
Saturday, July 9, 2022

Saturday, July 9

6:37 a.m. - Yesterday was special.  Carmen and I went to see Mr. Kargl at NW Mutual.  I wanted to get her started thinking about long term financial planning.  My intention wasn't to get her to purchase or commit to anything...just to get her in touch with someone I know to get her and her husband started.  Then after that, we completed a to-do item and picked up some liquid chlorine.  And then after that we went to The Olive Garden and had a nice lunch, which she insisted on paying for a birthday present for me.  The little things like that from your children are priceless.  It wasn't a bad day to do all of this because it was cloudy and then rainy for most of our adventure.  After that we stopped by the farm to visit awhile with Grandma Cathy and Grandpa Jim.  Then it was just a little hang out time at the house with more conversation and stories and laughs.  It really was a nice day...even longer for Carmen since she drove from her home in Fort Madison to get here.  I love that girl.

Today the weather will hopefully cooperate a little better.  The big project today is to do a little maintenance work on the pool motor.  This job should be a little easier and simpler since I had some work done on the electrical hookups to the motor.  I can't say I'm excited about doing this, but I am interested to see if the process is a little simpler.  Amber is headed off to the Farmer's Market while I'm doing this, and I think the Harrison grandchildren may be making a visit.

The rest of the day will depend on the length of visit from the grandchildren, but I may be working more on the camper and truck.  I'd really like to see how waxing the nose may help bring a little life back to the finish.  I'm not expecting brand new look, but I was hoping to lessen the fading effect a little.

1:14 p.m. - update -- I'm not sure the "wash-n-wax stuff" I bought really is much more than soap.  I'll wait until tomorrow to see if there is a noticeable difference.  I just did the bottom of the nose to see if I can tell anything different. I did wash all of the camper, which was a little bit of work, especially using the magic eraser to get the bugs and tar specs off.  Only Brinley came this morning, so there weren't all of the grandchildren.  Tucker and Rosie are here now, so I'm going to go out to the pool with them next.  I did get my bills written out and mailed, and I did go to the bank and make a little deposit.  I also cleaned out the truck and the bed box and reorganized my tools.  It's been a productive day so far.  I'm now drinking a beverage, and it's tasting good.

Things to do

    • fill extra gas can with fuel for the SD trip
    • vacuum the truck out and put tools in bed
    • make sure to have
      • receipts of reservations
      • checkbook
      • medicine and toiletries bag
      • charging wires
      • wallet
      • both sets of keys for truck and camper
    • check air pressure in camper tires
  • write out and mail bills for - NW mutual and Edg. Water and VISA
  • put new seals in the pool motor

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