
Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Tuesday, March 4

6:10 a.m. - Survived...finished.  The 24-25 season is over.  That was a challenge, and the old right knee has had it's last basketball game.  Everything fell into place last night at the 2A Girls Bureau Valley Supersectional.  I wasn't as healthy and as athletic as I would like to be, but I was much improved over what I had been suffering through a month ago.  All the attempts to recover and ice and heat and stretch paid off enough to allow me to get through the game.  I know I didn't look the greatest, but I feel like I called a good game and worked well with my partners.  Now the challenge is to take the next weeks and try to strengthen my legs as much as possible and cut some weight to help in the recovery process of knee surgery.  Then get through recovery and start rehabilitation and be good-to-go in three months after surgery, which will put me about mid-July.  

The day at school went okay.  I got a few things done and also dealt with some issues, but nothing too major.  As always, I learned something new, but that's a daily occurrence.  

Now I can exhale and relax a bit with the officiating season completed.  It's going to be rainy today, which won't help our spirits at ICE, but at least I get to come home today after school - hopefully to relax, but if the house is filled with grandchildren and granddogs and whatever else, then so be it.

Things for School 

  • absent days for staff entered into SDS by the 15th of each month


  • get the HHR serviced; tires rotated and engine problems fixed
  • get the GMC serviced; tires rotated and running board reattached
  • submit mileage check for IHSA miles
  • contact Greg Johnson's rep - sent message on 2/6
    • get date finalized

Monday, March 3, 2025

Monday, March 3

5:30 a.m. - Today is the last day of basketball officiating season...just need to survive and advance past today.  Yesterday wasn't a day of great accomplishments, but I got done what I needed to get done.  I went to the old gym at the high school and played around with different set ups for shoes and inserts and braces to use for tonight's game and figured out an approach I'm going with.  I'm not sure if it will work, but at least I tried.  Then I went and checked on mouse traps in the camper, and there was no evidence of mice in the traps.  Then I went and visited mom and dad and got some hay down and filled the grain can.  And then I came home and watched basketball and soaked my bad legs in ice water.  

Today there isn't much scheduled on the "to-do list" for today, so I should be able to spend some time getting to items that are in progress that I need to work on.  I have some things I need to complete for next week's BOE meeting, and some things I need to do to prepare for scheduled items later in the week.  We are supposed to get heavy rain tomorrow, so maybe the students can get outside today.

Things for School 

  • absent days for staff entered into SDS by the 15th of each month


  • submit mileage check for IHSA miles
  • contact Greg Johnson's rep - sent message on 2/6
    • get date finalized

3 - at Bureau Valley 2A SuperSectional - 1 game - 6 p.m. - about an hour to BV

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Sunday, March 2

8:02 a.m. - Yesterday went fine - youth basketball, celebration of life, visit the Hoenigs...well, we did screw up and miss Greg's Birthday Dinner.  His birthday is today, so we thought the dinner was today.  And then I had hoped to visit today, but he's headed to Florida.  He turned 60, so that was a big one, and I'm feeling pretty guilty that the dates got screwed up.  

Brinley made a basket yesterday - her first of the season.  To be honest I was more impressed with the other team, though.  Their coach had obviously been working on getting her players to pass and dribble correctly.  Then we went to a Celebration of Life for Laura McGinnis.  It truly was a celebration...she was a pretty cool lady, and the celebration was really, really good.  And then it was off to spend some time with Caleb.  I sure wish they lived closer, but now that basketball is over, perhaps I can get down there more often.  He sure is growing.  

Today.  I'd like to get some exercise.  I'd like to check mouse traps and visit mom and dad.  And I'd like to get some couch time and watch some basketball.  There are a couple of good games to watch today, so I'll plan on that.  I may need to visit mom and dad early or later.

Things for School 

  • absent days for staff entered into SDS by the 15th of each month


  • submit mileage check for IHSA miles
  • contact Greg Johnson's rep - sent message on 2/6
    • get date finalized

3 - at Bureau Valley 2A SuperSectional - 1 game - 6 p.m. - about an hour to BV

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Saturday, March 1

6:28 a.m. - Yesterday was a much better day.  I was able to accomplish a lot at ICE - mostly due to an uneventful morning that was a half day anyway.  And then in the afternoon, I could get paperwork done.  After school, I joined Amber to run some errands, and we also stopped at the Texas Roadhouse in Davenport and used a gift card to have supper.  After that I watched the Rockridge basketball game, and they lost, which ends their season.  After that I watched the coverage of the U.S. President and Vice-President showing their glory and seizing an opportunity to ambush the President of Ukraine on camera.  It was like watching a horror show - embarrassing, humiliating, sad.  And now the MAGA Republicans are spinning the horror show as the two idiots fighting for America.  Hell, even the Ag Secretary on Fox News, who was supposed to be on the program to talk about bird through, had to start her answer with a show of support for the wonderful President and Vice-President.  That was a total shit show, and the world is now less safe than it was yesterday.  I continue to be amazed that I continue to get amazed at how the United States people elected such a moron.  I genuinely fear that a second coming of Adolf Hitler is coming in the United States.

