6:05 a.m. - I was able to get a lot of school work done yesterday. Today, I'll be answering student emails and checking on make-up work, late work, and revised essays. It's not a problem, as I will have time to do it. English III has one more grade today, and then all the coursework assignments are over except the semester exam next week. Last night's basketball games went fine. Today, we are at United again. Last night the Superintendent was so nice to bring us some food from the hospitality room after our game. We just sat right there in the teachers' lounge and had a meal...awesome.
Things to do for school
- enter scores for Khan Quiz - Word Usage
- Beatrice formal essay #2
- enter scores for most recent essays for growth purposes...spreadsheet is started
- need results from reading section on semester exam
- send message to West Central V vs. Midwest Central
- bring mashed potatoes to school Dec. 19
- send messages to coaches from 12/15 girls games at United
- pick up prescription at Walgreen's - Amber
- have students import scores from College Board to Khan SAT prep
- officiating travel plans link - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YvlB2Lmw0-bmzjm_N_-GqD2S3K2jNK83etzBjF5l8hk/edit
15 - at United girls VARTRNY -- 6 & 7:30 p.m. with Shawn and Marcus - (45 min. trip from Edgington) Marcus drives - Jay picks up Shawn after bus route, meet at Marcus around 4:30 ish
(old gym) TBA - varsity girls
16 - at Moline VAR -- 7:00 p.m. with Shawn and Marcus (30 min. trip from Edgington) - Marcus drives.
17 - at Mendota girls FSV -- noon p.m. with Shawn and Marcus (hour and 45 min. from Edgington) - Jay drives - meet at Shawn’s at 9:15 a.m. and head to Mendota and then Abingdon
- at ATown Great Western Shootout girls -- 6 p.m. with Shawn and Marcus
Dec. 19-22 travel
19 - at MonRose girls FSV -- 5:30 p.m. with Marcus and Shawn (Varsity followed by F/S) - Shawn drives…I’ll be at his house after bus route, then pick up Marcus (4:30 ish).
20 - at Dav. North girls VAR -- 6:00 p.m. with Shawn and Marcus - Marcus drives…pick up Shawn after bus route (4:15), pick up Jay after that, and proceed to Davenport North
21 - OPEN (I think so far we all have this night off.)
22 - at Moline 11 a.m. (2) with Danner - Jay drives himself.
at Bureau Valley girls FSV -- 5:30 p.m. with Shawn and Marcus…Jay drives…pick up Shawn and Marcus at Shawn’s house at 3:30
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