3:31 a.m. - I did another day of OMAD yesterday - one meal a day. I had the hot lunch at school, and for the first time I had Scooby Snacks and Sour Patch raisins. Today is grilled cheese and tomato soup ... I am looking forward to that, but it will be tough not to eat when I get home from school because tonight I have an "open" night. I have managed to lose a little wait, finally, after I increased my determination level. Yesterday I didn't get into the classrooms, but I did make copies of the health life/safety stuff I need to work on, and I did spend some time on my eventual BOE presentation, and those things were both good things. Also last night, I believe I had my last junior high girls basketball game - Kewanee vs. Rockridge. I haven't had a game night with Rockridge that they were even close in beating their opponent, and last night they won both over Kewanee - yes, Kewanee is pretty bad too. I then got home and watched Illinois basketball, and they are going to frustrate me again this year - lots of talent, lots of hard work, and no visible resemblance of an offensive philosophy. I have said it before, but I'll say it again. I really like the expansion of the Big Ten Conference to UCLA, USC, Washington, and Oregon. There is a good chance of a Big Ten late game on the west coast all winter long!
Today, then, I'm going to get into the classrooms with my clipboards and start filling in the paper charts for the ROE health and life/safety binders. Since I have no game to officiate (yet) today after school, I'm going to go get my tires from Farm N Fleet and work on the HHR. Maybe tomorrow morning I can drive the HHR again to school.
Things for School
- Complete Public Works Training
- absent days for staff entered into SDS by the 15th of each month
- pick up HHR tires getting fixed
- take pool motor to RIM for cleaning/maintenance
- Dec. 10 8:30 a.m. Wang physical (DOT physical; complete paperwork)
- Dec. 23- Carmen, Tyler, Caleb, Chase, Cole Christmas
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