
Monday, July 1, 2024

July 1 - first day of new job

6:34 a.m. - My things to do lists are small here, but my "IC to-do list" is growing and growing.  Yesterday after getting the camper parked and settled, I did have some down time, which was nice.  On the other hand, I also had a lot of little things to do.  I spent much of the night working on the master schedule again.  I've spent too much time on that thing, but maybe we are getting closer to finalization.  

Today is my first official day as principal.  I'm starting the day with meetings about MAP testing, MTSS, and reading interventions - not exactly a celebration of a new job, but it is what it is.  I'll suffer through those meetings, probably add more items to the t0-do list, and then head to the office to see what else I can knock out.

Things for School 

  • July 2 - 9 a.m. - meet with Jessica at ICE
  • Aug. 1 - 9 a.m. - RR ADMIN Meeting
  • check email messages
  • Work on IC to-do list
  • July 1 - MAPS Discussion 10 am - Saey; 9 a.m. - Emery
  • history project - need to make a list of the schools...try to get a count
    • Riverbend Signworks
    • deposit umpiring checks
    • Dec. 19 89:30 a.m. Wang physical
    • Residential Correctional Facility - 1330 W 3rd St, Davenport, IA 52802
    • For Summer Camping Adventure
      • fill LP tanks
      • purchase Glacier vehicle registration ticket for west entrance


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