Today is also going to be eventful, with a mix of good and bad.  We are going to go watch some youth basketball, and then we have to attend another funeral, and then I'm headed to Fort Madison to spend some time with Caleb.  It's been too long since I've seen him.  I'm not sure what I'm doing tonight...hopefully relaxing and watching some basketball.  Tomorrow, I think all that is on the table is going to Greg's birthday party.

I've got one more game to officiate this season.  Just got to get through that one.  I watched myself working the United Sectional Final.  I look terrible - old, frail, and slow.  I just need to get healthier and be better.  I did find the broadcast interesting, so I took some time to send a friendly message to the two commentators to let them know my thoughts.

Things for School 

  • absent days for staff entered into SDS by the 15th of each month


  • submit mileage check for IHSA miles
  • contact Greg Johnson's rep - sent message on 2/6
    • get date finalized

3 - at Bureau Valley 2A SuperSectional - 1 game - 6 p.m.

Friday, February 28, 2025

Friday, February 28

5:51 a.m. - Survive and advance was never a better motto than this week.  This has been a very, very tough week, and I feel very blessed and appreciative that somehow, some way I was able to get through the week to this point.  I hope the worst is now over, as I finally had a night without multiple messy trips to the restroom last night - the first all week.

I didn't go to school yesterday, and I had messy trips all afternoon.  I had a little breakfast in the morning, and nothing bad immediately happened, but a few hours later "the trips" returned.  My belly was just not letting anything stay in for very long.  I was diligent, though, about getting hydrated, so I just kept drinking water and drinking more water.  At last night's United 1A Girls Sectional, I was still worried about getting sick, but I felt better than the previous night and much better than Tuesday night.  I wasn't nearly as dehydrated, and I could actually enjoy the experience a little instead of just trying to work and watching the clock to see when the game was over.  Last night's game featured one team jumping out early and holding the lead the rest of the game.  The other team got within six or eight in the third quarter, but that was it.  Of course it was a big crowd and there were calls that got the ire of each crowd depending on which way it went, and there were frantic situations with bodies scrambling all over the place.  Those things happen in those situations, though, and it's fun to be part of the action.  

Today is a half-day at school, and that is a welcomed site.  Maybe I can catch up on some things that need my attention.  And then I have the weekend off from officiating (at least so far).  I hope to continue to be able to get my left leg strengthened, to be as prepared as possible for Monday's game at Bureau Valley.  It looks like that game will be between Peoria Notre Dame and Stillman Valley.

Things for School 

  • absent days for staff entered into SDS by the 15th of each month


  • submit mileage check for IHSA miles
  • beginning of month bills
  • contact Greg Johnson's rep - sent message on 2/6
    • get date finalized


28 - none

1 - OPEN
3 - at Bureau Valley 2A SuperSectional - 1 game - 6 p.m.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Thursday, February 27

6:11 a.m. - Survive and advance.  Yesterday I didn't feel the greatest, but I felt better.  And then I was up again last night with "problems" in the bathroom.  I don't know what the heck is going on.  I can't seem to consume any food and keep it in me "normally".  Yesterday went okay at school, and I was able to accomplish some things.  Then the game last night went okay, as Rocky didn't play its best, but played well enough not to make it a close game.  It was nice working one last boys game at Moline this season.

Now on to today.  I think I'm going to stay home this morning and then maybe go to school this afternoon...not sure yet.

Things for School 

  • absent days for staff entered into SDS by the 15th of each month


  • contact Greg Johnson's rep - sent message on 2/6
    • get date finalized


27 - @ United girls Sectional - 1 game - 6 p.m.
28 - none

1 - OPEN
3 - at Bureau Valley 2A SuperSectional - 1 game - 6 p.m.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Wednesday, February 26

5:37 a.m. - My slogan recently has been "survive and advance".  I'm sincerely not sure how I survived yesterday.  I did start the day off at school, made the deposits at CBI Bank, and went to he elementary admin meeting.  And then I went home and was sick the entire day.  It was awful, and I knew I would have to go officiate and try to get through it.  I wasn't sure I was ever going to get through it, and it was such a relief to have the game over.  I felt awful, and I was really hoping I wasn't getting anyone else sick in the process.  

