It's actually 10:39 p.m. on the 17th as I write this.
Today was a long, but fun day. We left early from North Dakota, and the drive was about four and a half hours - not an easy drive either once we crossed over from North Dakota to Minnesota. There is a highway that is closed that would have made the drive much easier and shorter; instead, we ended up driving on a lot of blacktop county roads. We did finally make it just after noon. Our site isn't the greatest regarding ease of set up, but the site is beautiful. It just needs to be more level to make it easier to drop. It still isn't as level as I would like it, but it is what it is.
Amber and I went on a little bike ride, and we discovered there are a lot of bike trails in the area. This is probably another place that we could spend a week instead of just two nights, but I guess that's better than a couple of the other places we have stayed on our journey. I guess I'd rather be wanting to have stayed longer than not.
After the bike ride, we drove into Walker, and it's a nice little town; of course we found a casino, and fortunately we didn't both lose. In fact, we both won a little. After that, Michael and Karrigan met us at our campsite and we walked over to the bar and grill and had supper. My French dip was awesome, but I picked up the tab, so while I didn't lose at the casino, I ended up spending money anyway. After supper we walked back to the camper and sat by the fire and visited for awhile until everyone got tired.
Apparently in our campground there is a "neighborhood bear" that like to see if it can get into the garbage can. I'd really like to see it, but apparently he/she arrives around midnight or after, and I just don't want to stay up that long.
Tomorrow (today) Karrigan and Michael are coming over for breakfast in the morning, and then we are headed to do some tourist stuff. We are going to Lake Itasca to see where the Mississippi River begins, and we are going to see Paul Bunyan and his Blue Ox. Then I think we are going to Bemidji (sp?) where I'm sure we will have to do some "shopping". I'm looking forward to being the guest of Michael and Karrigan and letting them drive around. (At least I think we are riding with them....I hope so.) I really like it here. I could see us coming back here.
Now it's 5:16 a.m. on the 18th - I woke up around 4:15 a.m., and I couldn't get back to sleep, so I might as well get up and going. I think this is the coldest morning we have had on our trip so far. I even turned the electric heater fireplace on this morning along with the dehumidifier. When it's cold and heat is running inside, the dehumidifier needs to also be turned on to prevent condensation on the windows. It's the type of morning that reminds me of Loud Thunder in September or October. That's one thing about this particular campsite in Minnesota...reminds me of being in the woods at Loud Thunder. I looked up our next drive we have's a long one - about five hours (that's long for me). I'm glad we are making one more stop before the final leg home. An 8-hour plus drive to finish up the 2024 summer vacation tour would have been a lot to ask on my old eyes.
I was just looking at a map of the start of the Mississippi River that we are going to be visiting. How did I never know that the Mississippi travels north and east before actually turning south to be the river I always thought of going through the Quad Cities? I guess I just thought it started at the top of Minnesota and worked its way on down as the eastern border of Minnesota - not so! Here I am 58 years old now, and I'm just realizing that...sheesh.
Things for School
- learn about the Sunshine Fund
- complete Public Works training
- July 23 - 5 p.m. meeting in Cafeteria BLDD training ... (marketing training)
- July 24 - 2 p.m. - Mattie Lower's supervisor
- Aug. 1 - 9 a.m. - RR ADMIN Meeting
- Aug. 15 - 4-8 student teaching inservice - The Outing Club - Davenport? (Birkeybile?)
- check email messages
- Work on IC to-do list
- history project - need to make a list of the schools...try to get a count
- Riverbend Signworks
- pick up Walgreen's prescription
- accept Jason's junior high softball games
- accept 12/18 basketball
- check into WCOA membership
- fix outside shower door on camper
- Dec. 19 89:30 a.m. Wang physical
- Residential Correctional Facility - 1330 W 3rd St, Davenport, IA 52802
- For Summer Camping Adventure
- fill LP tanks
- purchase Glacier vehicle registration ticket for west entrance
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