
Tuesday, June 28, 2022

June 28

6:42 a.m. - I got the pool vacuumed and the weeds sprayed yesterday afternoon after the Harrison grandchildren went home, and that was an accomplishment.  We also decided to take the camper out to Loud Thunder this weekend, and that will be fun.  I also spent over $250 on pool chemicals, which was not fun.  I'm trying to order them online this time and at least try to save a little bit of money.  My financial picture is just not very good right now.  I've tried and tried to avoid umpiring/officiating youth sports, but it just may have to happen.

This week will wrap up Iowa high school softball umpiring, and that's a good thing.  I'm tired and ready for a break from that.  It's voting day today...I need to go do that.

Things to do

  • get truck back from Slayden's
  • make sure National Passes are in camper/truck
  • put new seals in the pool motor - ordered replacement kit
  • register for Iowa officiating crap
  • mail mortgage payment
  • July 6 - 9 a.m. - association meeting


Tues. June 28 - 10 a.m. at Assumption with Jason
Wed. June 29 - 10 a.m. at Assumption with Don & 3 p.m. at West - 1 game?
Thurs. June 30 - 10 a.m. at Muscatine with Jason & 4 p.m. at Burlington with Tim Rogers
    check out Lake Geode State Park in between games
Fri., July 1 through Monday, July 4 - camping at Loud Thunder

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