7:21 a.m. - We took the camper out to Loud Thunder for a couple of nights, and we returned yesterday to catch our breath before heading out to Tennessee tomorrow morning. Yesterday, I worked on the yard all day long, which included a repair to my tractor. Something happened with the deck which caused the belt to break, so I had to replace that. Work continues on the fence in the backyard, which is going to add to the amount of push mowing that I encounter when mowing. Today, I need to clean the pool, and I need to pack clothes for the trip to Tennessee. I'm glad we are headed there instead of one of our other options which was Corpus Christi. Right now there is a hurricane headed there.
Things that I NOW think about with the coronavirus. (7/25)
The south is a mess; it's like NYC was in April. Doctors are starting to sign petitions to shut down the country and start over with lockdowns. UGH. It seems like Rock Island County and Illinois are doing okay. And if we are doing okay and much of the rest of the country is not, why would we change what we are doing now - which includes not opening schools.
- Stats
- February 29 was the first reported positive case in Illinois.
- March 20, there were 585 reported positive cases.
- As of May 29 (3 months), there were 120,260 positive cases and 5,390 deaths.
- As of June 29 (4 months), there were 142, 461 positive cases and 6,902 deaths.
- hospitalizations - __
- hospitalizations - 325
- hospitalizations - 341
- YESTERDAY - 1,431 positive cases; 30 deaths
- TODAY - 1,437 positive cases; 30 deaths
- Fix light over the microwave - DONE
- Clean the pool- DONE
- Get paperwork done for Cole. - DONE
- Paint the shed.
- Continue working on restoring the channel of the ditch.
- Replace seals and gaskets in the pool motor.
- Possible Campground Sites
- Spring Lake Park - Macomb
- Scott County Park
Prayer for My Heart
Holy Spirit...
Help me have...
a pure heart, that I may see thee;a humble heart, that I may hear you;
a heart of love, that I may serve you;
a heart of faith, that I may abide in you.
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