.  He will need a place to live and transportation, though, when he is released.  And he'll need a support network because the world won't change when he's released - the friends, the dealers, the drugs - all will be waiting for him when he walks out the door.  I'm going to start thinking about how to provide something that will work.

After the lengthy day, I managed to get the yard mowed.  The battery on the tractor was dead, so I chose to use the push mower to get some exercise and perhaps release some energy.  The battery eventually charged enough to finish the backyard, but I mowed the front and sides completely with the push mower, which is actually self-propelled, but it was still a lot of walking.

In the meantime the Harrison kids minus Darren were here, and Amber made some spaghetti.  Jack and Rhonda also arrived.  The evening ended with a Lifetime Christmas movie, which was also needed.  Today, I'm going to go officiate at Rockridge at 10 a.m.  I'm working for Shawn, so he can go help with harvest of a local farmer he works with.

Yesterday wasn't the day I anticipated, but in perhaps some way there was some sort of plan from above.  I just happened to wake up to the messages about last night.  I just happened to receive messages from my son at the right time.  I just happened to have the day off from work.  I just happened to be available to assist him with his day.  I just happened to have enough daylight and energy to assist him and still get a few things done I needed to get done at home.  I just happened to have enough energy and effort and patience and love to complete the day.  God will only give us what we can handle...I think the Holy Spirit was with me yesterday.  I'm going to need it in the days ahead.

English III

  • edit English III agenda on the Stream with the day's recording
  • create the English III next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
    • enter Khan Academy scores for the week - 1st done; 4 almost done
      • still need to complete 3, 6, 7

Public Speaking

  • edit Public Speaking agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session if needed
  • create the Public Speaking next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed

Other Things To Do

  • Nov. 11 8:30 a.m. - new water heater
  • get shoe laces for umpiring plate shoes
  • get better system of electricity outlet to the trailer on the east side of the garage
  • weed wack the swamp
  • get pricing from Jason Martin for work on the house
Upcoming officiating/umpiring 
  • Nov. 8 - JHGBK at Sherrard - 5:30
  • Nov. 9 - open
  • Nov. 10 - JHGBK at MerCo - 5:30
  • Nov. 11 - JHGBK at Costa - 5:30
  • Nov. 12 - HSGBK at MonRose Scrimmage - 6:30
  • Nov. 15 - HSGBK at ROWVA - 6:00
  • Nov. 16 - HSGBK at UTHS - 6:30
  • Nov. 17 - HSGBK at Geneseo - 6:00
  • Nov. 18 - open
  • Nov. 19 - HSBBK at MonRose Scrimmage - 5:30
  • Nov. 20 - HSGBK at ROWVA - 4:00
  • Nov. 22 - HSGBK at Erie-Prophetstown - 5:30
  • Nov. 23 - HSBBK at Wethersfield 6:30
  • Nov. 24 - open
  • Nov. 25 - Thanksgiving
  • Nov. 26 - HSBBK at Wethersfield and Geneseo 9:00 a.m. & 4:30 p.m.
  • Nov. 27 - HSBBK at BPC - 1:00
  • Nov. 29 - HSGBK at Bureau Valley - 6:00
  • Nov. 30 - HSGBK at Sterling - 7:00
  • Dec. 1 - open
  • Dec. 2 - HSGBK at Orion - 5:30
  • Dec. 3 - HSBBK at Mercer County - 5:30
  • Dec. 4 - open
  • Dec. 6 - HSGBK at Mercer County - 6:00
  • Dec. 7 - HSGBK at Assumption - 7:30
  • Dec. 8 - JHBBK at Orion - 5:30
  • Dec. 9 - HSGBK at North Fulton - 6:00 
  • Dec. 10 - HSBBK at West Central - 6:00
  • Dec. 11 - HSGBK at Clinton - 3:30
  • Dec. 13 - open
  • Dec. 14 - HSGBK at Davenport North - 7:30
  • Dec. 15 - HSBBK at United - 7:30
  • Dec. 16 - open (was scheduled to be at Sterling)
  • Dec. 17 - HSGBK at Davenport Central - 7:30
  • Dec. 18 - open
  • Dec. 20 - open
  • Dec. 21 - HSBBK at DeWitt - 7:30
  • Dec. 22 - HSGBK at Farmington - 6:00
  • Dec. 27 - HSGBK at Erie Tourney (P-Town) - 10:00
  • Dec. 28 - open
  • Dec. 29 - HSGBK at Erie Tourney - (Erie) - 6:00
  • Dec. 30 - open