5:24 a.m. - Yesterday I was able to finish the ditch weeds and mow the dryer part of the swamp. We then went to Tucker's game and then went to the casino for supper and slot play. No, I wasn't a winner, which makes me a loser. All of this was after softball at North Scott. Today it's softball at Muscatine. And after that I'm not sure what I'm doing.
Last night the big news on the cable news talk shows was President Trump's federal indictment. Now of course the Republican followers are calling all this politically motivated. It's quite amusing watching the coverage. FoxNews is focusing its efforts on Hunter Biden. Last night Marjorie Taylor Green was a guest on Laura Ingram's show. The credibility of those two people is laughable, but there they are blasting away. If Hunter Biden or any Biden did something corrupt, I hope they are called out and prosecuted. Trump, Biden, whoever....our leaders aren't above the law. Bring up the charges; give the defendants their day in court, and allow a jury of their peers to make judgement.
Things to do
- pick up shirts at Burke's
- fix the gas leak on the weed cutter
- post a Loud Thunder answer of the week
- send $100 check to Wilbur Bogart - 37675 HWY E, Green Ridge, MO 65332
- pay bills - Country Insurance and NW Mutual
- June 23-24-25-26 -- Springfield trip - Double J https://doublejcampground.com/ -$62.00 per day
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