Today I'm about 60-70%, but I'm going to try to get moving around and get some life in me.  I was able to sleep through most of the night, which was badly needed.

I have a lot of emails waiting for me, but I'll wait until I arrive to look at them.  Just keep swimming.

Things for School 

  • absent days for staff entered into SDS by the 15th of each month


  • contact Greg Johnson's rep - sent message on 2/6
    • get date finalized


26 - @ Moline boys regional - 1 game - 6 p.m.
27 - @ United girls Sectional - 1 game - 6 p.m.
28 - none

1 - OPEN
3 - at Bureau Valley 2A SuperSectional - 1 game - 6 p.m.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Tuesday, February 25

5:30 a.m. - I need to have a good day today, so of course I've had a bad belly for the past three hours and haven't slept.

Yesterday wasn't a good day.  I thought the students at ICE would be in better spirits since we were able to have recess outside...I guess not.

Today's going to suck.

Things for School 

  • absent days for staff entered into SDS by the 15th of each month


  • contact Greg Johnson's rep - sent message on 2/6
    • get date finalized


25 - @ United girls Sectional - 1 game - 6 p.m.
26 - @ Moline boys regional - 1 game - 6 p.m.
27 - @ United girls Sectional - 1 game - 6 p.m.
28 - none

1 - OPEN
3 - at Bureau Valley 2A SuperSectional - 1 game - 6 p.m.

Monday, February 24, 2025

Monday, February 24

5:25 a.m. - That weekend went a little faster than I had hoped.  I didn't get any of my schoolwork done.  Yesterday all of the morning was spent at a softball clinic.  It wasn't bad, which is always good.  And I got to see some guys I hadn't seen in awhile.  Plus, I got to meet a new guy who is interested in softball and basketball from Aledo, and that's a very good thing.

After the clinic, I had a couple hours of quiet time, and then chaos occurred when Jack and Rhonda and the Harrisons and the Southwells arrived to have a pizza party.  To my knowledge, there wasn't a specific reason for the pizza party...just an opportunity to get together since Jack and Rhonda just got back from Alabama.  It was fine...just not the peace and quiet I was hoping for. 

Today...I'd just like to catch a break from Mother Nature and get the students outside for recess.  Right now, the temperature is looking good...feels like 28 degrees...let's keep that rolling.  I don't have a game tonight, but I do need to go visit my parents and also help mom get some hay down.  Then I hope to have a quiet night.  Maybe at school today, the stars will align and I can have some down time to get some of that work I need to get done.  Basically, it would be nice to have a very boring but productive day today.

Things for School 

  • absent days for staff entered into SDS by the 15th of each month


  • contact Greg Johnson's rep - sent message on 2/6
    • get date finalized


25 - @ United girls Sectional - 1 game - 6 p.m.
26 - @ Moline boys regional - 1 game - 6 p.m.
27 - @ United girls Sectional - 1 game - 6 p.m.
28 - none

1 - OPEN
3 - at Bureau Valley 2A SuperSectional - 1 game - 6 p.m.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Sunday, February 23

5:46 a.m. - I normally wouldn't get up this early on a Sunday, but I'm headed to Macomb for a softball clinic - a softball clinic that I really don't need because I won't be doing much (if any) softball this season due to the knee surgery.  Still, I may go ahead and pick up some games this Spring before the surgery, so I'm going to go.

Yesterday was fine.  Amber and I did go to watch Brooklyn and Brinley play basketball.  And then we went to her Uncle Don's funeral.  The visitation was in Milan before the funeral, and then the graveside service was in Illinois City, and then there was a gathering at the town hall building in Illinois City.  I saw a lot of Amber's family, but the whole day was one of reflection too.  I wonder if other people reflect on their own lives at the funeral of someone else?

So today, I'll get to the softball clinic and then back home.  I think, though, there is some type of gathering here ... pizza party maybe?  I'm not real sure why.  I'll just roll with it.  I need to get some school work done.

Things for School 

  • absent days for staff entered into SDS by the 15th of each month


  • contact Greg Johnson's rep - sent message on 2/6
    • get date finalized


25 - @ United girls Sectional - 1 game - 6 p.m.
26 - @ Moline boys regional - 1 game - 6 p.m.
27 - @ United girls Sectional - 1 game - 6 p.m.
28 - none

1 - OPEN
3 - at Bureau Valley 2A SuperSectional - 1 game - 6 p.m.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Saturday, February 22

7:21 a.m.- We made it through that awful week.  Now the temperatures are forecasted to rise...thank goodness.  I was hoping yesterday was going to be uneventful.  It wasn't.  We have a funeral to attend today.  Amber's uncle passed away recently.  Before that, apparently we are attending some youth basketball in Aledo.  So it's going to be a bit of a weird day.  Survive and advance.

