
Friday, July 19, 2024

July 19, 2024

 6:20 a.m. -   Yesterday, we had a long day, and I think Amber is over vacation.  I think she's ready to go home.

We joined Michael and Karrigan yesterday and spent most of the day with them.  They drove us to Lake Itasca and the Mississippi River headwaters.  Of course I took my shoes off and walked in it, and of course I went around in the visitor center to learn about a little history.  I was intrigued to see who "discovered" the headwaters.  Kind of like Columbus discovering America, there is someone that is credited with discovering the headwaters.  Of course the indigenous people weren't all that impressed.  Lake Itasca State Park is another feature in this area that we could have spent more time at.  

After viewing the headwaters, we drove to Bemidji, and we got a picture with Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox.  That was fun to see that, and then we went into town and did some shopping and had a nice lunch.  After that, we went in to Walker and did some more "shopping".  Not surprisingly, we have a lot of gifts to dish out once we arrive at home.  

Today, it's head south.  It's going to be a long day of driving, and we have just two days left of vacation.  I hope Amber can make it.

7:00 a.m. update - I almost forgot.  Yesterday I finished the last book of the Proenneke journals.  I read journals of his covering decades of his life, and yesterday was the last day.  Basically, his age finally caught up to him.  Physically, he was just unable to maintain his lifestyle in the wilderness.  I was curious about his final years, and there was an addition to his journal supplied by the author of his books to explain his final years.  After no longer living at his cabin year round, he basically "retired" to Port Alsworth, Alaska continuing to do odd jobs and living with a variety of folks who helped look after him.  It sounds like he did not return to Primrose, Iowa, to live the end of his life, and nor did he spend his final years in California with his brother.  In reading his final journal entries, he seemed to know his health was declining, but he didn't express any regrets or issues in his fleeting health.  He dedicated himself to recording his adventures and daily duties and tasks, and it's an interesting look at one person's life over time.  He definitely changed; his environment definitely changed.  And I'm not sure that all the changes were necessarily good changes.  And in sort of a bad ironic twist, his dedication of sharing his life may have contributed to too much human activity in the Twin Lakes region.

Things for School 

  • respond to Dustin Collisson - privacy screens
  • respond to Jodi Dekeyrel at Bhased (and other school emails)
  • respond to speech teacher message
  • learn about the Sunshine Fund
  • complete Public Works training
  • July 23 - 5 p.m. meeting in Cafeteria BLDD training ... (marketing training)
  • July 24 - 2 p.m. - Mattie Lower's supervisor
  • Aug. 1 - 9 a.m. - RR ADMIN Meeting
  • Aug. 15 - 4-8 student teaching inservice - The Outing Club - Davenport?  (Birkeybile?)
  • check email messages
  • Work on IC to-do list
  • history project - need to make a list of the schools...try to get a count
    • Riverbend Signworks
    • pick up Walgreen's prescription
    • accept Jason's junior high softball games
    • accept 12/18 basketball 
    • check into WCOA membership
    • fix outside shower door on camper
    • Dec. 19 89:30 a.m. Wang physical
    • Residential Correctional Facility - 1330 W 3rd St, Davenport, IA 52802
    • For Summer Camping Adventure
      • fill LP tanks
      • purchase Glacier vehicle registration ticket for west entrance


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