
Friday, July 1, 2022

Friday, July 1

6:13 a.m. - Five games yesterday was a bit much, but I got through it.  My partner last night at Burlington was amazing.  He made me look like an old man.  He was younger, slimmer, and a college guy, so his mechanics were awesome.  I didn't get off the field until 9:30 last night.  The morning games with Jason went fine, and then we went to A Guy and A Grill and had lunch.  In between games I did go check out Geode Park, but I wasn't impressed.  It would not be a place I would be interested in staying if we wanted to camp close to Tyler and Carmen in Fort Madison.

My truck is done, so that's good.  I need to go get it this morning and get the Eagle all hooked up to have a peaceful relaxing weekend at Loud Thunder.  I found out yesterday that the Bakers are supposed to get their trailer back and should be able to go too.

Things to do

  • get more liquid chlorine from Central Pool
  • get firewood from Shawn's
  • Tyler Kargl appointment with Carmen
  • get a haircut
  • pick up officiating shoes
  • HHR oil change
  • get truck back from Slayden's
  • make sure National Passes are in camper/truck
  • put new seals in the pool motor
  • July 6 - 9 a.m. - association meeting


Fri., July 1 through Monday, July 4 - camping at Loud Thunder

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