Things for School 

  • absent days for staff entered into SDS by the 15th of each month


  • contact Greg Johnson's rep - sent message on 2/6
    • get date finalized


23 - SUNDAY - WCOA Softball Clinic - 8:30-12:30 in Macomb
25 - @ United girls Sectional - 1 game - 6 p.m.
26 - @ Moline boys regional - 1 game - 6 p.m.
27 - @ United girls Sectional - 1 game - 6 p.m.
28 - none

1 - OPEN
3 - at Bureau Valley 2A SuperSectional - 1 game - 6 p.m.

Friday, February 21, 2025

Friday, February 21

5:17 a.m. - Just keep swimming.  Yesterday was survived.  The admin meeting, of course, left me with things I had to do back at ICE.  And, of course, when I arrived I had to deal with some student issues.  And, of course, last night I had to deal with getting another substitute para lined up.  On the other hand, all of those things were survived.  Last night's 1A girls regional game went fine.  One team couldn't shoot very well, so the other team won in a game that was never really close in the second half.  That's disappointing for the losing team, but a good thing for the officials.  And most importantly, I'm still walking this morning.  I'd really like the legs to be better, but they are a heck of a lot better than last year at this time, so I'll take it.

Things for School 

  • absent days for staff entered into SDS by the 15th of each month


  • contact Greg Johnson's rep - sent message on 2/6
    • get date finalized


21 - OPEN
22 - OPEN
23 - SUNDAY - WCOA Softball Clinic - 8:30-12:30 in Macomb
25 - @ United girls Sectional - 1 game - 6 p.m.
26 - @ Moline boys regional - 1 game - 6 p.m.
27 - @ United girls Sectional - 1 game - 6 p.m.
28 - none

1 - OPEN
3 - at Bureau Valley 2A SuperSectional - 1 game - 6 p.m.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Thursday, February 20

5:41 a.m. - Yesterday did indeed go by with a lot of "stuff" again yesterday.  It seems like my days this week (of a four-day week) have been crammed full.  After school there was no basketball, but there was picking up Amber at the airport.  Her flights went fine and were on schedule, so then we got back home to grandchildren and granddogs.  

Today is an admin meeting.  I'm never looking forward to admin meetings.  Keep my head down...keep quiet...don't upset anyone.  Survive and advance.  Later today I have the girls 1A regional championship at Williamsfield ... it should be a good game.

Just keep swimming.

Holy shit...I just checked my IHSA portal...I was assigned a Girls SuperSectional at Bureau Valley.  I'm officiating in MARCH!  That's exciting, if I can get my legs to last that long.

Things for School 

  • absent days for staff entered into SDS by the 15th of each month


  • contact Greg Johnson's rep - sent message on 2/6
    • get date finalized


20 - at Williamsfield girls Regional - 6 p.m.
21 - OPEN
22 - OPEN
23 - SUNDAY - WCOA Softball Clinic - 8:30-12:30 in Macomb
24 - BLOCKED OPEN....didn't want to work United boys quarterfinal game
25 - @ United girls Sectional - 1 game - 6 p.m.
26 - OPEN
27 - @ United girls Sectional - 1 game - 6 p.m.
28 - @ Moline boys regional - 1 game - 6 p.m.

1 - OPEN
3 - at Bureau Valley 2A SuperSectional - 1 game - 6 p.m.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Wednesday, February 19

5:31 a.m. - The cortisone shot in my right knee that's getting replaced has pretty much worn off.  So much for lasting three months.  It hurts, and the knee brace helps, but I'm still favoring the left knee which is slowing recovery progress for that side and now my back his hurting.  If it's not one thing, it's another.

Yesterday was crazy...lots of meetings.  It was a productive day, though.  The dang temperatures aren't helping us.  It's still crazy cold.  Last night's game at Erie wasn't horrible to officiate.  Erie-Prophetstown couldn't score, so the game was pretty lopsided.  It was definitely interesting officiating with a couple of different officials.  Those guys called a lot of fouls that I probably wouldn't have called.  When I first started officiating, I was told I called too much...maybe I'm getting old.

Today I have a day off from officiating, and I pick Amber up from the airport after school.  I think she's had a very nice weekend with her parents, and I'm glad to see her be able to spend some time with them.  The house has been quiet with her gone.  Admittedly sometimes the quiet is nice; other times the quiet is lonely.  I love Amber's sense of humor, and I don't get much of that when she's in Alabama.

