
Sunday, June 5, 2022

Sunday, June 5

5:57 a.m. On June 2nd - I umpired some JV softball at Muscatine in the morning, got packed up after that, and headed to Peoria.  I found the Louisville Slugger Complex and attended the "celebration" for the IHSA girls softball state finals.  I met the IHSA staff, the UIC, and all the other 11 umpires that had been selected for the event.  We had a sandwich style meal in the dome, and the umpires and coaching staffs and players were all introduced.  It wasn't a long ceremony, which was good.  After that, I headed to the hotel - the Pere Marquette in downtown Peoria.  Finding the hotel and the hotel parking ramp wasn't the easiest, but I figured it out.  Amber decided to drive down and arrived around 9 p.m.  As I was waiting for her to arrive, I had a beverage with the "big wigs", and it was nice to hear their stories and thoughts, and it's never a bad thing to rub elbows with those folks.  Oh, and that evening after the celebration we had a meeting with the umpires to go over expectations and get our assignments for the weekend.  It was nice that I was working with the same two partners each day.  I knew on Thursday night that I would have a 2A semi-final and then work the 1A State Championship the next day.  

On June 3rd, I wasn't scheduled to work until 5:30, so Amber and I had some time to run out to Sankoty Lakes where we are going to do some camping on June 16-17-18.  The campground wasn't quite what I expected but it's nice and will be a different place to spend a weekend get-a-way.  After that little adventure, we just went back to the hotel and relaxed before heading to the ballpark around 2 p.m. because Rockridge played the game before mine.  We watched the game together before I had to leave to go get ready.  (Rockridge ended up winning and advancing.)  My two partners were great.  They had both been to the state tournament previously, and I had worked with one of them in basketball this past season.  So the three of us seemed comfortable right away.  The game we had was between Freeburg and Tolono Unity, and it was a great game through the early innings.  Freeburg pulled away on a couple of big home runs, and the score ended 9-0.  Our debriefing for our crew went well, as we were told by our UIC that we had performed well.  Honestly, though, there wasn't a lot that happened for us to screw up.  I had third base, and I really didn't have many calls...I mostly just ran around a lot.  I was somewhat nervous, but that was to be expected.  Once the game got going, I was too busy thinking and preparing for each pitch to really be nervous about much.  I have to admit, felt honored to be part of it all.  Honestly, the most nervewracking thing was just waiting to take the field.  Jason Danner was there helping on field, and that was cool to have him there with me.

Yesterday, June 4th I got to the park around 10 a.m.  It was pretty much the same routine as the previous day, except this time I was on first base.  First base can be a bit more complicated.  Our game was a 1-0 extra inning exciting game between Casey Westfield and Illini Bluffs.  Once again, our crew performed well, but once again, we really didn't have anything crazy happen in our game.  After the game we exited the winning side's gate and got our debriefing.  The debriefing again was positive, which was great.  What was really special about this day was that Cole was there.  He cut his vacation a little short just to drive down to Peoria and watch the event, and it was great to have him there.  We spend the day together, which was great because I hadn't seen him for a couple of weeks.  The weekend ended with the 2A championship which featured Freeburg and Rockridge.  Rockridge ended up winning 5-4 in 12 innings in the longest 2A championship in the event's history.  It was a thrilling game, and it was a shame to see someone have to lose.  Our game that day went extra innings, but I think we went 9 innings.  It was a bit difficult to sit in the stands and listen to the crowd yell at the's amazing to me that it doesn't really matter if it's a 10-u youth game on a Saturday morning in Moline or a 2A high school championship game...the stupid comments are still the same.

On the way home, Cole and I got a pizza, and I got home around 9 p.m.  That was my weekend.  Wow....what a weekend.  It all happened pretty fast, but it was so much fun to be a part of, and I feel so blessed to have had such a positive experience.

English III

Other things to do
  • get more chlorine
  • install adapter hitch on trailer
  • clean the pool
  • trim bushes
  • get pop and water for Carmen's reception
    • (5) 24-packs of Coke, (4) 24-packs of Mountain Dew, (4) 24-packs of root beer
      • $130
    • (7) 24-packs of spring water
      • $50
  • plant iris by shed
  • submit mileage to IHSA after softball postseason
    • to Kewanee 52 miles one way (3) -- 312 total miles
    • to Williamsfild 72 miles one way (2) -- 288 total miles
    • to Illinois Wesleyan University 137 miles one way (1) -- 274 total miles
    • to Peoria Sluggers Complex 92 miles one way (1) - 184 total miles
  • June 24-25 - Justin Sharp shootout complete/submit form
    • mail form and check to Joe Lopez


June 6 - 10 a.m. at Wilton & 5 p.m. at DeWitt with Steve Conklin
June 7 - at Durant (JH) 10 a.m. by myself
June 8 - 10 a.m. at Assumption with Jason
June 9 - 10 a.m. at Durant with Jason & 5 p.m. at Muscatine with Chuck Schuette
June 10 - 10 a.m. at Bettendorf and 2 p.m. at Camanche with?
June 11 - 10:30 a.m. at West - 3 games
Sunday, June 12 - OPEN - Carmen's reception
June 13 - 10 a.m. at Assumption with Chris Johnson - RTA - 6 p.m. meeting
June 14 - 10 a.m. at West with Jim Cahill  — 5:30 RTA
June 15 - 10 a.m. at Bettendorf with Don Wilgenbusch & 5 p.m. at Bettendorf with Lloyd Trowers
June 16 - 10 a.m. at Durant (JH) -- Sankoty Lakes Camping
June 17-18-19 - BLOCKED OPEN - June 18 - Amber's Birthday (Sankoty Lakes camping)
June 20 - 10 a.m. at Bettendorf with Jason
June 21 - 10 a.m. at Muscatine & 5 p.m. at North Scott
June 22 - 10 a.m. at Assumption with Jason
June 23 - 10 a.m. at DeWitt with Don
June 24 - 10 a.m. at Durant
June 24-25 - Justin Sharp Shootout
    - clinic portion is Friday, June 24 - night?
June 26 - Dubuque Clinic
Sunday, June 27 - OPEN
June 28 - 10 a.m. at Assumption with Jason
June 29 - 10 a.m. at Assumption with Don & 3 p.m. at West - 2 games
June 30 - 10 a.m. at Muscatine with Jason & 4 p.m. at Burlington

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