
Friday, November 15, 2024

Friday, November 15

5:05 a.m. - I slept better last night, but it was weird.  I fell to sleep watching basketball around 9 p.m., and didn't wake up until 4 a.m.  That's unusual...I slept hard.  But now it's time to start another day, and it's going to be a weird one.  I'm not even going to the ICE building in the morning - I'm headed to the Rock Island Math and Science Academy for an ROE principals meeting.  Then I will head to school and try to get a few things done.  That's not as big of a deal because it's an 11:30 a.m. dismissal day, and teachers are working on their LETRS training on their own.

Yesterday, the day went okay, as I was able to get some things done.  There was no officiating, so I was able to go into Farm N Fleet and get the two tires for the HHR and get them back on the car after we had some supper.  The HHR is back in action!

It's pay day today!  That's been a long time coming.  Tomorrow I'm not sure what I'm doing, and then on Sunday, I think I'm headed down to Fort Madison to visit Caleb.

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