Today at school is a bit of a busy one.  I've got to observe a teacher in the morning, and then I have a student council meeting in the afternoon.  The day should go by fairly quickly...I hope.

Things for School 

  • absent days for staff entered into SDS by the 15th of each month


  • contact Greg Johnson's rep - sent message on 2/6
    • get date finalized


19 - BLOCKED - pick up Amber at airport at 4:30
20 - at Williamsfield girls Regional - 6 p.m.
21 - OPEN
22 - OPEN
23 - SUNDAY - WCOA Softball Clinic - 8:30-12:30 in Macomb
24 - BLOCKED OPEN....didn't want to work United boys quarterfinal game
25 - @ United girls Sectional - 1 game - 6 p.m.
26 - @ Moline boys regional - 1 game - 6 p.m.
27 - @ United girls Sectional - 1 game - 6 p.m.

1 - OPEN

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Tuesday, February 18

5:35 a.m. - Survive and advance.  It's a cold one today...there are going to be a bunch of grumbles from students and staff.  But, hey, it's Tuesday; it jeans week and FFA week; and it looks like we just have to get through a few days of really cold temps, and then we'll get back to more seasonal temps next week.  

Yesterday, the boys postseason assignments came out, and I only received one game.  I'm really not surprised, but I'm still bummed.  I was afraid turning back my postseason assignment last season was going to cost me this season, and it turns out I was right.  Shawn only received one game, and Tony and Marcus didn't receive any games.  Out of the four of us, we only received two boys post-season games.  That's just not right.  We're better than that.  I'm sending off a message to Mr. Schwarz this morning to let him "kindly know" that I'm a bit frustrated.  Now next week I'll really get frustrated when I see the officials that did get the assignments.  

I didn't get much sleep last night, but that's okay.  Today the students will be difficult - they are coming off a long Valentines Day and Presidents Day weekend, and now the temps will keep us inside for recess.  These circumstances have all the makings of a challenging day in K,1,2 land.  And then tonight I'm officiating at Erie tonight - it's only one game, but it's with guys I normally don't work with.  Ya, it could be challenging...survive and advance.

Amber is still in Florida.  I'm supposed to pick her up tomorrow.  The HHR was really sluggish getting home last night, so I just might take the van  And the dogs are still here, so I now have the task of granddog sitting while also being in a work week.  Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.

Yesterday went okay.  The Harrisons grandchildren were here most of the day, so we read some books and watch some TV, and played.  I took off for my games in Williamsfield around 3:30, and the games went okay.  My partners are fine, and apparently I'm the R for the championship game on Thursday - good for me!  Of course that's bittersweet...I can work a full regional and full sectional in girls, but I get one game in boys.  As long as I've been officiating, the IHSA and its postseason assignments just haven't made sense.

It's definitely a bundle up day today.  Let's do this.

Things for School 

  • absent days for staff entered into SDS by the 15th of each month


  • contact Greg Johnson's rep - sent message on 2/6
    • get date finalized


18 - @ Erie boys - 7 p.m. - with Peach and Wilburt
19 - BLOCKED - pick up Amber at airport at 4:30
20 - at Williamsfield girls Regional - 6 p.m.
21 - OPEN
22 - OPEN
23 - SUNDAY - WCOA Softball Clinic - 8:30-12:30 in Macomb
24 - BLOCKED OPEN....didn't want to work United boys quarterfinal game
25 - @ United girls Sectional - 1 game - 6 p.m.
26 - OPEN
27 - @ United girls Sectional - 1 game - 6 p.m.
28 - @ Moline boys regional - 1 game - 6 p.m.

1 - OPEN

Monday, February 17, 2025

Monday, February 17

5:48 a.m. - Baby it's cold outside.  I'm glad we don't have school.  The fact that I'm glad that we don't have school isn't unusual; but on ridiculous cold days like's just nicer to stay warm and cozy in the house.  

Yesterday went according to plan.  I was lazy a lot of the day, and I lost money at the casino, but I did check the mouse traps, and I did get some gas in the car, and I did go visit mom and dad and got some hay down for the horses.  I also did get a workout in, and I continued to work on my leg.  I watched a lot of the Daytona 500, and I watched a lot of the SNL 50th Anniversary Special.  Wow there were a lot of celebrities in that, and I didn't watch the whole thing.  It was like a celebrity SNL reunion.  Yesterday, I also received notification that I received a girls sectional - it's only 1A, but that's okay...I'll take it.  I'm not really going to get overly excited...not because it's not a big deal; it is.  I just was so excited last year, and then I got hurt and had to turn everything back.  This year, I'll just treat any assignments I get as a blessing and another day of the season. 

