We're back! Actually, we were back yesterday, but we didn't arrive until mid-morning. After that, it was basically a pool day. Today, I'm going to mow the backyard because my neighbor Brandon mowed the rest of the yard, which was obviously very kind. After mowing the yard, it's probably going to be another pool day before we go to Kourtney's for a get-together at 5 p.m. I think I will also do a quick vacuum of the pool.
9:12 p.m. - I got the yard mowed, and then it was pretty much a pool and party day. We swam with a variety of folks until 4 p.m., went and checked in Kenzi's dogs, and then went to Ava's birthday party. I'm tired now, and would like to go to bed, but there are a variety of fireworks going off in the neighborhood.
Things that I NOW think about with the coronavirus. (7/4)
This is the first edit in a few days since coming back from a camping trip, and I was surprised that positive cases are nearing 1,000 in Rock Island County. That seems to be a faster increase rate compared to last weekend. Hospitalizations in Illinois appear to be continuing to go down, so that's good.
- Stats
- February 29 was the first reported positive case in Illinois.
- March 20, there were 585 reported positive cases.
- As of May 29 (3 months), there were 120,260 positive cases and 5,390 deaths.
- As of June 29 (4 months), there were 142, 461 positive cases and 6,902 deaths.
- hospitalizations - ***
- hospitalizations - 334
- hospitalizations - 336
- YESTERDAY - 996 positive cases; 29 deaths
- TODAY - 1,018 positive cases; 29 deaths
Possible Campground Sites
- Geneseo Campground
- Spring Lake Park - Macomb
- Scott County Park
- Close down accounts at Service Plus, including credit card.
- Go to US Adventure RV - Brady Street
- connection to the grill gas hose
- gas tank
- water tank
- funnels for both gas and water
- 50 outlet to 30 plug converter
- Apply to Black Hawk State Bank for credit card.
- Fix the lock on the toolbox on the GMC.
- Paint the shed.
- Put dirt around utility square by shed.
- Print off copies of Trailer and GMC loans.
- Continue working on restoring the channel of the ditch.
- Wack the wetland weeds.
- Get the Dodge to Eric.
- Replace seals and gaskets in the pool motor.
Prayer for My Heart
Holy Spirit...
Help me have...
a pure heart, that I may see thee;a humble heart, that I may hear you;
a heart of love, that I may serve you;
a heart of faith, that I may abide in you.
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