So today, I'm going to try to have a "normal day" somehow.  I'd like to get a nap in and a stretch and continue to work on my leg.  I think Kenzie is coming over to work on hair, so I assume the Harrison grandchildren will be here.  I was also thinking about going out to lunch with Cole and Chase, but it's pretty cold outside.  I do think I'll spend some time reading my book.

Things for School 

  • absent days for staff entered into SDS by the 15th of each month


  • contact Greg Johnson's rep - sent message on 2/6
    • get date finalized


17 - At Williamsfield girls Regional - 2 games - 6 p.m. (leave at 3:30 p.m.)
18 - @ Erie boys - 7 p.m. - with Peach and Wilburt
19 - BLOCKED - pick up Amber at airport at 4:30
20 - at Williamsfield girls Regional - 6 p.m.
21 - OPEN
22 - OPEN
23 - SUNDAY - WCOA Softball Clinic - 8:30-12:30 in Macomb
24 - BLOCKED OPEN....didn't want to work United boys quarterfinal game
25 - @ United girls Sectional - 1 game - 6 p.m.
26 - OPEN
27 - @ United girls Sectional - 1 game - 6 p.m.
28 - OPEN

1 - OPEN

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Sunday, February 16

8:08 a.m. - Yesterday was a quiet day.  I did get a little workout in downstairs, and I did get out to fill the van up with gas and then go get a haircut.  From there I watched basketball all day and stayed off my legs.  I had to get up early this morning to let the dogs out, but then I made them go back to bed.  I was thinking about going to church today, but I think I'm going to skip that.  I need to get another stretch and workout downstairs, and then I think I'll work on the driveway, clearing the snow I didn't get to yesterday.  Then I think I'll get the HHR ready for travel and fill it up with gas.  After that I think I'll go check the mouse traps and maybe go to the casino.  After that, I'll stop by mom and dad's and pay them a visit.  The Daytona 500 is today, and there is a special SNL show that I might watch.  The cold weather is going to be settling in beginning today...temps look ridiculous for next week.

Things for School 

  • absent days for staff entered into SDS by the 15th of each month


  • contact Greg Johnson's rep - sent message on 2/6
    • get date finalized


17 - At Williamsfield girls Regional - 2 games - 6 p.m.
18 - @ Erie boys - 7 p.m. - with Peach and Wilburt
19 - OPEN
20 - at Williamsfield girls Regional - 6 p.m.
21 - OPEN

22 - OPEN
23 - WCOA Softball Clinic - 8:30-12:30 in Macomb
24 - BLOCKED OPEN....didn't want to work United boys quarterfinal game

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Saturday, February 15

6:22 a.m. - It was an early start to the morning.  Amber had me up around 4:00 a.m. to get her to the airport in time for her flight to meet her parents in Florida for the weekend.  Despite last night's snow, I got her to the airport in plenty of time.  Now I see she doesn't have any gas in her van, so I guess I'll put that task on my to-do list for the day.

I'm not sure what today is going to bring.  It's supposed to snow an additional couple of inches, so that might factor into my activities.  I also have to be considerate of the granddogs that are here.  I can't be gone all day and evening.  

Yesterday was eventful and not horrible.  I survived K,1,2 Valentines Day.  I survived the professional development.  I survived officiating.  Survive and advance.

Things for School 

  • absent days for staff entered into SDS by the 15th of each month


  • contact Greg Johnson's rep - sent message on 2/6
    • get date finalized


17 - At Williamsfield girls Regional - 2 games - 6 p.m.
18 - @ Erie boys - 7 p.m. - with Peach and Wilburt
19 - OPEN
20 - at Williamsfield girls Regional - 6 p.m.
21 - OPEN

22 - OPEN
23 - WCOA Softball Clinic - 8:30-12:30 in Macomb
24 - BLOCKED OPEN....didn't want to work United boys quarterfinal game

Friday, February 14, 2025

Friday, February 14 - Happy Valentine's Day

5:34 a.m. - A lot is happening today...but then again, that's like a lot of other days in K,1,2 land.  Today is a half day, and there is some sort of Valentines' Day celebration.  Then there is some type of math curriculum professional development thing, which could get very interesting.  Then I need to try to test out my leg and see if/how I can possibly do some basketball officiating again after having several days off.  So's going to be a big day.

Yesterday was okay.  It wasn't horrible; it wasn't great.  Cole bailed me out at the last moment and took the substitute opening I had, which helped a lot.  I did get an observation in of Ms. Winn, which was good.  Now I need to work on that.  

And I stayed off my leg last night and iced it again.  Now this morning I'm going to get in a stretch routine, and later today I'll start taking some Tylenol, and I'll hope for the best tonight.  Heavenly officiating Gods, please let me just finish the season.

Things for School 

  • absent days for staff entered into SDS by the 15th of each month


  • contact Greg Johnson's rep - sent message on 2/6
    • get date finalized


14 - @ Riverdale boys vs. MerCo - 5:30 p.m. - Shawn and Marcus
15 - OPEN - Girls Quarterfinals Begin
17 - At Williamsfield girls Regional - 2 games - 6 p.m.
18 - @ Erie boys - 7 p.m. - with Peach and Wilburt
19 - OPEN
20 - at Williamsfield girls Regional - 6 p.m.
21 - OPEN

22 - OPEN
23 - WCOA Softball Clinic - 8:30-12:30 in Macomb

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Thursday, February 13

5:43 a.m. - The snowstorm is over; the winds that started up last night died down; it's off to school we go.  I got up early today in case we were going to go, so I could shovel the driveway and get the garbage out.  And then I got back into the house and now have a teacher that needs a substitute for today.  Needless to day it's 5:43 a.m., and it's a busy day already.  I'm sure there will be some grumbles from students because it looks like temperatures are going to keep us inside instead of going outside in the snow.  Let's get through today.

Tonight is my last night off until I try to make a return to officiating.  I've been trying to stay off the leg and take care of it.  I hope I've done enough.  

Yesterday was a lot of laying around, which I was fine with.  The Harrisons left about 11 a.m., and I did clear the driveway a couple of times and went downstairs to get in a stretch routine.  Plus, the fresh snow provided an easy and nice way to give the ailing leg a good ice bath.

So now I need to get a substitute.  I don't like calling before 6 a.m., so I have a few minutes before I start to make calls.  Even calling at 6 a.m. is awkward, but I don't have much of a choice.  We need a sub, and I have to make attempts.  

Things for School 

  • absent days for staff entered into SDS by the 15th of each month


  • contact Greg Johnson's rep - sent message on 2/6
    • get date finalized


13 - REMOVED @ Sterling girs vs. Rock Island - 7 p.m. - Shawn and Marcus
14 - @ Riverdale boys vs. MerCo - 5:30 p.m. - Shawn and Marcus
15 - OPEN - Girls Quarterfinals Begin
17 - At Williamsfield girls Regional - 2 games - 6 p.m.
18 - @ Erie boys - 7 p.m. - with Peach and Wilburt
19 - OPEN
20 - at Williamsfield girls Regional - 6 p.m.
21 - OPEN

22 - OPEN
23 - WCOA Softball Clinic - 8:30-12:30 in Macomb

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Wednesday, February 12

7:42 a.m. - It's a snow day.  It's really not bad out now, but we are supposed to get snow all day long today.  Accuweather is calling for 6-10 inches of snow after it's all done tonight.  I guess I will be shoveling some snow today...good day for some exercise.  

Yesterday went okay...students were a bit crazy, but that's nothing new.  The Harrisons were over last night to have a birthday celebration for Luke and Brooklyn.  The spaghetti was good.  I did take a little ski walk yesterday, and the leg didn't feel horrible.  I have today and tomorrow to continue trying to recover and strengthen before trying the leg out again on Friday.  

Things for School 

  • absent days for staff entered into SDS by the 15th of each month


  • contact Greg Johnson's rep - sent message on 2/6
    • get date finalized


12 - REMOVED @ West Central boys vs. Princeville - 6 p.m. - Tony and Kraig
13 - REMOVED @ Sterling girs vs. Rock Island - 7 p.m. - Shawn and Marcus
14 - @ Riverdale boys vs. MerCo - 5:30 p.m. - Shawn and Marcus
15 - OPEN - Girls Quarterfinals Begin
17 - At Williamsfield girls Regional - 2 games - 6 p.m.
18 - @ Erie boys - 7 p.m. - with Peach and Wilburt
19 - OPEN
20 - at Williamsfield girls Regional - 6 p.m.
21 - OPEN

22 - Boys Quarterfinals Beg
23 - WCOA Softball Clinic - 8:30-12:30 in Macomb

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Tuesday, February 11

6:07 a.m. -  I survived yesterday, and I didn't officiate, and my leg continues to feel better, but I'm not thinking that it's getting better fast enough.  The meetings I went to yesterday were great.  First, the ROE meeting was something that allowed me to continue to pursue my knowledge of K, 1, 2, land.  After that I stopped by the unit office and got updated on the RR admin meeting I missed, and there didn't seem to be much to that either.  Then last night I survived presenting information to the BOE.  My presentation was unlike the others, but that was my point, and I wanted to present something different.

Today has all the makings of a "bad day"...we are forecasted to have a winter storm beginning Wednesday morning and to last through most of Thursday.  Not only will the students be amped up for no school; they'll be amped up for lots of snow - 5-7 inches according to the forecast.  I just want to get through the day and get home and keep working on my leg.  

Things for School 

  • absent days for staff entered into SDS by the 15th of each month


  • contact Greg Johnson's rep - sent message on 2/6
    • get date finalized


11 - REMOVED @ ROWVA boys vs. Ridgewood - 6 p.m. - Shawn and Marcus
12 - REMOVED @ West Central boys vs. Princeville - 6 p.m. - Tony and Kraig
13 - REMOVED @ Sterling girs vs. Rock Island - 7 p.m. - Shawn and Marcus
14 - @ Riverdale boys vs. MerCo - 5:30 p.m. - Shawn and Marcus
15 - OPEN - Girls Quarterfinals Begin
17 - At Williamsfield girls Regional - 2 games - 6 p.m.
18 - @ Erie boys - 7 p.m. - with Peach and Wilburt
19 - OPEN
20 - at Williamsfield girls Regional - 6 p.m.
21 - OPEN

22 - Boys Quarterfinals Beg
23 - WCOA Softball Clinic - 8:30-12:30 in Macomb

Monday, February 10, 2025

Monday, February 10

5:57 a.m. - It's Monday, and I'm not starting my day off at ICE today.  Instead, I'm going to Hamilton Elementary for an ROE principals' meeting.  Then I'm going to ICE.  I hope the day starts well, but they will have to figure it out.

Yesterday, postseason assignments were released.  Per the norm, I start out in Class 1A at Williamsfield.  Marcus and Shawn are going to the Peoria area, as is Jason.  Tad and Robbie are going to Rock Island.  I guess I'm just the little guy, but at least I was assigned something.  Now I just have to get my leg in shape.

Also yesterday, I work on my leg again while watching the Super Bowl, and the Super Bowl was a Super Dud.  The Eagles killed the Chiefs.  It wasn't much of a game at all.

Things for School 

  • absent days for staff entered into SDS by the 15th of each month


  • contact Greg Johnson's rep - sent message on 2/6
    • get date finalized


10 - BOE meeting

11 - REMOVED @ ROWVA boys vs. Ridgewood - 6 p.m. - Shawn and Marcus
12 - REMOVED @ West Central boys vs. Princeville - 6 p.m. - Tony and Kraig
13 - REMOVED @ Sterling girs vs. Rock Island - 7 p.m. - Shawn and Marcus
14 - @ Riverdale boys vs. MerCo - 5:30 p.m. - Shawn and Marcus
15 - OPEN - Girls Quarterfinals Begin
17 - At Williamsfield girls Regional - 2 games - 6 p.m.
18 - @ Erie boys - 7 p.m. - with Peach and Wilburt
19 - OPEN
20 - at Williamsfield girls Regional - 6 p.m.
21 - OPEN

22 - Boys Quarterfinals Beg
23 - WCOA Softball Clinic - 8:30-12:30 in Macomb

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Sunday, February 9

7:59 a.m. - I'm not feeling the greatest.  My lungs have junk in them - good old-fashioned chest cold, and it' not breaking up yet.  I may go back to bed this morning because I didn't sleep through the night - often waking up to a coughing fit.  

Yesterday was an okay day.  We went to Brooklyn's and Brinley's game and then stopped at Huffman's to get a few things.  And then I stayed home and watched TV.  Iowa lost, Illinois won, and Duke lost...not a bad day of basketball viewing.  

Today, I'm just focused on watching the Super Bowl...that's about it.

I think I may try to work on my bathroom sink, it's clogging up and needs a good cleaning.  

Things for School 

  • absent days for staff entered into SDS by the 15th of each month


  • contact Greg Johnson's rep - sent message on 2/6
    • get date finalized


10 - BOE meeting

11 - REMOVED @ ROWVA boys vs. Ridgewood - 6 p.m. - Shawn and Marcus
12 - REMOVED @ West Central boys vs. Princeville - 6 p.m. - Tony and Kraig
13 - REMOVED @ Sterling girs vs. Rock Island - 7 p.m. - Shawn and Marcus
14 - @ Riverdale boys vs. MerCo - 5:30 p.m. - Shawn and Marcus
15 - OPEN - Girls Quarterfinals Begin
17 - OPEN
18 - @ Kewanee boys vs. Mendota - 7 p.m. - Shawn and Marcus
19 - OPEN
20 - OPEN
21 - OPEN

22 - Boys Quarterfinals Beg
23 - WCOA Softball Clinic - 8:30-12:30 in Macomb